Wicked Zombies


Alright boys and girls, this one's simple. If you had to choose between living in either Nazi Germany or Communist Russia, Nazi Germany ruled by Hitler and Communist Russia ruled by Stalin, which would you chose? Think carefully.

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LOL pick a book for what? Cuz I speak my mind bro? Maybe you should stop living in your lil commie fantasy world son. Just because someone doesnt agree with your mindset they have to be wrong or misinformed? So tell me what exactly did I say to rattle your sabre man. I cant have a little fun a crack a lil joke dude? Lighten up and loosen up that lil soviet uniform of yours man!

dont sweat it bro. i know you were having some fun. its all cool.

Grow up little boy- i am not your brother and YOU are the only joke i see- you really need to do your research before you write something i have no soviet uniform and i do not live in a fantasy world - of course i know you would never confront me face to face but would rather try to type tough
and in that fact i tire of you wasting my time

^ _^ Oh threats. It only shows how entranced you are with the idea of communism and it's history. Honestly, you should probably ditch the idea that Communism is a good idea, unless you don't believe the people are the most important thing, and instead your own personal power is. That, and that all of your people should live in fear of your totalitarian dictatorship.

i dont threaten people little taint i only tell the truth

Little? I thought we were all equal. Or at least that's what you've been saying.

I'm not trying to stir shit up. Though, Fennek, it's nice that you still have some kind of 'hate' for me. ^ _^ But the insults aren't working. I came back onto WZ with the thought since I'd been reading up on some old information I had and figured I'd ask what people would prefer. I think both choices are bad, and chances are I would be executed in either situation, but still I have to think that everyone should be able to voice their opinion on what they would have chosen.

i will put it simple so all of you "un-evolved"  if not brainwashed children kan understand- READ VERY KAREFULLY AND LET IT SINK IN- if you are against socialism then you are against equality 

Yeah, except Russia's Socialism back when Stalin was in control was equality in poverty and abuse. Not equality in prosper and enjoyment.

Picture isn't there.

picky picky picky 


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