A new security gig which is a walking distance from where I live, M-F and working nearly 10 hours, but gonna be making good money. Yeah, FB are real snowflakes and I tried to fight this, but no luck. How've you been doing lately?
Hey. Yeah I have been. I just got a new job with better pay and health insurance. Also, I'm in Facebook jail for a derogatory comment that wasn't that serious so I'm banned till late August. Blech!
Hay, yeah it has been some time. As for how I'm doing, life keeps kicking us all in the teeth so all you can do is keep on keeping on. Mother nature doesn't care about race creed or color, she is a psychopathic homicidal bitch that will kill us at her leisure, and in the most interesting way.. LOL. Hope all is well for you and yours. Hugs, Sherry.
My writing has been going slow as of late. My father has had a few strokes and it has made his dementia worse. I'm hoping to have a couple of books done within the next few months. I want to write book two in The Dead and The Living. Its just hard finding time to write. Thank you for asking and checking in on me.
Recently my best friend, and fellow prepper/zombie apoc ally passed away. He had no family at all. Covid-19 had been rough, and he was unable to find work, so i've been helping him. but the diabetes was getting worse, and now we suspect he had an undiagnosed cancer.
i am struggling to get him cremated and to pay funeral costs, because without any family, i can't make any decisions for him.
I hear you. This could go on for the next couple of years if people don't wise up. I discovered some nice small indy theaters in Brooklyn like the one we went to to Dwayne's Troma film fest. I also have a feeling Halloween will be cancelled this year.
for some, yes. for me, i'm having the time of my fucking life. this is history in progress and we're learning exponential amounts of information on human behavior.
Yeah, it's been a while since we met up and plus this was the first time I ever went to White Plains so I had to take baby steps. The convention was cool. It was sad to see Sid Haig at a fragile state, but at least I got to meet him one more time. I hope they have another convention with more horror guest. Ernie Hudson was suppose to show, but had to cancel. I'll definitely keep you posted if another one comes. I never been to the Alamo, but like to visit if you got ideas for us NY members to meet up. I'm always on the look out for indy horror flicks from IFC Center, Cinema Village, etc.
Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
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yeah, just getting a lot of the roaming thoughts outta my mind, heh. you?
A new security gig which is a walking distance from where I live, M-F and working nearly 10 hours, but gonna be making good money. Yeah, FB are real snowflakes and I tried to fight this, but no luck. How've you been doing lately?
Hey. Yeah I have been. I just got a new job with better pay and health insurance. Also, I'm in Facebook jail for a derogatory comment that wasn't that serious so I'm banned till late August. Blech!
goddamned right
Thats what it feels like!!!
It certainly has been awhile dear... All the way back to LZ days
Hay, yeah it has been some time. As for how I'm doing, life keeps kicking us all in the teeth so all you can do is keep on keeping on. Mother nature doesn't care about race creed or color, she is a psychopathic homicidal bitch that will kill us at her leisure, and in the most interesting way.. LOL. Hope all is well for you and yours. Hugs, Sherry.
My writing has been going slow as of late. My father has had a few strokes and it has made his dementia worse. I'm hoping to have a couple of books done within the next few months. I want to write book two in The Dead and The Living. Its just hard finding time to write. Thank you for asking and checking in on me.
Yeah, we'll have to see.
yes, many stories indeed, my friend :D
i am doing... ok.
Recently my best friend, and fellow prepper/zombie apoc ally passed away. He had no family at all. Covid-19 had been rough, and he was unable to find work, so i've been helping him. but the diabetes was getting worse, and now we suspect he had an undiagnosed cancer.
i am struggling to get him cremated and to pay funeral costs, because without any family, i can't make any decisions for him.
it's lots of red tape.
how are ya'll doing?
I hear you. This could go on for the next couple of years if people don't wise up. I discovered some nice small indy theaters in Brooklyn like the one we went to to Dwayne's Troma film fest. I also have a feeling Halloween will be cancelled this year.
Hey. As much as possible. Dealing with anxieties with this whole pandemic and our government being bat-shit crazy. How about you?
for some, yes. for me, i'm having the time of my fucking life. this is history in progress and we're learning exponential amounts of information on human behavior.
yeah, things are different. i'm trying to post here what's going on as i sort it out.
Hey. Hanging in there dealing with this nightmare. How about you?
existence is wild. got TONS going on that i need to post here. pix, stories, etc. spc case is dead, so we're gonna have to work with that, lol.
very well. back from the dead, it would seem. and you?
Yeah, it's been a while since we met up and plus this was the first time I ever went to White Plains so I had to take baby steps. The convention was cool. It was sad to see Sid Haig at a fragile state, but at least I got to meet him one more time. I hope they have another convention with more horror guest. Ernie Hudson was suppose to show, but had to cancel. I'll definitely keep you posted if another one comes. I never been to the Alamo, but like to visit if you got ideas for us NY members to meet up. I'm always on the look out for indy horror flicks from IFC Center, Cinema Village, etc.
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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive
Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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