Well Ghouls and Boils,
I'm sorry I haven't been around in the last few days. But I did get my tax check back and have been getting everything caught up. Paid rent for the entire year. Which saves me around $200.00 a month and I got all my other bills caught up. After that, I went out and spent $1100 on 2 PS3 systems and games. Which I got the PS3 for me and one for my little one. I call him little, but he'll be 8 this month.
I also bought the wife a new computer. Got plugs, plug wires and brakes for the car. After that, took the family out for a nice dinner and we went home and I spent the rest of the night hooking PS3 systems up...(LOL)
Now with the extra money throughout the year, I can begin to build MY perfect zombie apocalypse pack and arsenal.
But the reason I haven't been on for awhile is because I love video games and have been playing with my new toy...(LOL)
And like most men, play and play...(LOL)
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Aaah, it wasn't much. Especially when you prioritize everything. We ended up putting and doing everything we had and needed done first then after that everyone got something they wanted. I got the PS3 for myself. I actually wanted one for a while and I needed a Blu-Ray/DVD player, so with the PS3 able to do both plus play games, I think I killed 3 birds with one stone. (LOL) And since my little one like playing games like I do, since I was able to get him a PS3 w/ Black Ops 2, we play online together. And he really thinks he's badass...But hey, his aunt also plays Black Ops 2 so when we can get her to play with us, he really thinks he's doing something. And listening to him talk shit, (without cussing) is so funny. Specially when a room full of adults can get be so cool in helping him learn how to do things within the game. But of course the rule is he can only be online and in the same room with daddy or when daddy is online. But he's really getting into Skylanders which gives me a break. Something about that game and being able to level up these action figures for the game really keeps him busy. Plus it gives me a break so I can play my games....
Now for my games, I love the Assassine's Creed games. As for this new one, AC3, I'm a little disappointed in that the actions within this games. The hidden blades in which Altair and Ezio used in the previous Assassine's Creed games, were way better then the new ones they have placed in the new AC3. As for the speed of the Assassine in which you play, the actions are slow. Altair and Ezio were lightening fast, this new guy is slow and the game play was totally revamped which even adds to the difficulty in the play. But of course, no matter how pissed off it makes me I keep fighting to finish the game. Which I don't even think I'm close to being half way done. Hell I just now reach the Boston Tea section. Which of course this timeline within this Assassine's Creed is during the Revolutionary war....
I also got Dead Island, which I still haven't made it past the first encounter. For some reason I just haven't figured out why the women in the game can't fight the infected off bare hands. I've tried, I just think I'm missing something and I just aint figured it out. I will after I get it back from my little one...(LOL)
But anyways, Looks like people around here are really starting to take notice of some of the things I've been telling them. A few in the apartments have started talking to me about figuring out a way to hold our places when the SHTF.
SO far we have come up with some pretty good plans in fortifying the building, it's just that most of us aint figured out how to secure the main doors to the building. Granted they're steel doors, but they swing out to open. So once we figure this problem out, to keep those unwanted bastards out, we should be ok for awhile.
But it's late and I'm getting tired. So I'm going to end this for now and get some sleep....Later Gaotrs.....
you must've had one hell of a refund lol...damn man
That's so BADASS bro...I know you are excited...
Wish you the of luck and hope everything turns out in your favor...
dont feel bad bro. i been kinda tardy myself but for a whole new reason. i been tardy because i been riding the NVC's asses to move forward with my wife's case. and guess what??? IT WORKED!!! lmao! they now pushed it forward and is in the hands of the consulates office in ANKARA. the capitol city of Turkey. so now all we need do is wait on the consulates office to arrange for Yeliz's interview date and we are home free. my wife can board the plane and join me here in the USA. ;-)
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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