Wicked Zombies


How long would zombies REALLY be around?

I was thinking this when I first saw Resident Evil 3, the movie, when its presumably some years after raccoon city.

Now think about it? They're dead, so they are CONSTANTLY decomposing, given the open air, walking around being constantly subjected to the elements. How long do you think the vast majority would last? 50-100 years? And I'm talking about all the zombies that get up on Z-day. Of course there'd be new ones as people died, but the vast majority that got up on that day. You'd just probably have to wait 'em out for a generation or two, and destroy the body of the newly dead to end the cycle. Given two centuries, i'd say it'd be zombie free?

Whatcha think?

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Comment by Komrad Venessa Wicked☭ on December 11, 2020 at 10:29pm

I often wonder the same thing.

When you see movies they either live for all eternity or die of hunger.

This should be the focus of a new movie or documentary. 

Comment by Todd on June 3, 2009 at 8:25pm
Yeah, a good point with respect to feeding, as in, what purpose does it serve. Hadn't thought of the supernatural angle, but if there's a way to resurrect them magically, the reverse is also true, balance in all things and such. One of the natural laws of magic, buddy. :D
Comment by Komrad Sunyak on June 3, 2009 at 7:31pm
The above statement is from a biological viewpoint. If the zombies are resurrected by supernatural forces, such as Voodoo or demonic possession, they could live forever.
Comment by Komrad Sunyak on June 3, 2009 at 7:26pm
I believe it would take less time. Flesh rots to the bone in one year(I looked it up, I know i'm a dweeb). In fifty years the bones are brittle enough to crumble. What I'm wondering is this: do zombies slow down their rate of decay by feeding? I think if they are starved, they will have a shorter deadspan. These would be the variables to look at but a zombie outbreak should only last a few years. Thats more than enough time to ravish the earth.

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