Wicked Zombies


Today in class, we were studying embryology, and at one point the lecturer mentioned that when a woman has a child after the age of 40, it's very likely that the child would be born with Down syndrome. Now this is a genetic disorder, caused by changes in number of chromosomes. Basically, it's a mutation, and it causes physical abnormalities. My hypothesis for today is that zombification can be caused by genetic mutation, much like Down syndrome or sickle cell anaemia. What if there is a mutation- a change in the DNA sequence or number of chromosomes- that brings about physical and mental features in persons, later on in their life, which would allow us to classify them as "zombies"? It is a very vague idea, I must admit, because of a few glitches: factors that may cause such a mutation, like radiation or disease, and how these could bring about such a drastic genetic anomaly. Also, most babies born with serious genetic disorders die very early in life (a few days, or weeks maybe), and even if they do survive, in a case like this, zombification would not be contagious.

Ok, ok, I just sat back for a minutes and analysed this, and I came up with something else. Now, scientists have found that genes could be "switched on or off". We would need an external factor to bring about that change spontaneously, so perhaps radiation of a high degree. there would be that single gene that, when switched on, would cause zombie-like features. Or maybe if a gene was to be switched off. That's possible, right?

I don't know, I'm typing these things right off the top of my head. I have a headache right now anyway.

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Comment by Cher on September 26, 2012 at 5:43pm

ok that rotting flesh in the zombie's mouth thing is grossing me out o.O and its great that we could reach so many people, but do we know that the people we reach truly believe as well? i seriously think the vast majority sees this topic as a fictitious fable.

Comment by KOMRAD RHINO☭ on September 26, 2012 at 2:17pm

i forgot one more note. when it comes to people who believe. here at Wicked Zombies. we have some of the most hard core zombie people on the internet to date. and we as individuals know others that come here and check out things to. so be it in blogs or discussions. we reach a lot of people. then there are the authors. and the ones who are members of more then one zombie or survival sites. so we have a huge outreach. lol.

Comment by KOMRAD RHINO☭ on September 26, 2012 at 2:07pm

LMAO!! i had been thinking of the whole bite/spread factor for a couple of days now. and as i thought about it. that one was the most plausible of them. the first two for obvious reasons. the bacteria in the mouth and the bacteria in a zombies mouth. but then i looked at a bite as a whole. if it does not remove a chunk of flesh. its basically a nasty puncture wound. and when teeth like human teeth bite into things. bite of what we eat get stuck between them. so now we have the zombie. he has the bacteria from a normal human mouth combined with that of his own decomposing body. then marry that with the rotting flesh stuck between the zombies teeth and what do you get? a person doomed to die in 2 days or less and another zombie in the ranks of the undead if not destroyed.

Comment by Cher on September 26, 2012 at 1:09pm

" the human mouth is the second most toxic environment in the world. the Komodo Dragon holds the title for #1 most toxic mouth in the world. now take the second most toxic mouth in the world and put it in the mouth of a slowly rotting reanimated corpse. now you have your spread factor. between the naturally toxic bacteria in the human mouth and the bacteria from decomposing human flesh. then add the decomposing flesh left behind in a bite wound from prior victims. is it any wonder why a person dies between 24 to 48 hours after a minor bite to the hand or arm let alone a bite to an area where a major artery is?"

i am SO stealing this genius idea :D like, wow, i came up with a ton about how it could spread, but dang son! we need more people to know about this. people who believe, and also understand, and also have power and renown..... where the shit do we find people like that???

Comment by KOMRAD RHINO☭ on September 26, 2012 at 2:49am

this runs along with something i thought of once but is also the bases for George Romero's Night of the Living Dead. RADIATION. what if we are already contaminated? we just need that special dose of radiation to set things in motion. in his first movie. COSMIC RADIATION bombarding the earth was the whole reason the dead arose to eat the living. but being we eat, drink and breath all kinds of chemicals and pollutants daily. whats to say we are not the carriers of the majority of the zombie plague and only in need of that final ingredient? i mean think about the human body as a whole. what does it do? it runs on oxygen from the air, proteins in the food we eat, and also stores a certain degree of these things to ensure we stay running during and after sleep so we can replenish upon waking. so being our bodies store elements from the food and drink we eat. whats to say we are not storing any of the chemicals used to preserve this food we eat to? the chemicals we drink in things like coffee, tea, soda pops of all kinds. then the air we breath. whats to say our bodies dont store some of the pollutants we breath daily? things like gas fumes from gas stations, carbon monoxides from the exhaust pipes of all motor vehicles on the road, and when a house or building catches fire can bring on a whole list of toxins you can breath that would take all night to list. now add all this to a good dose of radiation and what do you got? dead storage cells coming back to life to feed on the living. ZOMBIES! now for the spread factor. say a man gets bitten on the hand fighting off a reanimated corps. the human mouth is the second most toxic environment in the world. the Komodo Dragon holds the title for #1 most toxic mouth in the world. now take the second most toxic mouth in the world and put it in the mouth of a slowly rotting reanimated corpse. now you have your spread factor. between the naturally toxic bacteria in the human mouth and the bacteria from decomposing human flesh. then add the decomposing flesh left behind in a bite wound from prior victims. is it any wonder why a person dies between 24 to 48 hours after a minor bite to the hand or arm let alone a bite to an area where a major artery is? a lot of people couldnt get the spread factor. but i thought about this a long time and even last night and this is what i came up with at the top of my head writing this. lol.

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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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