Wicked Zombies


I have a hypothesis zombification could be as a result of a highly infectious virus. This does make a lot of sense, from a biologist’s point of view. Let’s call the virus ZAIDS. With this hypothesis, the virus works just like the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), where it enters the bloodstream, attaches itself to the white blood cells and releases its genetic material into the cell. Basically, the white blood cell would now begin to produce the DNA of HIV, and so more members of the virus are created, with the human cell being the controlled host. Only thing is that for zombies, the brain would have to be taken over, so the ZAIDS virus would enter the brain cells and do the same thing. Think of it this way: the viruses enslave the brain cells to produce their offspring. Of course, all severe viruses (or all infectious viruses for that matter) have epic physical bodily effects, and because ZAIDS would attack the central nervous system (brain), there would be effects all over the body, you know, cuz the brain controls all. One such effect could be multiple organ dysfunction, since brain signals to the vital organs would be warped or stop completely. Also there would be severe mental disorder, which leads to their wacko behaviour. To me, it seems plausible, but hey, it’s still a hypothesis.

Please, don’t contract ZAIDS.

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Comment by Cher on September 24, 2012 at 11:06am

aw shit... its like, a supervirus or something. thinking about it from a biologist's point of view... combining retroviruses and exposing the active forms to the internal environment of the human body... u know, these viruses already have detrimental effects of their own, so ultimately the body wont be able to withstand the effects of a compound virus. which means that zombies wouldnt have a very long life span... well thats an advantage :D lol but the idea of a super- no, ultravirus, freaks me out.

Comment by KOMRAD RHINO☭ on September 24, 2012 at 9:05am

the government would be our more likely culprit because they have the people. its just they have them working in different areas. like one group of geniuses working on the HIV portion. then when they are done. have another group work on the spread factor by combining the HIV base with the flu or common colds contagiousness factor. then once done there. have another group add the rabies or meningitis factors to do the brain damage. i figure they will break it up this way so no one person or group of people will figure out what they are making. that whole plausible deniability thing the government loves. and if they ever manage to make this cocktail work. i would not count on the rabies shot working. i figure with all those viruses being combined into one that all other vaccines and preventative medicines will be null and void.

Comment by Cher on September 24, 2012 at 8:35am

dude, you're right...... my God its so possible its scary... meh, i wont catch the rabies part though, im vaccinated :P but anyway, for that to happen, it would have to be artificially concocted, and the government to pull that off would need some really awesome scientists, cuz they have to find a way to bind each of the viruses together, without destroying their molecular structures, and also without each virus disrupting the other's natural interactive, motive, reproductive mechanisms.

Comment by KOMRAD RHINO☭ on September 24, 2012 at 2:15am

it would make sense that it would start with a base virus like HIV. its a strong and very resistant virus making it a great base virus. but i think it would also have to bond with a faster spreading virus to to make things spread like in the movies. something like influenza or the common cold. i wouldnt rule out a mix of both to make it very contagious. and to finish the cocktail. add a touch of rabies to it so it has the ability to control the brain or at the very least infect it. maybe meningitis at the very least. definitely something a government lab can cook up in its viral weapon research facilities that they want us to think does not exist. lol.  

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