Wicked Zombies


sightings and encounters

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taken from the website: Ghosts of america

happened in the small town of butler tn.

My mom and dad use to live in a real haunted house. They always referred to the House as the gastian Shaw house. The Man was married and his wife was ill and my dad's sister Irene use to stay there and take care of her.
Then she died and all of her clothes were left hanging in her bedroom and her bedroom door was hard to open and close because it hung up on the carpet and so they left the door closed. One night someone opened the Gate and came walking up to the door and knocked on the door.
My dad thought it was one of his Brothers and he told them to come on in but no one would come in. They just knocked again and this time my dad thought that one of his Brothers were playing tricks on him so my dad told them to stop playing games and to come on in but they knocked again.

This time my dad opened the door and no one was there but he could hear someone walking and he followed them around the House in the Moon light and could hear them walking and then the Moon light was gone and
he got very scared and decided to get back around to the house.
There was never any exclamation for who or what it was.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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