Wicked Zombies


From A Zombie Point Of View... 


It's kind of my job to study D Day theories of all kinds and the 2012 one is a big one. Running a site like this you would presume that I have a digital watch stapled to my arm with Dec 12, 2012 set on it but that is not quite me. I don't think that some day the zombies are going to come beating down the door and there is no stopping it. I think they could. I think that all the scientific evidence that I have researched has told me that the existence of zombies is more plausible then most people presume it is. I also think that most people who think I am crazy for thinking that aren't acknowledging the second part of the foreboding stories we were told as a kid. The story itself was made to scare the crap out of you and if it was a good one then it did just that. The  thing that happened after that though was your mom told you ( just as I would to my son until he is old enough to understand things without being completely freaked out ) ITS NOT REAL... and everything is fine. That it was just trying to scare you but it was all MADE UP... You take that comfort into adulthood so far where you think it's so ridiculous that someone has to be crazy to even say the words. Not to leave the other side out or anything. There are some crazy ass nut balls who thing if the winds even blows up there cammo skirts the wrong way then the next end of the world scenario has began and its time to head down to our bunkers and hand our 6 year old the grenades. These guys equally  need that reality check. This is where my next Velma theory lies... SOMEWHERE in the middle of all that mess. 
So join me in the grey area please and give this some thought. 

There are so many different theories on 2012 that I lost count. ( Not even going into how many times the world has been predicted to end on a specific date in the past and did not. ) Though to give you a general idea I will list a few. This list will very in the AND / OR ASPECT because a lot of things have been told to happen together.

The Nostradamus theory...


Okay while I'm not going to give you everything about him ( If you want to know and don't already then look it up! ) I will give you a brief description of his prediction history. 
  •     Nostradamus predicted both world wars. 
  •      18 quatrains which he wrote as prophesies were related to the Third World War. 
  •     Nostradamus wrote in total 950 quatrains. 
  •     In 60 of them Nostradamus describes our time associated with the appearance of the Messianic figure. 
I advise you go into more detail. Its pretty interesting. You also need to understand that if you do look it up ( and the thing that struck me the most ) he does not come right out and say this will happen on this date currently. None of them do. There are some pretty scary similarities to what he says and histories events though. The one about 2012 states that around that tie there will be some earth CHANGING events. It says ( like most of the others ) that there will be some less dramatic but still dramatic events leading up to this CHANGE. Another thing to note that others seam to point out a lot is that is also where his predictions end.

The Mayan Calender Theory...


Okay... Again not the whole apple but a big enough bite to get you started. There is a Mayan colander that has been SAID TO OF predicted many things in our history. 
  •     The Mayans predicted the destruction of their kingdom. 
  •     Well, the Mayans were damn well at figuring out when eclipses and such would happen. 
  •     They are said to have predicted 911
  •     But the fact remains that the Mayans had at least 17 different synchronized calendars and their astronomy was very advanced for their time...  
December 2012 marks the conclusion of a time period in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. There is a strong tradition of "world ages" in Mayan literature, but the record has been distorted, leaving several possibilities open to interpretation. Which is why this next part gets looked passed a lot! THERE ARE DATES MENTIONED ON THE MAYAN COLANDER PAST THE 2012 PROPHECY! Look it up for yourself and stop relying on internet nuts ( LIKE ME! *GIGGLE WINK* )  or the greedy guys trying to sell some books. Always check your research! Otherwise you end up letting others make an ass out of you! Plus the Mayans where just people. Maybe they just ran out of paper or got detracted, board or complacent and just forgot to make the calender for the next time period. Oh I'll just do that tomorrow... OOPS! Damn Now I'm Extinct! Man is my boss at the calendar store going be pissed at me! OH! WAIT! NO! He is extinct to now! WAHOO! Dodged that bullet! LOL

Web Bot...


Web Bot, or the Web Bot Project, refers to an internet bot software program that is claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the Internet. It was created in 1997, originally to predict stock market trends. The creator of the Web Bot Project, Clif High, along with his associate George Ure, who call themselves "The Time Monks", keep the technology and largely secret and sell the predictions via the website. 
  •     The Web Bot is claimed to have predicted several events prior to them occurring, most notably the September 11 attacks and the 2003 Northeastern United States blackout. 
  •     The History Channel has discussed Web Bot in its special Doomsday 2012 and on other shows like Nostradamus Effect which feature predictions about the end of the world. 
  •     Tom Chivers in the Daily Telegraph notes three criticisms of the project: "the internet might plausibly reveal group knowledge about the stock market or, conceivably, terror attacks [but] it would be no more capable of predicting a natural disaster than would a Google search, ... the predictions are so vague as to be meaningless, [and] the prophecies become self-distorting. 
Honestly the practical side of me would want to have the most faith in this because this is at its core data. Unbiau data at that because a computer doesn't care about religion. It doesn't get scared. It simply deals with data. Programs however are invented by people. Its code written by people. There is not much of anything that doesn't have the capacity for human error. If you know anything about writing programs or code at all then you know that it is a lot of work and can be prone to mistakes and not always on a visible level at first. I will say this about this theory though if I had to pick one I would pick the one that had no motive for anything other then the truth. See! Not always a skeptic! LOL  



Well if there was to be a world wide outbreak in 2012 of the zombie virus and if it was a part of or was in hole the big event to change the world then how would it be able to have a dead line like that and why has that dead line been set for so long now? If you even think about it that way then aren't you going against believing in the ZA to begin with? Ina world where everything is known by someone or nothing is known by everyone how are we to set a date and clam that the ZA ( however it starts ) will do so on such a date when by definition it is unpredictable? HOWEVER... if an earth changing event will happen then it will more then likely happen out of great destruction because the history of our earth has began and changed with great destruction creating great change sense the beginning of time.

Also there is then a chance that we literally talk ourselves in to ZOMBIES! If we think that it will happen then we could manifest it from shear research and panic alone. I mean with all the hype wouldn't you think that some crazy scientist who had a little to much crazy in his cereal that morning go to work and say, " Hey, if this is going to happen then how about we make it happen so we can learn how to solve the problem in a contained space. That is one of the key parts to experimentation. To cause a problem so that you may learn how to fix it. As a matter of fact this site its self is a proof of that theory. It was started because I saw a show on TV about zombies and how scientists are doing just that very thing in labs right now. My argument was that they should sit down and be made to watch a series of zombie movies then sent back to their labs to figure out if what they are doing is such a good idea or not anymore... LOL... Do I think that 2012 there will be a ZA or any other kind of Apocalyptic event. Probably not! HOWEVER... I do run a ZA website there for I would never say it couldn't happen. After all this website is basically like Home owners insurance. You pay the bill every month hoping that nothing will happen but being grateful for the fact that if it does you know you will be taken care of.

Anything is possible! Anything! One of my favorite sayings is Magic is merely science that we don't understand yet. I think the same could be applied to zombies. We don't know how and we don't know when but as soon as we do we will probably already have a chunk bitten out of our asses so get ready ahead of time people, and this includes for 2012! Just encase!

By: Velma

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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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