Wicked Zombies


we will be in need of certain skills when the time to rebuild komes Komradz-inkluding (in short) teachers,medikal staff,karpenters,masons,elektritians,engineers,komp specialists,map makers,farmers,etc-post the uses of your personal trades/skills that will be useful in our effort after/during/before z-day (we need no gunsmiths due to the fakt that we already have the best-Mr Crabbe take a bow)

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i know you said we dont need more gunsmiths. but brother i kant live forever. i can however teach people my trade so that we never lose my ablities forever when i do pass. so this i can teach. i also know how to work with PVC pipe plumbing and some basic electical work. i learned these things when i was young from my grandfather and can also teach them to.


then it appears you will take on the role of teacher as well Komrad-your assistance,as always, is a monument to the "Komrad"-Karry on

a welder will come in very handy. part of rebuilding is getting the needed materials and supplies to do so. and after the SHTF, certain materials will be plentiful. right down to welding tanks and arch welders because not many would even remotely know what to do with that stuff.

am proficient, and willing to teach, in the fields of karpentry,plumbing,organik sprouting,framing,minor basik weapons maintenence,hunting,regimented leadership,light electric and basik psykology
where/how did you learn the Red Dragon's language Komrad-Latin is dead
i beg to differ with you brother. Latin still is a handy thing considering a lot of the words we use are latin based. this is evident when you look in the english dictionary and start looking up words at random. the word Orca for instance hales from the latin words Orca Orcanus translation: bringer of death.
and water komes from the russian word "voda"-just like folks komes from the german word "volks" -the point is all of the english "mutt" language komes from all parts of the world latin or not

Prior military service, NCO leadership, weapons, basic hand to hand, Counterintelligence: physical and information security, intell gathering (various aspects), counterterrorism/gorilla tactics a specialty, etc, etc...

these skills will be awsome and very well needed to stay alive during Z-day.

I am a fast learner and will pick up a new skill when taught. I kan tend to the wounded and help the sick as well. In war time the troops need to eat and I am Wicked cook.


your hired! lol. on a more serious note. those skills will be really valuable.

I kan make beeswax kandles.

In the night when no electricity is assessable these kandles will light the way. 


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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