Wicked Zombies


As Komardz we assume that the governments of the world will react negatively to an outbreak. By negative I mean that they will only look out for their self interest and neglect the people, which is where The People's Army komes in. But what if the government reacts positively. Which governments do you suspect will help their people, and which ones do you think will neglect their people. Will the Komradz attempt to operate in every single kountry with a korrupt government? These are questions of ethics that must be answered.

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I hear you...not being from NY but I saw how the people rallied together and helped each other..it touched my heart. It really did. But the Government used 911 as a device to launch their "Project for the Next American Century"..I also remember the overwhelming urge the people felt for peace and the Governments media apperatus sold it as though people were chomping at the bit to fight. The way NY rallied and got together was amazing. beautiful and heartbreaking all at once. But the Government had nothing to do with that. ALL governments are essentially worthless, its the people in the land that make up the beauty. The government is just excellent at pretending it is the people...(again just my opinion)
well said. i couldnt agree with you more love. their experiance and knowledge can help us greatly.
The Government was useless with a nature disaster on its shores. What will happen when the undead walk the streets? KOMRADZ BE READY TO KILL~

I have always felt that a governments only concern has been preservation of whatever system that government is committed to over and above its citizens at all times. The rise of the Nation state was first and foremost a plan to collect, control then harvest the energy of the poor souls that lived in the area the state claimed. Having no rights to the land and loyalties to its inhabitants. The next step in evils plan is the much more removed from humanity Global State. The System has always felt that loyalty is something Citizens owe the Government, not the other way around. I believe that the western governments (if not all) will only be concerned with maintaining their authority. Only for their own survival and legitimacy. Not out of concern for the people. A government in that position would be extremely dangerous. Attacking any group or institution it sees as having any authority. Be it Natural(family) or man-made(religion, organized crime, etc. etc.). I would hope that in a Z-day scenario we'd see more natural systems begin to flourish. Ethnic and cultural and based not on insuring the stability of the ultra-rich but instead on the comfort and natural rights of all human beings. A true Communist world. Where the energies produced by the people and resources of a region naturally and effortlessly benefit the people of that region. lol....now I said it so ...somebody’s most likely on their way to kill me. True Socialism will lead humanity to its most beautiful state. A state we've been in many times before. Natural Communism.
I guess I didn't answer the question...lol..I can't see any government helping its people because government was never made for that...local governments like town councils and smaller police outfits, firefighters and teachers unions..groups like that will lay their lives down trying to help the people they love and serve. Federal government is what I refer to when I say..."THE NATION STATE"...in a really bad time for people I think it will be families and town councils and groups like the KOMRADZ that will become the new natural governments..just stay off the feds radar because even up to their last breath they won't be trying to help people...just making sure nobody else does....my humble opinion of course.
i agree with you here 100%. i have never seen a government made that has ever been for the people in any shape or form. just for their self serving selves and nothing more.
"The System has always felt that loyalty is something Citizens owe the Government, not the other way around." as shown by..Katrina, the treatment of Iraq war veterans, the treatment of all war veterans for that matter, The poor, the sick, various ethnic groups -blacks-latinos-american indians-poor white people- ,the Tuskegee Airmen, US soldiers in Nuclear tests-drug tests-weapons tests - the smashing of the labour Movement..women..the list goes on & on..Governments never deal in right or wrong. Only in whats good for that Government.
funny you should mention socialism brother. it was just yesterday on the morning news that the debate on medical care and a socialist government happened. and for the first time that i can recall in my life, they admited that medical care is often best in a socialist government then in a government like we have now. reason being the government paid for all medical expenses. if one was a doctor in a socialist government, the doctor was provided for all year long and paid at the end of the year for all services made to the people. in this respect, i do agree here. being in the class of the disabled, medical "insureance" is a joke. it covers next to nothing and the current government is happy with it that way. in my opinion. if it were done the way the socialists have it, things will be much better.
so so true. Cuba's classified as a "third-world country" by the United Nations and (because of the embargo) known globally to be extremely poor. Yet Cuban infant mortality rates are always much lower than that of the super rich Canada or United States!! and all of the countries on top of the list have Health Care as a social right rather than a profitable business.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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