Wicked Zombies


As Komardz we assume that the governments of the world will react negatively to an outbreak. By negative I mean that they will only look out for their self interest and neglect the people, which is where The People's Army komes in. But what if the government reacts positively. Which governments do you suspect will help their people, and which ones do you think will neglect their people. Will the Komradz attempt to operate in every single kountry with a korrupt government? These are questions of ethics that must be answered.

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i think that the komradz will in the end act in a world wide sence of things. in the end, i dont think there was ever a government made in this whole world that would truely look after the people. it would be nice to be proven wrong on this. but in the end i do feel i am right here and we need to prepare for this and start world wide organizations so we are able to do so.
but when the z war hits, wont these organizations be gone as well as the normal governments?

i mean how will joining one of these groups in say like Germany or Britain help us and our cause when they will more likely be gone to?
if we are to totally rebuild the world after we win out over the zombies, it wouldnt hurt to get some friends in other countries to make this happen. what would be the point of only rebuilding things here and not save others in other places to. reason being, if the only place made safe in the whole world was the USA then we would be over run by people looking for a safe place to live. land would be on a major shortage here as well as food and how would we take care of them all? i know it sounds nuts but i, personly, see no other logical choice going by the topic here. otherwise, going by the topic here, i would love to be proven wrong and see a government that will actualy take care of its people in an outbreak. and who knows, maybe they, in their own way, are preparing like we are for the fall of civilized man and its robotic and selfserving governments? it dont hurt to try and find out. the only problem is how. i wouldnt even begin to know how to start to talk to them on it or even if they would take us seriously enough to acknowledge us to begin with. you would be outstanding in this area joy. you have the education and the inteligence to do this. you and i have talked long enough that i know this to be true. nothing happens in this world by chance. maybe your finding us was meant to be for this reason? you would make a great embassador for us when talking to them online. when i think of it more, i cant think of anyone more qualified for the job of representing the KOMRADZ group with these groups.
joy. ants are small in context. but for their small size you must admit. the world cant do without them. and for their size, they do wonderous things and major feets. so you never know.
No government would neglect the effort to protect its people. Of course the more "important people" would receive special attention in any land of the world, this country being no exception. But without the people how could they survive a day? Lets face it, the everyday people make this world turn. Without us humps, the privileged wouldn't feel so privileged anymore, would they?
Us Komradz ned to focus on the sektors we inhabit. Having multiple bases would be the key to sucess. We kan provide a number of safe havens in various locations for whoever kan get to them or let us know they're close.
Komradz cannot except the weight of the world on our shouldiers. I feel that is the major problem of this kountry. Komradz kan extend the borders of the safty zones, little by little, and the war will be won.
komrad. by establishing contact with the groups above, we are more or less making these sectors. just in other countries and by putting in their hands, not over extending ourselves and alowing us to work on those sektors we live in first. all the others will be doing is basicly keeping contact with us and reporting progress.
oh. i did forget one more point of order here. if no government neglects its people Komrad Sunyak, then how do you explain the tradgedy that was (hold on to your butts people because its here again) Hurricane Katrina? that was a classic example of how a government neglects its people. if it were not for the media coverage, things would be as bad now as the day it touched down on our southern shores. there are STILL families looking for loved ones that are unaccounted for but got lost in the shuffle to house. so does that sound like a government that will look after us, the people? do you really want THAT kind of help? with that kind of help, who needs zombies to kill us. UNCLE SAM and the governments of the world will be the ones to get us all dead. or undead as the case may be if you trust in that theory. in the end, governments will only look after their rich assed selves and to hell with us. they have proven this time and again brother. time and again.
Living in NY through 911(and losing 3 friends) showed me a different side. I was stunned by the way people rallied and supported each other. I agree its horrible how they dropped the ball with Katrina. But if I felt our government is as worthless as you make it seem, I would probably move to another kountry.
brother. i dont feel its worthless. just greedy, self seving and at best lacking in responcability and compasion. true, our government and people did unite as one in the time of 911. i was very impressed to. but since then has returned back to the way it has always been. as a result i cant say that i have much faith in it. and seeing it now versus then and other governments and the way they treat their people, i dont see any government making any real attempt to help the people at all. at best a token defence to try to look good for the history books if a zombie apocolypse ever were to happen. i feel the governments of the world will use it to try to "thin out the masses" and reform it to an even more self serving and greedy state then it is now.
If we are "greedy", why is America the most generous nation in the world? And thats the way it has always been. Our kountry has done an awful lot for this world. You might want to look into it, my friend.
you misread me again brother. i never said we are "greedy", i said our government was. for all the generousity our government has, it is never without conditions or a price. for all our generousity, we have the highest numbers of poor and homeless in all the world and why? our government is to busy trying to BUY friends then earn them. if it used the money it did to help its people then to used it to buy countries and fund their wars, then we might actually make a dent in our own economy and shelter our own homeless and even feed our own starving. does this country's government do this though? no. instead what does it do? it dumps money into other countries pockets hand over fist to buy friends in other countries and what it dont squander that way, it squanders in others pocketing what they can by investing in car companies and voting each other pay raises. if this country reclaimed all the debt owed to it that was lended out, we would own the world litterally.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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