Wicked Zombies


We all know that the zombie mythology started in Hades but its undeniable that the modern zombie is an American made invention. we have refined and added our own undoubtedly American spin to these creatures making them the stuff our worst nightmare. but its interesting to see how other cultures have taken zombies and adapted them. with that thought in mind lets begin our around the world tour of the undead.

lets start off with a trip to japan, who's unique  animation and comic book style anime and manga are quickly becoming the latest inspiration to Hollywood. here zombies have adapted from relentless antagonists to main characters, where their non-beating hearts and reanimated conditions have become super powers. like this anime about a reanimated teenage caught in a harem comedy.kore wa zombie desu ka "is this a zombie"

(did i mention he's also a magical girl, japans weird ; D) 

next is the manga turned anime Zombie-loan. like the name suggests this involves people taking out loans in order to become zombies when people die they can be brought back for a price. in the case of two high school boys that price is to hunt down other zombies brought back by evil people. at least this one has zombies munching on people. but the bad zombies in this are more like demon possessed then our favorite flesh eaters.

(FYI the two male leads half to switch hands in order to summon their weapons and they'll rot and die if they get to far away from each other.)

and finally to wrap it all up one of my favorite manga and now anime Sankarea. a story about a super zombie obsessed fan boy who watches nothing but zombie movies, plays zombie video games and shows no interest in anything but zombie girls. then the depressed daughter of a super rich family who try's to kill her self by drinking the resurrection drug the boy made to bring back his dead cat. and the love story that plays out after she comes back from the dead. her heart may not work but that wont stop his from beating out of his chest.

(in this one zombies only become zombies once they start to rote, (called the confused state) and then they only try to eat those they love. oh and if you get bite by one only a little you get super strong cause you can't feel pain like they do, just a bonus. and come on who among us wouldn't shlup a hot zombie chick even if she might eat us sooner or later. ; P )

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i never was much into cartoons no matter where they be from. i have always been a fan of the more realistic stuff like what Romero puts out. i got a cop of all of Romero's hit zombie flicks. and expand with others like Dance of the Dead. and the gorier the better. even as a kid. i was never into cartoons. even if they were zombie ones. lol.

while i am a fan of anime i put out this thread really more as a way of showcasing the different attitudes other cultures portray zombies as. putting their own spin on the living dead if you will, and how it differs from our own American sensibilities. not really to show off the shows them selves. i just think its funny and cool how they can take such horrific thing as zombies and turn them into super powered comic love interests. you may not like the art style but you have to admit its interesting to see zombie in another light. ohh and i love the gory stuff my self, seen pretty much every good zombie movie and alot of the bad ones. just expanding my field here, when that zombie urge over takes you you just gotta satisfy it. just goes to prove zombies not have to bite you to turn you right?! ; D

lol. true. its just i take my zombies more seriously. part of the reason that the Japanese use anime for the zombie genre is because they are sticklers on violence and gore. that to me is a real hoot for one reason. they will show movies like Godzilla beating the shit out of other monsters of his kind, even show him flattening Tokyo for the umpteenth million time and stomping on the people. but they will ban from importation or public viewing movies like A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and all of the gory zombie movies we all like here. so as a result i just cant get into that kind of thing like anime. plus i dont like to "read" my zombie movies much. lol. its one thing if there is no other way to translate it to English. but on the norm. i cant bring myself to sit still and read cartoons or the like. lol.

is that true cause every Japanese movie I've ever seen has been full of gore, in fact you might say even more so then American films. check out ichi the killer, its about a masochistic yakuza boss who goes up aginst a once bllyed psychotic killer who cries with a hard on while cutting up gagsters with n axe shoe. sick shit man. then theres The Machine Girl. on the zombie side thees Down to Hell and Versus, Stacy: Attack of the Schoolgirl Zombies, Samurai Zombie, Tokyo Gore Police.

and so many more i cant even list them. all with way more gore then many American horror movies. anime is an art style and used to portay scenes that would either be impossible to do in live action, to costly, or require so much cgi you might as well just anime it. did you know the matrix was based of a japanese cult anime movie called ghost in the shell. everything from plugging in the human brain to that sceen where keyon gets pulled out of the bod by the robot arm. anime is not cartoons. theres no bugs bunny. many anime are not only for kids, their mostly not for kids. with subject matter ranging from drug use, rape, insest derangment abuse and gore that puts fredy cuger o shae. take one of my favorite batoom. a large group people abandoned on an isle with the only way off being to kill enough people with only bombs to win their way out all for the future of a game. think live action video game. and thy are all sold off by people the know. in a side story there's middle school kid who was abuse by his father and became thieving killer of women and the scene that got me was when the cops catch him he rapping a woman's dead body with a knife sticking out of her eye. you want gore my friend japan does it best. im not saying you have to become a fan boy like me but just don't wright it off. but that being said there are really only two types of people those who love anime and those who don't.

well anime is a little to cartoony for me. so i would have to say i dont. lol.

your loss man, your loss. but do check out some of those live action films i listed gory as hell.

i will have to check out those films you mentioned. and i do so hope i dont have to read them. lol.

there pretty popular I'm sure you can find dubbed versions of at least a few of them.

sweet. lol. it just kinda burns it for me to have to read a movie unless i know in advance i might have to. lol.

You have to see this movie! One of the Best anime movies Ever made.


been there, watched that, got the t-shirt to prove it.

Take a picture with the shirt please!


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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