Wicked Zombies


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I really wanted to like Zombieland but once you get past the rules and the one liners this is a very disappointing movie.
I am surprised everybody feels this way. It was a silly movie certainly but you know you had fun. A Komrad would have done a better job for sure with accuracy, but this a Woody Harrelson movie to me before it is a "zombie" movie. I love that dude and all his stupid lines. I wish it was a little more violent and maybe those chicks could have been eatin up right from the get go, but it was great to see all the zombies in a packed movie theater. This is the hopefully the one that gets us some more big budget Zmovies. I also keep hearing people talk about how good the kid from Superbad was. HE IS NOT IN THIS DAMN MOVIE. It is the kid from Adventureland, which happens to be directed by the guy who made Superbad, but that is the only connection. Plus guys come on, "Bill Fuckin Murray! I know that is not your real middle name." That was classic stuff. I liked it, flaws and all. Once again though, these zombies were alive right? Is that what everybody else got from this?
i agree,it was a silly light hearted movie.a good fun film to laugh at & not taketoo seriously.
yeah,the bill murry bits were excellent....hahaha!
It seemed so. I hate running zombies! Scatoma, you are right, the movie is flawed but it is still a zombie movie. They kant all be classics. Thats what makes the classics so special. I just feel that with Woody Harrelson and a decent budget they could have done a lot more. The movie just felt empty.
In the title "Zombieland" I was expecting hmmm ...Zombies! This movie is Unforgivable! George A. Romero should sue...for blasphemy or something. Rather depressing than entertaining, with no real synopsis or storyline the movie is essentially made of driving, shooting and talking. The comedy was few and far between and left me wondering where the HELL are the ZOMBIES?
I do see your point. It was not a well done story. Preposterous really. I just went into it hoping for it to be silly and for Woody to say crazy stuff with bad words. That is what I got. It was not a true zombie film by any means.
it was not what i thought it would be. but i did get a kick out of it and so did dad. dad and i really laughed our asses off when Bill Murray got a double barrel in the chest. totally funny point in the movie. for me, that shot made up for "Groundhog Day". lol. but as a zombie movie in general and a die hard Romero fan, i would have to say "Zombieland" left me wanting more. even the ending kinda blows.


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