Wicked Zombies


It's time to put all our zombie killing knowledge to the test, do you have what it takes to survive in a world over run by the living dead? Answer our daily zombie questions and you just might find out!



If in desperate need of food or supplies, you should travel into the nearest city to get them because you will have a great chance of finding what you need.



B: False


Situation: You and your team have decided to make camp next to a lake. In the far distance you see a body moving out on the water. You have a few hours until it is dark. What action should you take?


A: Leave it alone, it is too far away to reach you                                        

B: Move camp location further away from the lake                                      

C: Walk around the lake as a team to get a closer look then make a decision

D: Swim out to investigate the body closer and kill it if it's a zombie            


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yeah they say you should always go for your first reaction but i find that if you think about it for a moment the right choice will always present it's self. plus i did say that roar was the only way out so a wasn't really an option.

A. I would try to find away around the horde.


   I've been reading most of the questions as if I was trying to keep my family alive...Now this one, if I answer it the way of keeping my family alive, I would start out with D. Because in the apartment in which I live now, there are 44 apartments all together...So that would give a lot of food for awhile...Plus since some of the apartments are only separated by a thin wall, it's not that hard to gain access to other apartments without compromising my own place for at least a year...Then once all the food has dried up, I would go with B once supplies ran low again...Then if food started running low again I would have to do A...C is just straight up out of the question....

   Now, if it's just me trying to survive because my entire family has passed on, I would go with B...This way I can stay on the move...Just until I got to BILL "FUCKING" MURRAY'S HOUSE!!!!!!!!  (LOL)  

I live in an apartment. Definitely D first, then once that's done probably A or B depending. Eventually I'd probably pack up and leave the entire area.

GOOD JOB BOTH OF YOU! D is the right choice full points for both of you.

new question of the day now up, sorry for the lateness got called in to work today.

See, that's kind of a trick question there...See, most experts say a map which is B...Though I'm no expert, the one thing you will need the most out of all them would be the boots. which is A...I'm not a big fan of hiking boots, I've had 3 pairs and I didn't feel any support for the ankles...I had better support from my biker boots, my cowboy boots, my Lineman Boots and certain types of work boots...


well we can assume any good pair of boots. how ever the answer is c. you can have the best pair of boots in the world but if you meet up with a pack of zombie with no weapons your fucked.

new zombie survival question of the day is up, test your knowledge of canned foods.

I'm going with C...I've eaten canned food well after the date and never had any problems...

you'd be amazed how many people treat those dates like there carved in stone. even though there more or less random dates the food company's put on to make you throw away perfectly good food and buy more. the only thing thats demanded by law to have a expiration date is baby formula. the rest is all up the company's.

new question of the day now up. Do you have the smarts to survive the end of the world?!


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   Some good things are my son, has turned 18 and has also graduated high school...I'm very proud of him...He has plans of going back to school after the getting a job and saving money for the school with the music production studies he wants to do...So I am very proud of…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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