Wicked Zombies


It's time to put all our zombie killing knowledge to the test, do you have what it takes to survive in a world over run by the living dead? Answer our daily zombie questions and you just might find out!



If in desperate need of food or supplies, you should travel into the nearest city to get them because you will have a great chance of finding what you need.



B: False


Situation: You and your team have decided to make camp next to a lake. In the far distance you see a body moving out on the water. You have a few hours until it is dark. What action should you take?


A: Leave it alone, it is too far away to reach you                                        

B: Move camp location further away from the lake                                      

C: Walk around the lake as a team to get a closer look then make a decision

D: Swim out to investigate the body closer and kill it if it's a zombie            


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I guess your right...lol. Most shotguns are rated for 40 meters, though most have been tested and found they have no real killing potential past 24 meters using buckshot...I guess that's why a lot of people, including myself only use the shotgun for CQC...But cool shit...Need to send me the title of that book...Would like to read it some time...

her you go you can get it on amazon


Sweet...Keep the questions coming...lol

todays question is now live.

Myself, it would be C...

interesting very interesting!


I would definitely take B. I would run back and cover my partner until we both got back to the car.
But of course, I wonder what you consider long before. If we're running together, I can't imagine me being more than a few seconds total time ahead of him.

well you never know what can happen.  it only takes a split second to fall behind.

since i cant seam to edit the page today for some reason here is today's question.



Situation: You are attempting to escape a heavily infected area by car. However, about 1 mile ahead, you see a horde of zombies flooding the only road out of the area. What action do you take?


A: go back the way you came and try to find another way             

B: stay where you are hopping the zombies will disperse                

C: drive through the horde at top speed                                         

D: drive through the horde, slowly pushing your way through gently


I would pick A at first then as I processed the situation, I would most likely double guess myself and go with D...

jess amazingly you were right with your second choice, push right through them.

   I double guess myself a lot...I jump on the first decision I make...Then after a few second or a couple of minutes, I end up deciding on something totally different...Which works out better...Plus I had to re-read the situation, because I would have picked A, then realized that you're running from another herd, so going back really isn't an option...So after re-reading the situation I knew pushing through slowly would be the best and only decision to go with in order to get to where I or a group I'm with would need to go....


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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