Wicked Zombies


I'm not sure where I got this, but it's something I copied from another site a few weeks ago, give or take a day or two...I really liked the situation and felt it would really work here...


   The zombie apocalypse has broken out and it has been a few months since it started. You're held up in your local school building. There are zombies everywhere, and there's about 20 to 30 people with you taking refuge inside the school...

   You have a small armory filled with melee weapons, knives, swords, guns (pistols and rifles), and ammunition. (Now we are going to throw a curve ball. The rifles are more you would find in most houses who have hunters. No military grade weapons, just civilian semi-auto rifles).

   You have a limited stock of food, water and tools.

   You have taken a small section of the school and turned it into a infirmary filled with a limited supply of medicine and medical supplies. 
   With your skills in weapons and you basic hand-to-hand combat skills and ability to think quick on your feet, you are in charge.

   In six months time, according to rumors, the United States military will come and liberate your town/city. But until then, you'll have to make due with what you have.

                                       Here is what you face     

-How will you handle supply shortages?

-Would you set up any form of government/set of laws?

-How would you categorize everyone based on their knowledge and skills?(ex. would you have a meritocracy or have a feudal system?)

-How would you deal with possible rebellion(s) inside the school building? 

-What sort of laws/policies would you have?

-How would you improve morale? 

-How would you all pass the time? 

-How would you place leaders? 

-How would you deal with corrupt people?

-How would you deal with newcomers? 

-Would you set up some sort of scouting/hunting party, or be isolationist?


Feel free to go into as much details as you wish...What you explain may help someone else figure out what they might be missing in there compound or encampment...

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I'll start this...

   When it comes to the supply shortage and creating scouting/ hunting parties, they sort of pretty much could be combined into one question. Yes, I would create scouting, scavenger and hunting parties...The scavenging and scouting parties will consist of at least 4 people each...There would be a special group created that would consist of lawyers, judges, politicians and those types of jobs that would be worthless during a Z-poc...They would be called Zombie Bate...Their main job would be luring zombies out of areas that the scavenger and scouting groups would be investigating...The hunting group would consist of at least 6 people....

   We've seen how government works, to many minds and people wanting their own agenda in play...I may have a simple advisory group, but I would have to be the main yes or no within the group....

   As for categoring those within my group, everyone would have a job based on their knowledge and their past experience...If a person was a nurse before the Z-poc, they would be a nurse...If they were a teacher, they would teach our children the simple basics (Reading, Writing, Math)...If they were security, cops, soldiers/ their jobs would be security and training everyone within the group the skills needed to defend and survive...So on and so forth....

   To deal with rebellion within our group, I would simply pick a person within the rebellion and in front of everyone blow their brains all over the floor...Then remind them that they could still be out there in the hell if I hadn't let them in...Sort of play the governor card, though I would like to be more like Rick...

   Laws and policies would be in place and each one would have a strict punishment if broken...I would have laws with penalties...If they are broken, you could face death depending on the law broken....

   To improve moral and pass time, I would have to set up some kind of entertainment...With us being in a school, I would set up programs dealing with reading to the kids...If we have some form of power, I would set up a movie room and most likely within the gym have some form of combatant/gladiator type fights for the adults...

   As for leaders, I think that would come in time as not only I would have to earn the peoples trust, but they would have to earn my trust...

   Corrupt people would be dealt with harshly...When I say harshly, I mean Death...

   Dealing with newcomers would be something based on situations...First off they would be quarantined for 3 days before being intergrated into the group...During that three days, they would be interviewed and examined...Once the 3 days were up, they would be given a choice...They could join us or they can go on their way...But they would leave with what they came with...

   And I done explained I would set up scouting, scavenging and hunting parties earlier...

   Yes, when it comes to protecting myself, my kids and my loved ones, you will find I am very strict...I may take a chance, but if my family (that includes friends) is involved to where they could be killed or even harmed in anyway, I am not afraid to pull the trigger....

i agree with everything this man just said


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Going through a lot


   Well, wanted to juststop in and check on things...Been a long time since I have stopped by...Well things are not going as well as I would have hoped, but, you know, that's life...

   Some good things are my son, has turned 18 and has also graduated high school...I'm very proud of him...He has plans of going back to school after the getting a job and saving money for the school with the music production studies he wants to do...So I am very proud of…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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