Wicked Zombies


My plan is to write a short story or book on a zombie apocalypse but I need some ideas on what to do it on....so this is where you people come in. At the end of the week I pick the plot I like the most and use that as my reference. When I am finished with it, I will post it so everyone can read it.




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well, without wanting to give away my ideas...(nothing personal, just that I have a few stories lined up as well), I dont know if I could give you a specific plot, just try to avoid the norm, its been done, and if you are going to do the normal post apocalyptic zombie walker survival story, being as its a short story, try to limit it to 3 maybe 4 characters AT THE MOST, otherwise its going to get too clustered in the short amount of story. The normal story can still be a good read, as long as you have an in depth story with the characters, make them interesting, and the story will be too. I have plans to write one where the cause of the infection is unknown, but my hero (or antagonist) believes it is a biblical plague from God, and sets out to convince others. Good luck
sorry, I meant 3-4 MAIN characters...you can have more characters, but short stories limit the amount of development you can do for each one...
i would help. but i am not very creative. i barely cut the mustard in RP type stuff.

How about a group of people trapped in a apartment building with zombies everywhere.


How about a group of friends leave a night club and the horror of the ZOMBIES begin. Drunk, high heels and all that good stuff!
better yet, zombie prostitutes!! they would go unnoticed by most people, allowing them to spread the infection... and the zombie virus, (lol, you see what I did there hahahaha), to all their customers...


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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