Wicked Zombies


Do you guys think zombies would ever be able to get tamed and used for the betterment of mankind?  It's seen in movies all the time, but always goes wrong.  Can it be done correctly?

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2 words for this one. FAT CHANCE. lol.

I doubt you could tame savage appetite zombie have. Even if you could at any moment they could turn on you and you are dead or undead.


they are like a pit-bull dog thats been beaten all its life. it will bite the hand that tries to work with it.
Yea Id have to say no, the betterment of mankind? No, I doubt having a bunch of rotten undead roaming around could benefit, you cant make an army, or turn them into day laborers or anything, lol, they dont have the mind capacity to be tamed...I dont see it ever happening
I know that I don't want any tamed zombies by me. Keep the undead filth far a fuckin way from me and mines!

but it is entirely possible that they are used for the opposite reasons. Chemical, biological warfare, what better way to exterminate a group of people than to infect the masses with a disease that will not only kill them, but then cause them to return and kill everyone else that isnt originally infected...so the betterment...no...the destruction of mankind? yea, thats much more accurate...

Then they are not tamed or controled, they are simply released and the mayhem would ensue...so whatever govt is responsible for that outbreak wouldnt even have any means of control...before you know it, it spreads to other nations, perhaps ones that were not the initial "targets"...by then its too late...

there is only one thing worse then a zombie and thats a zombie used as a weapon because some idiot thought they could control it.
I agree with you Komrad. One bite and the whole out-brake could wipe out the rest of us still living.
Also, we focus real hard on this being a government outbreak, a man made virus...but the reality is this could very easily be a biblical plague...God could release this evil upon mankind for the end of times...if thats the case then there is absolutely 0 chance of any sort of control for the betterment, as God would not allow us to control his plague as the intention would be the destruction of mankind, much like The Flood...it would be some sort of weird cleansing...
i figure if its a cleansing. then its one that will thin out the herd so to speak. only the strong will survive kind of thing. but there is no way you can control a zombie though. you will have better luck skinny dipping with a Great White Shark then taming or controlling a zombie.
well we've tamed other wild beasts of the animal kingdom, is there anyway to rewire the brains of the undead?
i feel only a fool would want to weaponize them and only an madman would want to keep them around for any reason at all. these things are walking AND decomposing at the same time. these things will be loaded with disease and pathogens of all kinds and a few new ones no doubt. shoot them in the head and burn the remains. that is the only solutions to cure the undead problem. and if we dont do it while we are in the majority. then we will become the minority and then maybe extinct. cold hard core facts but true ones.


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