Wicked Zombies


What can be used to keep a zombie distracted from getting there undead hands on you?
I'm talking about something that can come in handy and even save your life, like it can buy you time to run from some hungry zeds, or even help you kill some more zeds, like some sort of distraction that will get the zombies off course from eating you
Things like:
Some sort of zombie bait you can toss at them that they will try to eat which will buy you time to run.
Or maybe you just want to attach that bait to some sort of explosive that they will run after

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I have this homemade distraction grenade, its a small electric siren and some flashing lights housed with in a sturdy hard plastic case. it ways next to nothing and if you throw it away from you it should draw the zombies away from you.

(PROS: small, light weight, can carry more then more one easily, uses little energy, easy to make, few parts to break.

CONS: non controllable, limited range, may not draw away zombies that have already seen you, doesn't kill zombies.)

There's also the classic rc car with an IED strapped to it. maybe strap one of my distraction grenades to it for good measure. draw the zombies away and take them out once you do.

(PROS: controllable, longer range, kill's zombies.

CONS: large, hard to carry, requires more power to use, harder to make, more parts to break.)

A rolling zombie distraction and pipe-bomb on wheels, this modified RC car is the ultimate Zombie Be-Gone! the ultra loud siren draws in zombies, the RC platform lets you lead them where you want and the remote detonation pipe-bomb lets you take them out when you get enough.
(while this should go with out saying that is not a real pipe-bomb or any kind of explosive on it. it is merely a mock up to show what it would look like. i am not a terrorist and i really don't need homeland security breaking down my door over this video. and i may or may not be actually capable of constructing such a bomb for ordinary house hold chemicals.; D)

"A little know-how, and few house hold chemicals in the proper proportions"!

An RC helicopter not on of those little toy room ones the big model can fly out side ones. strap a detraction grenade to it, or a walk talky with an external speaker and you got a good zombie lour. you can also turn it into a surveillance drown by attaching a camera or two to it with a video transmitter.

(PROS: controllable, longest range, can be used as a surveillance platform.

CONS: very large, probably not man portable, or very bulky to carry. uses most power, very hard to make, most parts to break. probably can't be used to kill zombies.)

You could also use a panic alarm just push the button and throw it. It should make a loud enough sound to distract the zombies long enough for you to escape.

yeah but the cheapest i found was like 15 bucks and their hard to find trust me. i found those little window alarms they sell at dollar stores work well. their small only cost a dollar relatively load no panic alarm but should be enough. they weigh nothing and can survive a lot. wrap around the sides with electrical tape and I've dropped two story rough onto concrete thrown it as hard as i can even smashed into the ground nothing but a few scratches. and you can sue it as a trip wire just get a stronger magnet connecting it to some string and bingo, distraction grenade.

here are some good ones. WHISTLE BOMBS! they are small and take little space and easy to use. not to mention they can be heard for blocks on a quiet day. they are so loud that they can even set off car alarms that may be active near by.

another good distraction is a simple pack of Black Cat fireworks. again they can be heard for a good 2 blocks and take up no real space and weight.

i don't like the fireworks idea to many variables they get wet and they ruined you have to light them and the threat of them going off in your pack or prematurely in you hand when you light them. also their one time use only, you need a lighter and their not continues. better to go with a one dolor window alarm.

technically the one dollar door alarm is a one time use thing to. because i dont know about you. but if i had to use one to set up a distraction. i dont think i will be going back to go get it. not even several days later. and when it comes to keeping fireworks from being wet. most packs are water repellant and you can always keep them in a plastic bag. no biggie. lol. and i seriously doubt they will go off in the pack. unless your pack catches fire. then you will be ditching it anyway. and as with any explosive devices. there is always a risk of premature detonation in your hand no matter if its a lit fuse on fireworks of TNT. that is just the nature of the beast. and once the sound goes off. even if its a short time. sound means lunch to a zombie in theory. so it will still do the trick. look at TWD. all it took was a single gun shot to bring them in from all directions. and a gun shot is only a second in duration. the same time as a cherry bomb but not as long as a whistle bomb. so i cant help but wonder why a good cherry bomb or whistle bomb would not be a good choice to use. and you can always make more from basic household chemicals and components. and since lighters and matches will be a must to have in your pockets anyway. the lighter should be no biggie either. lol.

yeah i guess i just like my option i always like to go high tech if i can and it's what i have easily available. if you have fireworks then by all means use them. it's going to be different for each of us. i like the alarm, also it is reusable under certain conditions. like using it to draw a lone walker to you, or using it to clear out a building. and the reason i like the constant noise of the alarm is once you draw them in they will still go after the noise rather then after you. so you an lure them one after another into a kill zone and just snipe them. also easy to stick onto bombs and RC cars and other things. even comes with it's own adhesive backing so no need to waste tape.

but still your talking about going after it once its done its job. i dont intend to go after the distraction after the use. lol. not even days afterward. but i do see the reasoning of using an alarm for a kill zone area. that will bring them right where you want them.

well I'm not saying i would normally go after them but say it's like this you want you clear a building so you pick one entrance seal the rest and set the alarm down near the door. you let it go off and draw the zombies to the entrance where you have a team ready to dispatch them once all the zombie are deal with you can pick up the alarm and reuse it for something else.

that is a good idea. i can go along with that one.

yeah see i got good ideas.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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