Wicked Zombies


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I have seen some shitty shit, but I gotta think first before I post.

I will go ahead and say The Happening is FUCKING RETARDED!

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well i do agree there i would rather watch a barbarian brothers movie marathon then ever watch the happening ever again

lost in translation is my number two choice
the darjeeling limited (pretty much anything and everything by the guy who directed this movie Wes Anderson) and to think he went to UT in austin such a shame
We enjoy The Royal Tenenbaums every now and then.
i did the first time i saw it but to me it's just one of those movies that i can't watch but maybe once a year
I love it. I need to add it to my list of all time favorite movies. I think the music is soothing. I love anything that's chilled out in an ambient but not boring sort of way.
Silent Rage (1982) - Chuck Norris, creepy silent killer, evil scientist, teerrrribbblleeee dialogue = awesomely bad! So bad we watched it several times the week we caught it on cable.

What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silent Rage is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are having a Silent Rage marathon tonight when I get home to more thoroughly brainwash you. It is almost a zombie movie staring Chuck Norris. Almostish, Kind of. I plan on creeping around all hunched over now for the next few days moving swiftly through shadows. Beware.
Oh whatever! You were saying it was awful too. Don't be fakin' now!
Wait Second! I LOVE this movie!
I watched it when I was little and LOVED it ever since!

The opening scene is SICK!
It's bad in that fantastic sort of way. I mean, we did watch it several times in a row. It's hilarious. I love the way the guy creeps around. I don't think I've seen anyone be that weird in a movie period. lol The way the deputy dies is hilarious. Good stuff.

If anyone hasn't seen Silent Rage, you should. Your life isn't complete until you do!
Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen. Seriously what Michael Bay did to that film is the equivalent of putting nipples on Batman's costume. A bad storyline, bad acting and bad humor. Somebody get a real director for the next film.

Spider-Man 3. Same as above. I pretty much lost respect for Tobey Mcguire and Sam Raimi after this fiasco.

Batman And Robin. Need I explain this one? Lucky for Clonney, it didn't kill his career.
Yeah. I didn't bother with Drag Me To Hell being that it's PG13 and how Raimi raped the Spidey franchise. A friend of mine brought that movie to my house and saw only like the first half of it due to watching other movies. Was not impressed.

And yeah, Twilight sucks. It's giving vampires a bad name.
Wow. Shit movies. I have a lot of movies and boy, have I bought some duds.
Anyone see the wack Day of the Dead 'remake' or whatever the fuck that was? How about the Howling III- the Marsupials. Kangaroo werewovles? Great way to destroy a classic. I seen the Fog remake in the theater and fell asleep. I know I'll think of many more. My brain is fried right now.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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