Wicked Zombies


its only been a short time since i joined but i love this site. its really got my creative juices flowing again so as well as making a logo and a welcome i went ahead and designed a kick ass wicked zombies t-shirt using my work. tell me what you think and if you've always wanted to done the wicked colors well now you can.

this is only the first of many wicked zombies and redead the undead gear to come. so tell me what you think. your suggestions for new products, and anything else you wish to tell me. check out ym zazzle store i can guaranty everything there will be, wicked.

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sweet!!! what sizes do they come in?

every size thats whats good about zazzle you can pick your size shirt color and style even change the design if you want. 100% customizable.


HEY! idea time! why not get one of those signed? that would be really awesome!

yeah it would I'm just wondering if the throw the mail autograph thing will take it. they have some pretty strict rules. but I'll look into it.

definitely look into it bro. his John Hancock on that shirt. no words would accurately cover how epic that describe it.

i don't know if i wanna risk sending a shirt. i could just print out a photo quality pic of the design send that into be singed then when i get it back i can scan it and digitally add it into a custom shirt all for me. or I'm going to turn this into other products for a wider profit margin one of them is going to be a poster. i could have him sign the poster. what do you think

now thats a thought. even on the marketing part of it.

yeah i think thats what i'll do

when it comes to the marketing part. i would not tell him about that one. reason being he may not take to well to it. copyrighting on his very image and all that. you could end up losing up to 60% of your take in royalties alone.

no duh no way I'd tell him that I'm also using a modified version of the godfather logo to you think I'll tell them. all the more reason not to send the shirt. I'll just say the truth I'm a huge fan who would love your autograph on my costume piece of art. its the truth just not the whole truth. *chick chick*



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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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