Wicked Zombies


I LOVE Dawn of the Dead! It is absolutely one of the best films ever made. A genuine masterpiece! But in the end, I prefer the incredibly raw and grim power of Day of the Dead. Romero's third and best installment of his Dead saga is the perfect example of what in my eyes a horror film is supposed to be.

Day of the Dead is a relentlessly unsettling and intensely dramatic portrait of what happens when the fragile structure of civility and common decency is torn asunder. A truly compelling study of humanity being at it's most inhumane during times when goodwill and unity are desperately needed. Bolstered with unforgettably shocking fx by Savini, an amazing cast and pitch-perfect direction by Romero, Day of the Dead is a classic that will continue to stand the test of time.

Which do you prefer?

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but you gotta admit it. it makes sence. man is one of the most adaptable animals on earth. and being that a zombie is a less perfect form of us. why not they be able to adapt to?

i loved survival i thought it was better than land


survival of the dead was a pretty good movie
I think Dawn of the Dead is the best out of these two....more action i think in a sense.
me personally, I like Day of the Dead better, I thought the level of gore was raised, and Dawn of the Dead was a little slower paced...dont get me wrong Id put either one up for possibly the greatest zombie flicks, but if I had to choose one I would go with Day...my favorite zombie scene is from it, when they pull the soldiers head off, and his voice is getting higher and higher pitched then its still screaming in silence after its ripped off!!! CLASSIC!!!
and I cant lie, forgive me for bringing it up on this particular board, but I absolutely LOVE the Dawn of the Dead remake in 04...one of my favorites!!
when it comes to DAY OF THE DEAD. i would love for George Romero to make a remake using his original storyboard. in his original storyboard. they had the underground complex but they did more then just research on how the infection began and how to neutralize it. they had the labs and living quarters below. but top side, they had soldiers training zombies to use firearms so they could go into infested areas and wipe out the zombies with no risk to living soldiers. but like the original, conflict happened between the soldiers and the scientists with the same result as the original film. zombies overtaking the complex and a hand full of the scientists flying away in the chopper to a deserted island.


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