Wicked Zombies


Ever since George A. Romero redefined the zombie genre(and the entire horror genre, as well)back in 1968, there has been a lot of zombie films. Some good, some not so good. Others have been flat awful. Then you have those few that are fantastic! Masterful movies which have profoundly impacted on us all-these are the classics!

The 70's produced some great zombies flicks like Let Slepping Corpses Lie,Deathdream and of course, the immortal classic, Dawn of the Dead.

The 90's saw the releases of cult faves such as Brain Dead(Dead Alive),Dellamorte Dellamore(Cemetery Man) and Return of the Living Dead 3.

The 00's had indelible films like 28 Days and 28 Weeks Later, Shaun of the Dead and Dawn of the Dead '04.

Each decade mentioned produced some amazing zombie cinema, but my favorite decade of the dead is definitely the 80's!  Day of the Dead(my favorite horror film ever!), Return of the Living Dead, Zombi 2(Zombie), The Beyond, The Gates of Hell(City of the Living Dead), Re-Animator, Evil Dead 1 and 2, the 1980's rocked!!!

Which decade do you think is the best?


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even though i enjoy every film George Romero made. i was an 80's child. i live the 80's and always will. so anything made in the 1980's is gold to me.
You guys are right...Definitely the 80's! Almost all of my favorite zombie movies except for Night of the Living Dead are from that decade also. (You pretty much named my whole list). The zombie movies that come out today just keep getting worse and worse for some reason.
long live the 80's! lol.
Zombie popularity grew in the 80's as a result of Night and Dawn. We had a large amount of films coming out and that makes the 80's the best, in my opinion as well. Its not that the films were better, I just enjoyed the time frame more. 1985 would be the best year(Day of the Dead, Return of the Living Dead and Re-animator). The 80's got zombies down to a science. A lot of films had great zombie make-ups with prosthetics, that looked great and set a new standard for zombies. Dawn rules but the make-ups really dont look that sharp. They just have a lot of character, so they are likeable. The 80's defined the look of the modern zombie which holds to this day.
I'm no expert, but I'm going to agree with the 80s...Modern technology has done a lot for tons of movies, but a lot of the CG that they use now can kill it. You can't beat those good ol' claymation or make up effects.
Ima go with the 70's since it produced the epitome of all zombie movies Romero's Dawn of the Dead....greatest movie ever....
I am going to have to agree with Bota2112 on this. Dawn of the Dead is my Favorite BUT... in 1968 Romero kreated his MASTERPIECE NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD!
Dawn of the Dead is my favorite of the series so I will go with the 70's!
I like the teens. 1917 was great. But the 80s were good too. So I say the 80s. Day of the Dead and Return of... really set me up to be the nutcase I am. Evil Dead 2 yad yada yada
Word on that nutcase shite. lol
I have to say though, as someone who has really gotten more into horror/sci-fi/zombie flicks as an adult rather than when I was young I really enjoy the stuff from the last decade. Dawn of the Dead is my favorite but 28 days franchise is awesome.

have ta say the 90's

evil dead blew most of the 80's stuff away fer me.

don't get me wrong, i loved the old stuff.


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