Wicked Zombies


You've been in a house that you had just cleared to be clean of the infected. You've settled in for the night in an upstairs room after securing all the entryways into the house downstairs. You also barricaded the room door for added protection.

You've been asleep for awhile, when suddenly out of no where and loud, nerve piercing scream comes out of the darkness outside. You jerk awake and rush to the window. As your eyes focus in the dark, you see a woman and her child running from a pack of walkers.

Now, what do you do? Do you try and help them by taking out the walkers? Do you signal them without letting the walkers or zombies know where the signal is coming from? Or do you let them fend for themselves?

Now as for me, which may go against somebodies views of moral or self preservation, I think I would signal and then take out the walkers. Even though it could put me in danger, but being a father and a husband, I would have to try and rescue them. Now after getting them in the house is when I would have them both strip down to check for bites, scratches or whatever to make sure they weren't infected. After clearing that part, then try and find out their story. After that, give them some food and water, even if it means running myself short, give them one of the rooms upstairs and then get some sleep. The next morning I would see if they want to hang with me or if they want to go alone. After that decision is made got from there.

What about you?

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that sounds like a plan i would follow from beginning to end.

well how many walkers? are we equipped to take out an entire pack? either way, I dont hesitate to run down stairs, open the door and get her inside, woman and children are never to be sacrificed, or left to fend for themselves. If I can I take out the horde obviously, but if not, I let her in, secure the door, and plan my next move on how to destory them then, being as how theyll now know where we are...

and then Rhino knows what Id do with her ;) giggity!

Ok, lets change this up. I see a trend happening. Women and Children will be saved even if it puts you or your group in danger.

Same scenario, but it's a guy running from the walkers/deadites/zombies/stenches or whatever you want to call them, no child involved. He has no weapon as far as you can see and he's carrying a backpack.

I might watch for a second or two before doing anything. Just to see if this guy was carrying some kind of weapon. I don't care if you are straight, gay, bisexual, black, white, purple or green, any man in the Z-poc and they're not carrying some form of a weapon, in my eyes is going to be lunchmeat for the undead. I don't care if you are a religious man of whatever faith or anyone that don't believe in killing or harming another person, during a Zombie Outbreak, your first thought is self preservation and survival. And if this guy is out in a Z-outbreak with no weapon, something must be up. For me it would send up a few red flags. Is he a scout for a larger party? Is this a ploy to lure unsuspecting victim's for him to sacrifice to the walkers?

I think I would be a lot more cautious with a male survivor in this situation then I would with a woman with a child. I think I would probably run the same precautions but be more suspicious of the guy. Or am I being bias...

What would you do in this situation??

in a z-poc. you do have to be suspicious of anyone. but a man running from stinkers with no weapon tells me several possibilities.

1) he bit off more then he can chew zombie wise and ran out of ammo. then in a panic. discarded the weapon to make better time.

2) same as above except all he had was a melee weapon and in a panic dropped it. (i am not making this up. shit does happen with your pants full of it in fear. lol)

3) his hold up place got overran and barely made it out with just his BOB on his back.

4) he was part of a supply raiding party and either got separated or they were overrun.

5) sick, nut case, whack job, religious nut who is now screaming a new tune when he tried to communicate with one and seen the light the hard way.

6) bait to find you, kill you, and steal your shit. lol.

either way. you wont know for sure until you open the door and take a chance. if he acts funny when in safety, trips up on his own lies to much, or what he says just dont add up. kill him. you will sleep better. if he passes your bullshit-o-meter. then he could be a useful alley and you could make it longer watching each others backs.

just my humble outlook on it. i mean Chris Columbus took a chance and look at America now. if you dont take the chance and live it safe all through z-poc (or try to live it safe). you wont get far. you will end up alone in a boarded up house somewhere. exhausted from moving to the point of collapse. then when the stinkers finally do break in on you to eat you. you will be to exhausted to lift a finger to even run much less fight. point is you have to open some trust somewhere along the line somehow. or you just wont make it.

not biased no...we had a discussion in my leadership program where if a man is in trouble, people automatically tend to think "is this a scam?" opposed to woman, who people are just more inclined to help. (by in trouble, I mean like passed out on the sidewalk, or hitchiking, walking aorund bleeding asking for help, that sort of thing) its not biased, its the way of the world.

With that being said, I do have compassion for people, so yes, same thing, I go down, let him in, but Im much more cautious around him, I "feel him out" much more than I would her (her Id just be thinking about feeling up, giggity) but yea, I think I would try to help as many people as I could come z-poc

Signal them then i would through out one my patent distraction grenades to lour the zombies away before letting them in. a quick check if their infected a hand off of some food and water and then I'm out of there. because one way or another that place is a hot bed of activity. either zombies, or the group she is secretly with that used them as bait. either way not staying there tonight.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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