Wicked Zombies


All of mankind has different situations in this Zombie World. Some people might be hold up in a house, military base, mansion, apartment building, or just on the run.

What What Is Your Status Right Now?

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status?? single and ready to mingle!!!! OHH WAIT.....nm! :P
ZOMBIE STATUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where are the danger hot points? Any updates?
I am in my dorm room getting ready to head over to my friends house to camp out there but first a trip to bass pro to get more supplies. Its going to be tough because there are a lot of them out there but im sure i can get it done.
I am currently at home, my 3rd floor apartment, with a downstairs security door that cant be opened from outside, outside my bathroom window is my rear roof, and there is a stair case from my roof to the alley way (lets hope these zombies cant climb steps...), there is a little spanish corner store a half a block away, and another corner store a block in 2 more additional directions, unfortunately my only weapons currently are 2 swords and a metal bat, its grocery shopping time, so I have very little food in my place, damn, hell of a time for the dead to rise, at this rate, I'll be out of food in a week...I have 3 additional neighbors in the same building...and, on top, I live right smack in the middle of an overcrowded city, theyre everywhere...
I am held up in a two story apartment. I have been stuck here for 2 days. Zombies are all over the placed and I can't make it to the ground level. I need to make it down so I can get to my car where my gun is. Wish me luck.
I am currently back in the city of Reading, I swear theres already zombies walking around here...lol....nope just junkies...anyway, you know what my status soon will be, jailbird. You know, after thinking about it, one of my biggest fears is being locked up in a jail cell when the z's arrive. That would be the worst, your chance of survival is slim to none, being locked in a cell with absolutely no way out. Suppose the prison gets overrun, all guards either get killed/turned/or just flat out abandon...your locked in your cell to slowly wither and die...
you want the next best thing. before the new hospital was built. i had to check into the heart wing of my old hospital when i got yearly testing done or any other heart tests for that matter. now i bet you are asking the million dollar question "How can that be the next worst thing to being locked up when the dead rise?" try being at a potential ground zero. the heart wing floor was right above the morgue for the whole city of Springfield and no way to lock the doors if you had to or weapons to protect yourself. try getting a restful nights sleep knowing right below you could be your own demise. dont work so well. i know first hand. lol.
I have considered that actually, being in a hospital would be bad news too, unlike the walking dead where man just magically wakes up and hes all alone in a hospital, no, quite the opposite would happen, you have a whole bunch of people in a close proximity, but escape is easier than a jail.
the morgue is on the fourth floor. heart wing on the fifth. how much chance would i stand? lol.
this to has crossed my mind. but its the whole "NO LOCKS" and "NO WEAPONS" thing that gives me the willies. i hate where i cant go without my handgun at least. lol.
i am more of a pudding fan myself but that would get me hopping mad enough to make 'em run for their rotten unlives. lol.


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   Well, wanted to juststop in and check on things...Been a long time since I have stopped by...Well things are not going as well as I would have hoped, but, you know, that's life...

   Some good things are my son, has turned 18 and has also graduated high school...I'm very proud of him...He has plans of going back to school after the getting a job and saving money for the school with the music production studies he wants to do...So I am very proud of…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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