Wicked Zombies


Born To Play Bob The Builder Foam Baseball Bat...

Would be really bad.

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yes it would,they would then be nice smelling fuckers

it would sure make it easier to deal with them in a enclosed space if they smelled better. so by all means. bring on the FEBREZE! lol.
I am gonna fully rely on the Vulcan neck pinch. You can all just get behind ME.
A chainsaw.If you miss it throws you off balance.Not to mention is fuel or battery supply.The chainsaw is heavy enough,but with extra fuel or battery cells the weight will be to heavy to make a quick escape if needed.It also gives the user more nerve,making them take greater risks that could most likely lead to there death.And the roar of the chainsaw will attract more and more infected which is a death sentence.
What if I lop my hand off at the wrist and clamp the chainsaw to my arm? I would pull the starter cord with my teeth Ash style.
It'd be fun while it lasted tho....
LOL yea for sure. A swiss army knife to kill a Zombie would have to be one of the worst ideas I could see too.
i dont see how. with it, you can make a spear or other sharp objects by whittling a sharp point to wood branches. hey dude, anything is better then bare hands to use to get bitten on. lol.
i learned that a knife is never a "useless" and is in some cases the most needed item in a soldiers arsenal. the knife can cut, slash, stab, and if need be pry apart things. hence the saying "A SOLDIER WITHOUT A KNIFE IS A SOLDIER DOOMED".
You ever heard of a twist knife? It's not just a figment of the imagination. ;-)
even though it cant be used as a weapon in a conventional sense of the word. it can still be of some use to fasion a weapon of some kind like most any other knife.

Apparently I am supposed to believe 19 guys thwarted a 600 billion dollar defense system with only box cutters, so maybe this is the most dangerous weapon in the world heh


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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