Wicked Zombies


Some members may use their real names, but a lot of us have weird shit we call ourselves (mine literally ha), so what does yours mean?

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My name is a tumor like mass of feces lodged in the intestines. It is yelled out in the Mr. Bungle song "Stub a Dub" from their wonderful self titled album. I learned soon after its release the meaning of the word in my Biology class and have used it for stuff ever since. Of course no internet back then, so it only recently became my online persona.
i got the name Rhino from family and friends because of the way i tend to be. i am very protective of both family and friends. so when i see either one in trouble. or an innocent person for that matter. i tend to charge in with all the force of a charging rhino to save the day using brute force to my advantage. its gotten me hurt bad a few times. but not before i got the job done. so when i joined the KOMRADZ, i turned the name Rhino to Komrad Rhino. because thats what we Komradz tend to do. right the wrongs and protect the innocent sometimes at the cost of life and limb.

redrum from The Shining, jack is my friend...heh, heh.....
99....well they will never find where i buried them.....
my real name means protector

as does Balthazzar
A Sunyak is an ancient creature of Tibetan lore that visits virgins in their sleep.
that was you....you owe me $50, pay up!
i did that just for the hell of it. fortunately i am still off the radar. i like to live as quietly as i can for the mostpart. lol.
yup love. your real name. thank god i am still under the radar. lol.
count yourself as lucky love. the more "UNNOTICED" one is. the better off you will be. especially if they come up with the FEMA camps. if you hit every radar on the page, it will be easier for the government and FEMA to lock in on you and make you go to their so called disaster evacuation camps when the zombies rise. personally, i will take my chances alone then go to a death camp. first off. you cant have any form of weapon on you. so self defence is out of the question. lastly. those camps will more than likely be the reason the outbreak spreads so fast. people will be on top of each other, so when some poor slob turns. the horror will be unreal. yes indeed. off the radar is the best way to be. trust me. i know my FFL puts me on a small radar, but once the Z-War hits. i will be more than ready and can cancel it before the FEMA camps start popping up. also by then, i hope to have my komradz geared up and ready to.
Nothing complicated about my handle. On other forums and stuff, though, I usually go by Bob the zombie.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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