Wicked Zombies


i just got a wondering:  what new, and old forms of sickness might we face in a inffected world to come?



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i have to agree with you here joy. the children born after the apocolypse will be at the greatest disadvantage compared to their parents. when a child is born, they are very vulnerable as it is. if a new mother were to breast feed though, it will help here some because the antibodies the mother has will be passed to the infant through the breast milk. i know a lot of women dont like to do this anymore. but if we are to stand a chance as a whole, then a lot of thinking needs to, and must, be modified here. i know this sounds very wierd comming from a man. but common sence is just that. common sence. and i know some women will think "well why not just have children when we win instead of during the war?". well that might sound good but come on here. when do men and women who fall for one another during a time of crisis use common sence or think in these terms? yes in deed. a lot of ways of thought will really need to be changed or modified completely.
Honestly I see the Number One killer making a komeback from its "grave" that's right kiddies the Plauge oh yeah rats in the water and all that jazz!!
Yeah, the plague sounds good. Hows about rabies?
maybe the common cold will finally finish off those of us who seem to never be able to get rid of it in a day or two lol
hey i did almost die thank you very much lol
I was thinking maybe things like cholera,malaria,polio various types of pox respiratory diseases,depending on food supplies scurvy.Also,again depending,syphalis & things of that nature.
the key question i have is what can we do to protect ourselve, and others from these sicknesses?
do what we can to add vitamins and other such supliments to our provisions before the zombies rise. as for things like syphalis and other STD's like Kitty pointed out. i say use some common sence here and keep to one partner as to ones sexual activities or pack a lot of condoms because things like syphalis can be cured in its early stages with penicilen. but where are we gonna find it when you need it? so we as people will need to practice some form of "safe sex" or just plain old fasioned common sence. but things like vitamines will go a long way.
Freal,I agree.
I was thinking in the long term,certain ailments can lay dormant for a long time.
I think people would be more likely to find a partner & stick with one person(as should be),promiscuity will not be an option if Zpocalpse happened.
also when it comes to the whole vitamine thing. to save space, get a multi-vitamine. those cover everything under the sun and moon to keep you healthy. i have took to using them myself and feel a shit load better then i did before.
chicken noodle soup

vit c pills

and raid every single damn walgreens in the US
another thing one can do is when you get a script for an antibiotic. you can stow away the leftover that you dont use of the med so you have it on hand if you find you need it again.


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