Wicked Zombies


OK, so in all the movies, a person can grab a weapon they've never used and score head shots while running and hit moving targets. Good for them! Now to the real world... You need to practice a bit before youre doing that.


Komrads, train with your weapons when you can, Ive had to run and do an obsticle course then fire an M9 pistol... with your body aching, heart racing and gasping for air.... your aim is no where near as good as it is usualy is!  Train your body as well as your mind. Knowledge will lead to survival. Teaching yourself new tasks will be very valuable. Learn from your fellow Komrads... we are a wide variety of individuals, from many different backgrounds, each bringing somthing to the group, no matter how small it might seem.


In the aftermath, it would be important for us to know survial skills including hunting/fishing (and dressing the game), gardening, food canning, etc, etc.... Mechanical skills will be needed for any vehicles inthe group... basic carpentry for rebuilding things... the list goes on and on...


Post what you feel could be somthing you have knowlegde of, or ask for some information that you want to know about and maybe a fellow Komrad will lead you in the right direction.



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thats where we need to keep our eyes peeled and our ears to the ground. the first sign of trouble, we start making plans to meet up. if we get so obsorbed in our day to day lives that we dont monitor and look for signs, then we very well could have to fight the chaos to meet up.
Well said Rhino, Even though we are physically far apart now, communication and eyes/ears open will keep us informed and ready for the convergance of the Komrads. And Kill Joy, there is always hope... I hope...
hope is the key. if we give up hope then the foundation of the Komradz is pointless. our whole existance is based on hope for a better world built by us from the ashes of the old one.
Cooooobraaaaa! I mean Komrads!!!!! LOL!
I have no doubt in you Joy Killer. I would be honored if you had my back.

Oh man... a gazillion! I'd be happy with half a gazillion! ;)

if a gazillion existed. i would be happy with a 1/4 of a gazillion. i am not a greedy man but i do have bills to pay. lol.

where and when is the big question. it would have to be someplace centralized where it wouldnt take long to get to. we could rent a room like the conventions do. all komradz attending chip in for it and us just rent rooms from there. it would be awsome.

true. there is a nice Holliday Inn with a meeting hall here in Springfield. it also has other things to entertain our troops like a game room, indoor pool, & i believe a steam room. great place to meet and get a little R&R to. it even has its own restraunt in it. GROOVY!! lol.

Nice... If anyone is down in FL any other time, look me up!

Need to start saving my pennies to make the trip to the Komrad Konvention!

awsome. thanks guys.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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