Wicked Zombies



i use to think we would be screwed if tank like zombies from left for dead ever showed up, but once again Joerg Sprave has saved all of our collected asses with his new muscle powered weapon. it's meant for dragons but i think it will work equally well against tank zombies and engine blocks for that mater. can you just imagine having one or more of these on your roof. the sound alone would send would be raiders running with tails between their legs and shit in their underpants.

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we all agree it needs a sight of some sort, but i don't think its fair to say all rubber based weapons are inaccurate. my sling bow is very accurate even at regular bow lengths. the dragon killer is still a prototype i hope to see it refined a little more.

i hate to say this. but for the most part. all rubber based weapons are inaccurate. the reason most sling bows can actually be excluded from this is because when these are made. a lot of people customize them to their personal needs or desires. but for the most part. a good slingshot is really no more accurate then just picking up a rock and throwing it by hand. its what one does with it that makes the difference. some slingshots are coming out with some kind of sighting system to make them better. this is not to say they are powerful enough to kill a zombie. but it does make a difference when hunting small game for dinner. or in the sling bows case. a good size deer.

ha it can!

granted it barely broke through and at a very close distance but that was with shity stock bands. you put big game hunting spear gun bands on that thing and you'll have you some dead zombies.



may be. but unless you stock up on these bands before the dead rise. then when those spear gun bands break (and with time they will). you will be up shits creek without the boat. and even a spear gun with these bands to them. they still leave a lot to be desired when it comes to accuracy. the guys that use these things make it seem so easy to hit with them. but like with most firearms. practice is needed. if you are going to use that. you may as well use a crossbow and have done with it.

i do have a cross bow and will use it bu ta sling bow take up a lot less space and given time the cross bow will break too. the string will wear out so you'll have to keep extras of that around just like the bands. everything's going to need replacement parts. and so what if you need practice thats just part of life. I'll stick with my pocket hunter for food gathering and as a backup zombie killer.

keep in mind though. bow strings take up less space and dont dry rot as fast as rubber does. and when the stinkers stand up is not the time for a crash course in target practice. plus the bow string will be way easier to replace. not to mention more reliable.

easy to replace a bow string, yeah right i still haven't strung my crossbow cause i cant do it alone. and bow string and rubber bands take up the same space I've tried. and modern synthetic rubber is much more durable then natural rubber.i think frankly they will last the same amount of time if properly cared for like anything. and who's waiting till they rise i practice with mine all the time.

You and I may practice all the time. But the usual person out there practices maybe once a month if that. And there is a way to string that bow alone. Use a heavy bit of twine or paracord. Tie it to each end of the bow prod with a little slack in it. Then cock it. Once cocked. Slip on the bow string.

Here is a video demonstrating how it works. In the video they used a commercial coated cable stringer. But the concept is still the same. The only difference from mine is I use paracord. You can also use a good piece of hemp twine to.

thats pretty cool it also kinda scares me but i guess i can give it a try.

doing it that way is like super easy. i make a living using little tricks like this. so i know it will not only work. its safer then you think. to string a crossbow rifle with this trick of the trade. i can pull $10 a pop for it and the pistol bows i can pull $5 a pop. more at gun shows. lol. my gift of knowledge to you. lol. a little leverage during a z-poc that you can use for trade. lol. granted cash will be useless during a z-poc. but cans of food never lose value. lol.

   I'm late to this part of the conversation...But just saying, that was a cool trick...I've tried stringing a crossbow, and actually did it the old fashion way...I put the string on one side and straddled the bow area and with everything I had pushed down and pulled the unstrung part around and was able to get it hooked...All I was waiting for was the damn thing to slip out of my hand or the damn thing to pop and take out my leg and my nuts...If that would have happened, I would have been pissed off....(LOL)

   Nice to know that there's a little bit of a safer way to string a crossbow....Damn...Wish I would have known that before I did that string a few months ago...Would have saved my back and my fucking calf muscles....(LOL)



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