Wicked Zombies


As of late. I been studying new forms of fighting styles and the knives involved with them. Reason being that ZOMBIES wont be the only thing we will need to fight from time to time. The knife of my personal choice has thus far been the KARAMBIT. The design alone makes this knife a very formidable weapon to face in practiced hands. There are many different styles of karambit out there. But this is the one I personally chose because of the full tang construction. I chose the Honshu Karambit. I currently have two of them in my B.O.B. for the z-poc. One has a shoulder sheath and the other a boot/belt clip sheath. Both are razor sharp after I got done with them. And both I endorse highly. Below are some of the training videos I been studying to make optimal use of these karambit knives.

Honshu Karambit in Shoulder Sheath

Honshu Karambit with Boot/Belt Sheath

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i meant the bones that form the eye socket its self those are pretty hard. not that you couldn't stab through them but it would cause your knife to change course and miss the brain. also those bones are nothing but angels like a Samurai helmet they deflect blows. and even if you hit the eye and piece the brain the zombie might have had enough time  take a chunk out of your arm depending on how you strike. a powerful hammer blow will but your forearm right in front of its mouth but a strait arm stab has more chance of missing. i won't be going face to face with a zombie unless i really have no other choice. i like the m48 spear my only gripes are i find it a little short and it definitely needs a new sheath. and last thing you need is to cut yourself on a zombie gored spear head cause the sheath was crap. if you can't get one made out of say kydex I'm sure I'm not spelling that right, or leather then you can make one out of pvc pipe with nothing but a heat gun and some rivets or small bolts. you can make all kinda sheaths out of the stuff could be a good skill to have in zpoc, weapons may be lying around but their sheaths probably got off and stumbled off somewhere.

   Around here we claw them the Eagle claw or Dragon Claw. I've never owned one, but those around here that have them have told me they are worth investing in. They can field dress a deer in a few minutes because of the curved blade. 

   Now most zombie survival guides, from Max Brooks to Roger Ma to Seth Walker of Apocalypse Tuesday all say to avoid CQC, but they also say that you will most likely have to defend yourself in CQC with a zombie. We all believe we'll have all our guns, swords and clubs. When it comes down to it, that one knife in which we have no faith in will be the only way to kill our attacker. That's using the only knife you have on you, because the rest of your gear is back a few yards away at camp.

   I have seen one of these blades used in a B-rated SyFy movie where the guy used it to gut a zombie and then used it's own intestines to tie the zombie up. It was pretty gross, but you could tell the movie was put together with clips. The editing was terrible.(LOL)

   Anyways, this blade has it's purpose within anyone's arsenal, it's just that you have figure it out. I am adding the M48 line Karambit to my next order.



Wouldn't getting the knife into the brain be difficult for someone who doesn't have strong upper body strength? I am not that strong so hand to hand combat always freaks me out!


it depends on the blade, angle stuff like that. you not trying to grapple with the zombie everyone should have the strength for this but if you are worried about it try this for maximum force application. first as the zombie approaches you wait for it's out stretched arm to be one foot away from your body and perform a simple side step curving around in a half mood shape till your beside the zombie at which point you will want use which ever leg is closest to the zombie depending on whether you stepped to the right or left of the zombie and hock that in front of the zombies leg. you wont have to do a lot here since the zombies own momentum will do a lot of the work as its leg hits into yours this will knock the zombie off balance and you can insure this by pushing on the zombies back as you continue the move with another pivot step till you are behind the zombie. by now the zombies center of balance will be destroyed at it will have fallen face first into the ground. now grasp your blade in one hand while placing your other onto of your wepon hand against the butt of the blade and knelling down on one leg on the zombies back drive the blade at a 45 degree angel into the back of the head at the base of the skull where it meets the spine. sorry if i didn't explain this properly but the take down move is a pretty basic martial arts movie it's also if I'm not mistaken how police take down a suspect but instead of handcuffs you deliver a kill strike.

or if you don't fell like learning that move use a wepon that employs a lever to gain better momentum and power. or to put it simply something with a handle for more power. like an ice axe or even attaching a knife to the end of a stick though i don't recommend that. but perhaps the simplest way is just to work out now to gain better upper arm strength. i suggest studying martial arts it will train your body and teach you movies you can use against zombies. try ones that focus more on throws and knocking you opponent off balance then punches and holds. judo is great for that and their for for zombies.

if you want a good skull puncher for close quarters. this military pick is a good one for that.

its got a short handle and heavy head. another goodie for CQC battle. i sell these for $10.

this is nothing new, soldiers were killing each other with entrenching tools during world war one and long before then and the entrenching tools at the time were just cut down shovels and pick axes

   The way I look at it, if you are going to practice, using a 6 inch 2X4 as a replacement for a human skull will work. Ever try to hit a moving 6 inch 2X4 at the end of a rope? Its a hard target to hit. Just make sure you have a sheet of plywood behind it. If not, you could lose your blade like I did. Took two hours looking for it. Finally found the damn thing about 40 yards past the 2X4 stuck in a rotted out tree branch...(LOL)

   But as for CQC, it'll be a main stay. You will have to do CQC in tight places where you are scavenging. Specially if you are inside and need to remain quit. You may not be able to get behind them.

   The temple, the eye socket and the soft spot in the back of the head are small targets. So in CQC you will have to disable one or both arms in order to get in close enough to strike. A miss is wasted movement and energy. So disabling the arms and then a good solid strike will be the best way. And using a sword, like a katana or machete would be good, but if in a small room where you can't get a good swing, using a Karambit or even a large hunting knife will be the best for CQC.

   You have to remember, the normalcy of combat will no longer be in affect when dealing with the dead. Staying low, Staying quit and moving quickly will become the normal reality. And those who think they are the badasses of the Z-poc that need the fight to prove something to people, will more then likely become nothing more then food. I have several that have the "I'm the badass" syndrome around here. Bad thing is, the only thing they have for defense are bullets and homemade explosives. So they won't be around long. They'll either blow themselves up or use up their rounds against 3 or 4 zombies. 

   I've done street fighting in backroom bars in my early 20's. Adding a good blade that will allow me to sever a muscle, a tendant and rendering a body part immobile or even able to gut them in one stroke will be fucking awesome as hell. Especially if I can get the movies down pat. (LOL)


I'm guessing your block of wood on a rope set up is for throwing knives and i'm just gonna say this now never use throwing knives against a zombie its just a waste don't do it. other then i'm cool with everything else you said. but I'm not going to be walking into rooms so tight i can't properly use my main weapon. stealth and planing your next move ahead of time is whats going to keep you alive. i know ill be looking around every corner with a mirror before i turn it. if it looks to small i just won't go in. and if i have to go in and there are zombies I'll lore them out first into a more open and favorable area to me and then go in. now shit happens and you may have to be on the run and don't have time to do this but taking simple steps like this can reduce you need to go up close with zombie by a lot.



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