Wicked Zombies


Well ladies and gents. We now have one more showing of The Walking Dead. And everyone is converging on the town named TERMINUS. What do you think will happen in the ending show of SEASON 4? Any thoughts or opinions?

The Walking Dead Terminus Teaser

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I was think the same thing because I don't understand what Mary could be barbecuing!  

I know it was so easy to get in. No protection from zombies or people. WEIRD!

My thought exactly! WTF is up with TERMINUS?????????

Lets just say, DON'T EAT THE BBQ!!!

   But I heard it taste like chicken, so give me a leg and a breast.....

The show has just upped the creepy accept!

Being I noticed now cows or pigs around. I to can't help but wonder what the hell was being fried on the grill. My very first thought was canibals. At first thought before seein Terminus was another Woodbury situation. But when I saw the grill and no livestock around. I just can't help but feel it's gonna be way worse. Add to the fact I saw no other people. Not even zombies. And it just screams TRAP that much more to me. Major case of only eat the veggies, get a quick shower, then get the hell out! No trusting this says me. Lol

I know this is about Terminus, but are you telling me not even the Great King Weeble Rhino didn't see Bub in the tunnel??? (L)

   AM I the only one that saw him?? DAMN IT!!!! (LOL)

   You have to remove your name from the George Romero fan club if you didn't see Bud...(ROFLMAO)

I am gong to have to watch it again because I didn't see Bub! Did he have his walkman and gun?

i was not sure at first because it all happened so fast. it took watching the second showing to catch him. but yup. KING WEEBLE saw him dude. even made him a knight in my round table. lol. HEY JESSIE! i need a court jester. want the job? LMAO!!!!

Sure, I take ammo, food rations and weapons as payment....(LOL)

My question is this Where are all the people hiding at?

another yet good question Komrad. seeing how easy it was to get in. and the fact that the woman that greeted them was cooking meat from animals not seen there makes me wonder if we are dealing with a bunch of cannibals. so far our crew has had to deal with all kinds of people and tragedies. i would hate to think they stumbled on to that now.


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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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