Wicked Zombies


Finish your soda, then light up.

ALUMINIUM soda cans are thin, making them easy to cut. They are light too and dent easily. So, how on earth do we cut slits onto the cans to make little lanterns without ruining them? The trick is to fill them with water and pop them into the freezer for a few hours. Six hours is quite enough for the ice to form before working on the cans. I left one can overnight and it burst open in one split!

The ice inside the can is the solid “solution” to our creative problem. We can then cut lines, hammer or pierce holes to form patterns and designs on them. I use an ordinary craft cutter for splicing the cans and found the blades sharpened in the process. Be extra careful when making today’s project.

Sit back and relax: Sip some tea amidst the soothing light of aluminium can lanterns.

Lantern and tea light holder
From aluminium soda cans

You need:

  • 2 aluminium soda cans
  • Wire – 30cm
  • Cutter and small pliers
  • Screwdriver
  • Piercing tool
  • Black marker
  • Dish cloth
  • Basin
  • Tealights
Making the lantern

1. Pull the tab to open the can, taking care to leave the tab intact if possible. Empty the drink into a cup. Rinse the can and fill it with tap water. Freeze it for six to eight hours.

2. Lay the frozen can on a piece of folded dish cloth and keep wiping it as you work on it.

If the tab was detached when you opened the can, pierce two holes on opposite side of the top of the can.

3. Use the black marker to draw 12 equally spaced dots around the can, 2cm from the top edge. Draw another set of 12 dots corresponding to the top dots on the lower part of the can, also 2cm from the bottom.

4. Lightly mark a cutting line to join a top dot to the bottom dot which is on the right of the one directly beneath it. Draw it in a slight S-curve. Join all the top dots to the bottom ones in the same way. Follow the lines to cut through the can with the cutter. Take care to hold the can firmly with your left hand.

5. Leave the can inside a basin for the ice to melt. Wipe it dry.

6. Light press the top of the can downwards to open the cuts. As you do that, slip the screwdriver inside a slit to press onto the bottom of a strip of the can to shape it outwards. Repeat for all the strips to shape the can into a lantern.

7. Turn the can upside down and press onto the strips in the same way, to obtain an equally-balanced lantern shape.

8. Place the lantern in both hands and twist it slightly, pressing inwards a little.

9. Pass the wire through the set of holes at the top of the lantern. Bring the ends together to form a loop before twisting into a hook for hanging. If the tab is intact, use it to hang the lantern.

Making the tea light holder

Follow all the steps for making the lantern but do not pierce the set of holes at the tops. (Note: The body of the orange can is cut in straight lines unlike the lanterns which has lines cut in S-curves.)

Cut out two strips from the can to make a wide opening. Use the pliers to bend the cut sharp edges of the top and bottom of the opening inwards.

As the top of the can is flat compared to the bottom, use it as the base instead. So turn the can upside down to place the tea light inside it.

* Remember, never leave the light unattended.

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Unbelievable and they are quite stylish too.

Never leave the light unattended...Yeah Right!!! (LOL) So if you get up and go get a refill on your drink or someone comes to the door or your kids are driving you nuts, you don't even think about it, you get up, refill your drink, answer the door or grab a yard stick and chase your kids down like the little animals they are and whoop em and then you go back and sit down to enjoy your drink and the light has burnt out...(LOL)  

   But I think this would be good project for my scouts...Something dealing with fire, tools and being able to use their new knives they just got....Thanks for the donation Rhino, the boys loved them...Especially Lj....

i seen these before. a guy was making them to sell at a major flea market. guy was selling out of them left and right. sold them for like $6 a lamp. made me green with envy and wish my leg could fly backwards a little farther. so i can KICK myself in the ass for not having the talent for making things like that. lol. makes mewish i took that art class in high school instead of making fun of the  people in it. lol. aint hind sight a motherfucker!? lol.

doesn't seam like there's that much to it.

with me. its not so much of there being much to it. its one of those "WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT!" kind of things. lol. all those pop cans i tossed to the recycle bin and here all along i could have made more then scrap price off of them. lol

hey its not about being the first at something. its about being the best at it!

true. but that dont ease the urge to do the self kick to the ass though. lol.

I'ld pay to see that...The fight of the century....King Weeble Vs. Foot to Ass....Just wonder if that would be the first time we actually see a Weeble fall over and not get back up....(ROFLMAO)

i'd get back up. probably back into my own foot again. but i'd get back up. lol


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