Wicked Zombies


Sleep Deprivation is probably be the most thing that will make you move slower in the Apocalypse, so im doing a test to see how long i can stay awake, every 3 to 4 hours i am going in my backyard and running around to get the feel of restlessness,and after that im going inside to do 20 push ups.

Im up for 24 hours right now 2pm-2pm

I will update you guys on how i am doing in 10 hours,so that will be 34 hours.


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So right now i already stayed up for 24 hours, lets see how long i can go

my Goal 50 hours.

monster lo carbs will help-delerium will eventually set in soon as well as visual hallucinations b ready

the longest i have stayed up safely is 3 days. after that. the mind started to play tricks on me. i was hearing voices and sounds that were not there, seeing things that were not there, then the fatigue hit like a hammer. and all that after 72 hours. the trip was not a pleasant one. lol. i started my experiment at 6:00 in the morning on a monday and lasted till 7:45 thursday morning. but i also during that time was testing my ability to not eat anything at all and drink as little as possible. the whole goal to my experiment was much similar to yours. to test my endurance and see how i would fare if i was on the move from a zombie hoard and had no time for sleep and food. and to see if i could function on as few fluids as possible.

I had hallucinations happen already i thought i had 6 fingers on one hand and ran into a door i thought was open O_o

being i am assuming this is your first time doing this experiment. what will help is if you do things that will not so much keep the body working but the mind. in other words. do things that will make the mind alert like puzzles, video games, brain teasers, things of this nature. as you do this experiment more and more. you will find that it wont take as much to stimulate the brain and keep it going. the first time i did this experiment. i worked on the sleep part. i went 49 and a half hours. then on the second time i did it. i threw in the lack of food as well as the no sleep factor. the third time i did it. i put in the water part and managed to go the distance of 72 hours. so you could say i conditioned myself for this kind of thing.

Ok, ill try it, thanks

before trying my way though. get you some sleep. one or two days first. reset the body so to speak. that way you are starting fresh. like you would everyday life then bam! the zombies hit and you are being hunted. you will get better results then to jump into the routine i started straight from the one you started. not so damaging either.

yea the mind aspect is the main thing, if you just sit and watch t.v youll never make it, but keep yourself occupied...lol, I  once did a 3 day coke binge...that was nuts...Im used to running on little sleep, my sleep pattern has leveled out and become more normal now that Im pushing 30, but I always ran off 3, 4 hours a night, all nighters (mostly partying) 3rd shift jobs, stuff like that...

Komrad how long did you last?

I lasted 65 hours, it was hell, ill have more experiments to come soon, right now im working on

the short films storyboard.

Sounds good but make sure you stay safe! 

i cant wait to see those short films. congrats on the time stretch by the way. that was almost 3 days. fucking outstanding! keep up the good work brother.


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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am

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