Wicked Zombies


hey so i had an idea for diy emergency fridge that would require no power and just use something you should already be stockpiling. the idea is a propane fridge. no when the zombies come and we all know they will you'll most likely lose power. gas running water all that. now something everyone should have is a propane camp stove to do all your cooking. well why not make that propane do double duty in running a small refrigerator since your going to use it anyway. i know what your saying hows propane suppose to cool a fridge.well i'll tell you.

physics 101 when liquid is compressed into a gas, such as with in your propane tank, when it expands to its normal value it will draw in heat from its surrounds very rapidly. if you ever used one of those can computer co2 dust cleaners and felt it get cold after you sprayed it you know what i mean. now how do you use that principle to cool a fridge. very simple you take some bendable copper pipe you can find at any hardware store. bend it into long you shapes and put a connecter on one end for you propane tank and one for your grill on the other. and when you run the propane through the copper pipe to your stove the copper will get so cold you could lay a an ice cube tray full of room temp water on it and you'll get ice in minuets. I've seen this done and in fact its how fridges on rvs' work.

now you take your copper pipe assembly place it into a decent quality cooler and you have powerless emergency cooler you can use to keep anything you want to keep cool in. use it to make some ice like i said and that will keep it cool between using your stove. its just another way to get the most out of your preps. so tell me what you think and if i get enough people thinking this is a good idea I'll try to make a prototype  to test it out in a video. so please comment and be sure to check out my you tube channel REDEADTHEUNDEAD© for more shtf zombie inventions, weapons testing and gear reviews.

"Stay alive, because the dead won't stay dead on their own"!©

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   The Amish here in TN have been using that kind of set-up you're talking about for years...Their frigs and stoves are connected together and run off of the same propane gas line.

   I know a couple of them, because my dad lives damn near in the middle of them in Huntingdon, TN...They have to use a lot of propane in order to maintain the safe recommended cooling storage of food...Which they bake and cook damn near all day long, so they really keep it going...But according to Malin, they use a lot of propane in one day, I think he says it take like 37 to 40 gallons of propane just to maintain the cooling temp just to keep the food overnight....

   Malin, (May-Lynn), the Amish guy across the road from my dad, showed me how it worked...A long ass copper line twisted and turned all through his frig and out to the stove...He showed me where the tank hooks to the line...It's a really cool ass concept...Only problem he is having is maintaining the temp inside throughout the day without the stove running...

   I told him that a regular frig uses fans to keep the air circulating inside them, so he would have to figure out a way to power them...He's hooked up a couple of electric fans and hooked them to something up on his roof...Not sure what it is, because it doesn't look like a typical solar panel, which give it the Amish for figuring out shit and not sharing the damn secret....(LOL)

   Just remember when you build it, it's got to maintain an steady safe temp level for storing food, which turns out to be between 32 to 40 degrees...And to freeze the food it has to maintain a level of 30 to 32 degrees...

   And you have to make sure that your line doesn't have pin holes or cracks in it or you're just making a small nuke...(LOL)

well good to know it's a proven concept. and i imagine with a smaller more well insulated fridge it should take less propane. i don't plan on doing anything more then a cooler size. but thanks for the tips another step forward.

we never keep more then a days worth of food in the fridge and freezer. the rest is stuff in cans or dehydrated stuff that can be made easily or eaten straight from the cans. this cuts the need for a small nuclear device powered by propane like the fridge and cook stoves. those things always did scare the hell out of me. one leak undetected and BOOM! Rhino nuggets all over the place. lol. pass on propane. sticking with the canned and dry stuff not to mention the MRE's. lol

i was think more for housing meet from hunts and stuff. and leaks can be easily checked for with a keen nose and some soapy water. also don't forget the power of ice. an ice cold drink on a hot summers day is one hell of a moral booster.


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