Wicked Zombies


Re-Animator is a 1985 American science fiction horror film based on the H. P. Lovecraft story "Herbert West–Reanimator." Directed by Stuart Gordon, it was the first film in the Re-Animator series. The movie has become a cult film, driven by fans of Jeffrey Combs (who stars as Herbert West), extreme gore, and the combination of horror and comedy.












HERE THE EXTRA DELETED SCENE FROM RE-ANIMATOR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I2AdjxrbwE&feature=related

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Awesome movie...I might have to bring it out of the archives tonight!

Cool go for it!

this is a way cool movie. i like the one where Dr. Weston is locked up in prison. how he escapes is so cool.
lol hee yeah!
i actually a copy of the actual story Herbert West, The Re-Animator
Scat bought a cool version of it that had a little highlighter that looked like a syringe in the box with it. It was really neat.
thats the special edition, disc two should have the original story
I'll have to pull it out and look at it. I think the highlighter is gone. But I've actually never seen Re-Animator. No one throw stones at me. I don't know how I've managed to not see it by now. I guess everyone has some movie like that, that you should have seen but haven't.
you'll love it, especially later on, i need to find Bride of Re-Animator and Beyond Re-Animator

i got them all. right now all my movies are packed up. i am preparing for a move here soon.


I got Bride of Re-Animator VHS Video!
lol I was wrong. The highlighter is in the box. Scat read this and panicked. hahaha I heard him yell, "The highlighter is gone?!" I realized that meant I had to be wrong.


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