Wicked Zombies


With a light breeze from the summer winds dancing with the treetops, laughter and music erupt from the peacefulness of the woods.  Male and female voices are heard mixed with clanking beer bottles and music. A four lawn chairs, three coolers, four tents surround the perimeter of a campfire. On top of one of the coolers a small radio sits, busting out tunes, as the people and the tree tops dance to the rhythm. Suddenly the music is cut short.  These friends are stopped in their tracks as the disc jockey's voice is heard.


"We interrupt your listening pleasure to bring you this late breaking news report. Dr. Johanson at the University of Tennessee, Professor of the Astrology Department has issued the following statement, a comet as large as a SUV is heading towards earth. The projected path of this comet has been determined to pass between our earth and moon. It will not collide with earth. The time of being able to see the comet without a telescope is placed around midnight central standard time. We've been told that there will be no major effects to our planet."

   The disc jockey pauses. A sigh of relief comes across the airwaves as he exhales the breath in which he was holding.

"A report from NASA has also confirmed the comet's projective path. The path most likely will deposit debris of small rocks and softball size chunks of ice into our atmosphere. It will however deposit space debris into our atmosphere. The space debris is nothing more than basketball size chunks of ice and rocks. As they pass through the mesosphere and burn to nothing, the gases created by this process will create a spectacular light show within the troposphere."

   The campers have now pulled their chairs closer to the radio. The DJ continues.

"Scientists at both NASA and the University of the Tennessee are watching this comet closely. For now, both are saying we will be enjoying a fabulous light show. Stay tuned right here to WJWG radio for further Jonas Comet updates. We now return you to your local news program, now in progress."

   As the DJ's voice fades into some country sad song, one of the female campers gets up and turns down the radio.  The campers settle back around the fire.  The female who turned down the radio stops by one of the coolers and opens it.  She passes out drinks from the cooler and everyone sits back and relaxes a little.

Male Camper 1

"I wonder if this was such a good idea.  You know how radiation, viruses, diseases start when something like this happens."


Male Camper 2

"Look Mikey, shut up man. Not everything that happens will start a plague or world destruction. Besides, if Maddy hears you talking that shit, you're going to get your ass kick.  And we both know that that's like watching a blind man fighting his way out of a wet paper bag with his ass on fire."


"Come on Dubby, you know damn good in will that all these books, video games, movies and tall tales have some sort of fact to them.  I mean damn dude, what if this light show isn't just a light show?  What if it's a start to an alien invasion or something?"

   Maddy, walking from the cooler hears this coming from Mikey and is instantly pissed. 


"DAMN IT DUBBY!! I'm not putting up with this shit tonight. We came out here to have a good time and this crazy bastard aint screwin this up. Shut him up or I'm kicking your ass and then his."


"What the hell? I know I talked you into letting him come along, but come on. Cut me some slack."

Female Camper 2

"You tell her Dubby."


"Shut up Joanie. This isn't your fight. But I figured you and this Sci-Fi geek would get along. But I was wrong."


"I do like Sci-Fi stuff, but I'm no conspiracy nut like he is."


"Come on guys; let’s get back to having fun. Mikey shut that shit up or I'm going to kick your ass."


"Yeah, that would be a show. A dickhead and an asshole, keep your love lives secret."

   Everyone laughs. Kicked back in their chairs and with the music playing softly in the background, their voices seem to mix together as they break off into separate conversations. As the night drifts above them, Joanie and Maddy seem to reach their limits in drinking and of staying up late. The two girls enter into their tent and crawl into their sleeping bags and fall asleep.

Dubby and Mikey sort of kick back a little more. Dubby turns to Mikey and offers him a drink out of a silver flask.


"Wanna a stiff one?"


"Naaa. I think I'll enjoy this better with just a buzz, not drunk."

Dubby shrugs his shoulders and takes a swig.


"You know, it would be cool to see that comet before I pass out. "A perfect ending to a good day."


"Would be nice, but what if..."


"Damn it Mikey, don't fucking start. Damn man. Just chill the fuck out. Drink another beer and just watch the skies."

   Dubby gets up and stumbles over to the cooler and tosses Mikey another beer. He staggers over and plops down in his chair, within a few minutes Dubby passes out. The batteries in the radio die and Mikey relaxes and listens to the sounds of the fire and the woods. Suddenly the comet passes over head and Mikey smiles. The brilliant colors of greens, blues, reds, yellows and oranges danced and mixed throughout the sky. While the light show explores every inch of our sky, Mikey begins to drift off to sleep as the winds music whistles through the tree tops.


   The next morning, the light from the sun shines bright and lights up the campsite. With the woodland animals scurrying around, Dubby reaches over and wakes Mikey. Birds chirping, a light wind whistling through the bushes, Mikey wakes and sits up.


"Mikey, you awake?"


"Yeah, I need to pee."

   Both Mikey and Dubby get up and walk a little ways outside of the campsite. Mikey picks a spot behind a bush and Dubby picks a spot next to a tree. 

Mikey lets out a howl of shock.


"Dude, you alright?"


"Yeah, damn bird startled me.  It landed on a branch above me and knocked some dirt on my head."

   They come from their bathroom areas about the same time. As Mikey shakes his head, some of the dust is inhaled by Dubby. Dubby sneezes. Mikey and Dubby begin to walk back to the camp when Mikey grabs his stomach and dry heaves.

Dubby stops as he hears Mikey heaving and turns around.


"Damn dude, can't hold your liquid can you?"

   Dubby and Mikey both chuckle a little. Within seconds of taking a step towards the camp site, Mikey violently vomits blood. Dubby shocked at what he is seeing, just stands there stunned.

   Mikey grabs his stomach and falls to his knees. He lurches forward and pukes more blood. As Dubby just stands there, blood begins to exit through Mikey's eyes. Dubby feels some wetness under his eyes. He reaches up and then pulls his hand from his face, blood is on his fingers. Dubby quickly turns to run, but is stopped in his tracks by a powerful numbness in his left leg. Quickly Dubby spins around and finds Mikey lying on the ground. Dubby feels the urge to vomit. Unexpectedly Dubby is slammed to the ground by the violent strength of his urges to vomit. The urge to vomit finally overwhelms Dubby and he begins to puke blood. During the violent vomiting, Dubby managed to wiggle, scoot and claw his way to his friend's side. As the blood flows from his nose, it also commences to drip from his ears. Slowly his skin begins to turn a greenish-gray. Veins on the corner of the eyes start pulsing through the skin on both Dubby and Mikey. Mikey's body twists and turns to where you can hear the ligaments in side his body ripping from the bones. The veins near the corners of the eyes pulsate to where the veins grow to the edges of the ear canal of both its victims.  The hair on their bodies fall out and to the ground. The skin begins to tighten at this time and as it does, the eyes sink deep into the sockets and they turn straight black. The dilation of the pupils expands to the eye looks totally black. A split in the skin above the bridge of the nose opens and elongates to the middle of the victims backs. The wound does not heal fast and refuses to bleed. It scabs over rapidly and becomes a deep, dark almost purplish-red scar. The ears close slowly as a small hard sack of puss expands over the ears opening. Dubby and Mikey both scream in pain.

   Back at the camp, Joanie is the first to come out of the girl's tent. She pulls a pack of cigarettes from her backpack on the ground next to the tent. She walks over and takes a seat in one of the empty chairs next to the burnt out fire.


"Peace, quiet and a smoke, just what the doctor ordered."

   Joanie lights her cigarette and sits back and listens to the sounds of small animals, the birds and the wind as they perform their morning symphony. Joanie reaches over and picks up the small personal radio she brought along. She turns it on and places the headphones on her ears. As she bobs her head from side to side, suddenly a hand reaches down and drags her up and out the chair. No scream is heard from Joanie. A large drop of blood splatters on the head rest of the chair as a deafening snap and the sound of tearing flesh is heard. Some sounds of footsteps are heard in the distance.

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very nice! is this a book you are working on?

You keep busy with all the writing you do. Is this a intro?

It's a story I've been working on for the last few years. There's more...I'll post more of it in the upcoming days that follow as long as everyone stays interested....

Inside her tent, Maddy is sleeping. As she slowly wakes, she stretches and yawns. She sits up and looks around. Silence fills the air. She lies back down and rolls back up in her sleeping bag. She pulls out a rolled up stack of papers. Unrolling the papers, it is a magazine that she opens.

   The magazine she is looking at is a girl on girl sex magazine. She thumbs through a couple of pages and finds what she is looking for. One hand still holding the magazine, she rolls to her back her free hands slides into her sleeping bag.

   A short time later, Maddy comes out of the same tent.


"Don't start this shit this morning guys. The first one that jumps out at me is getting kicked in the balls." Maddy doesn't notice the blood on the chair as she walks by the smoldering fire. She stands in the middle of camp and listens. All she hears is the sounds of rabbits and frogs and the wind. After a few minutes she looks around. She doesn't see the blood on the back of the chair and looks inside the tents. No one there. Maddy hears movement from behind her. She spins around. 


"Damn it, you guys got me. What's for breakfast?"

   As the two figures move from the shadows of the trees and into the sunlight, Maddy notices that something is wrong with Mikey and Dubby. Both their shirts are covered in blood and Mikey has a piece of red meat hanging from his mouth. 


"You guys alright? What the hell is hanging from your mouth?"

   Neither answers her and Mikey lunges forward her trying to grab Maddy. Maddy moves out of the way and he falls to the ground. Dubby stumbles forward and gets tripped by the camper chair in front of him.


"What the hell is wrong with you two?"

   Pissed off, Maddy looks around and finds the machete that they used to cut up some small limbs for the fire. She picks it up and with both hands on the handle; she stands ready for their next attack.  As Mikey makes his way to his feet, Dubby is struggling to untangle himself from the chair. Mikey reaches out and tries to grab Maddy, Maddy pulls back and swings with the machete and chops off one of Mikey's hand. Not feeling any pain, Mikey charges once more. This time Maddy raises the machete above her head and as Mikey's left hand touches her throat, she screams with anger and brings the machete crashing down upon Mikey's head. Mikey falls to the ground in a heap of mutated flesh. Maddy tries to pull the machete free, but it is buried so deep in Mikey's skull, that the force has created a vacuum securely latching onto the machete. Dubby finally frees himself from the camping chair and lets out a roar of rage. As he looks towards Maddy, who's still trying to free the machete, charges at her like a drunk charging a bar. Maddy quickly turns and with no more hesitation, she breaks out in a run.

   Having no idea where she's heading, she just keeps running deeper and deeper into the woods. Feeling she has lost her crazy friend, she stops by a tree and tries to catch her breath. As she looks around, she realizes that she could be in trouble. Suddenly behind her a twig snaps. She slides her gaze around the tree and standing there is Dubby. Quickly he jerks his head in her direction and takes off towards the tree, as he reaches the tree, Maddy has taken off again. Sniffing the air, he gives chase.

   As Maddy enters the meadow holding her side, she's tripped by the tall grass that entangled around her feet. Dubby stops at the edge of the meadow and looks around. Hidden by the tall grass, Maddy struggles to free her feet. But with the movement of the grass, her location is quickly given to Dubby. Finally able to free her feet, Maddy stands up and Dubby is only a few feet away. With fear and panic fueling her anger, she takes a stand.

   Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a loud explosion erupts. Dubby's head explodes into a pile of shredded hamburger. Surprised at what has just happened Maddy turns around and standing in the meadow, about twenty yards away is a short, bald, fat man that holsters a pistol. 

you could make a fortune publishing your works.

Thanks.  I haven't finished this story yet. This is still a work in progress. But I've gotten pretty far on it. Thought I would share what I got written so far to see what people think...


"Thank you. I thought I was dead there for a minute."


"Look, we don't have time for that. If you want to live, you'll have to come with me."


"What are you talking about?"


"You see that path over there? It leads to the old Garrett house.  I'm heading there."


"Why there? And who are you?"


"It's self-contained and has metal shutters and a nice bunker under it.  And I'm Jessie, the one who saved your ass.  Now you can follow me or you can go, but I'm telling you this, you will die out there."

   Shocked at what is happening and what Jessie is telling her, Maddy sort of stands there for a second. Jessie walks towards the path. Maddy quick steps her way behind Jessie.  They make their way down the path which is an overgrown dirt driveway. Two attackers walk out from the tree line lining the driveway. Jessie and Maddy both stop in their tracks.

Maddy Whispering

"What the hell do we do now?"

   Jessie looks at Maddy and uses his fingers to show her what they are going to do. As he motions with his fingers for her to run pass them, he motions that he's going to draw their attention towards him. Maddy shacks her head no, but before she could say anything, Jessie moves and the movement catches the eyes of these shadow covered people.

Maddy quickly takes off in a dead run down the driveway.  She looks up and spots that the house is only a few yards ahead of her. She shoots like a lightning bolt down the path and on to the porch of the house.

The two attackers charge Jessie. Jessie fires off one shot and one of the charging figures fall and crash into the ground. The other attacker leaps into the air and Jessie's gun jams. Jessie is knocked to the ground as the attacking monster lands on his chest. Jessie falls to the ground and rolls to his left to regain a standing position, but is stopped as the attacker charges him. Still on one knee, Jessie does a maneuver that sends his attacker flipping over his head. Jessie, who's lost his pistol from the first attack, looks around for his pistol. Jessie does a rolling flip towards the pistol, when two more attackers enter the driveway.  Jessie quickly cocks his pistol, which ejects the unfired bullet to the ground. As he fires two shots, the two new targets fall. Jessie turns his attention to the first attacker, who is now getting to his feet. He charges. Jessie, who is now pissed to no ends, quickly holsters his gun and takes a fighting stance. Jessie throws a front kick that connects with the chest of the assailant. The attacker falls onto his ass and screams loudly with anger.

Jessie waits as his foe gets back to his feet. The creature raises his arms and screams with fury. Realizing this is his chance; Jessie charges the humanoid and jumps into the air. As Jessie flies through the air, the monster charges. With the sound of bones breaking, the two combatants meet in the middle. The beast grabs Jessie and pulls him to the ground.  Rolling around on the ground, these two mortal enemies, struggle for dominance within the fight. Jessie is finally able to get behind the beast.  Jessie wraps his arm around the furious beast's neck and is able to fight his other arm behind the back of his attacker's head. With a squeeze of his arms and twist of his body, the monster begins to slap Jessie's arm and gurgles from the loss of air. Jessie leans as hard as he could against the back of the neck, and a loud explosive pop and snap is heard. The monstrous body goes limp and crashes into the ground sending a small dust cloud into the air. Jessie looks up the path and several more of these angry and violent people are seen. Jessie looks the other way and he sees that Maddy is standing on the front porch. A couple of shadows from the tree line cross over onto the driveway. Tired, Jessie breaks into a flat run and makes the porch within a few seconds. Catching his breath, Jessie tries the door handle. The door opens.

the new character sounds familiar. lol. hmmm. why is this so? lol.

Ummmm, maybe its because I thought I would write myself as the hero....(ROFLMAO)

A mother and son are in a heated battle in the kitchen of a typical suburban house just a few miles outside the city. The mother is standing her ground against every logical positions that is throwed at her by her smart 12 year old child.


   “Mom, please. Why not? I’m big enough to see all the other movies, why can’t I go see this one?”


   “I said no. I don’t care about the other movies you’ve watched behind my back. You’re not going to watch this one. I’ve heard way to much about how people went crazy watching this movie and how the last theater was over ran by people killing people after showing the movie. So NO! I’m not going to change my mind no matter what.”


   “I know what it is. Uncle Mikey stopped by and filled you full of junk that wasn’t true.”

   As the feud continues, the father outside who has been changing the oil in the car, final hears the raised voices and the anger exploding through the opening in the kitchen window. He stops what he is doing and walks into the house.


   “What in the hell are you to yelling about? I can hear both of you outside and I do believe it’s loud enough to wake the dead.”

   The father giggles at his little joke and the boy runs up to him.


   “Dad, mom says I can’t watch the new George A. Romero movie that just came out. It’s not as bad as it has been made out to be. It’s not as graphic as everyone keeps saying. Even Uncle Mikey says it has a better story then all the other zombie movies out there.”

   The father raises is head and looks at his wife.


   “What’s wrong with letting him see the new zombie movie? Hell, we’ve all watched every one of them together. So what makes this different from all the others?”


   “I just don’t think our child needs to be watching that kind of stuff anymore. He’ll end up growing up and becoming some kind of psychopath killer that has no soul.”


   “You know, the way you’re acting, it’s almost as if my brother Mikey has stopped by and has filled your head with a bunch of bullshit. Hell, the last few days before now, you were fine and dandy. So what’s crawled up your ass all of a sudden?”


   “It doesn’t matter who stopped by or why I changed my mind. I don’t want him watching that kind of stuff anymore. Zombie movies, vampires, werewolves, slashers and ghost movies are going to do nothing but rot his brain.”


   “Look, I’m about tired of this shit. Mikey stops by and fills your head with so much bullshit, that you can’t even see the truth. Mikey has never been the same since our parents died. He has always though that they were killed because of some top secret government conspiracy.  They died because that dumbass played with matches and burned down the fucking house. No if you’re that damn fucked up in the head that you can’t see there’s something wrong with what Mikey says, than you really do need to check into the fifth floor of Mercy Hospital.”

   As the argument between his parents begins to heat up to where his father’s face has turned red, Robbie, the little boy decides to go upstairs and hide till the arguing is over by his father storming and slamming the door.

   Robbie backs from the kitchen and slowly climbs the stairs to the second floor of their house. He reaches his room and opens the door quietly and slowly. He hated when his parents argued, but any slight sound and the argument would turn on him. So moving slowly and quietly usually helped from ever becoming a part of something he really wasn’t sure if it was his fault or not.

   Robbie closes his door and walks over to his bed. He sits down and listens for a second. The argument has reached a boiling point. The kitchen door slams shut and a few pots and pans slam to the floor. Robbie’s dad would get so mad that he could actually beat someone senseless, but before he would reach that point, Robbie’s dad would walk away. His step mom would just throw pots and pans to the floor till she felt better.

   Sliding his hand under his pillow, Robbie pulls out his portable DVD player. He puts on his headset and starts the movie that is still in there from last night. A scream and deep, loud and haunting music erupt into the earphones. Robbie laughs and walks over to his window. Looking out the window while the beginning credits roll, Robbie spots one of his friends. Robbie thought about knocking on the window to get his attention, but thought better of it because of the anger within the house right now.

   Robbie watched as his friend walked across the street to his yard. Robbie was just about to go downstairs when his friend stumbled to the ground. As he watched a little longer a couple of people ran over to him and were trying to check him out. Suddenly his friend started projectile vomiting blood. His face began to turn a slight grey. As the vomited blood splattered on the couple that were helping the boy. Everyone begins to scream and as Robbie watched what was going; his friend’s head explodes into a mass of ripe and decaying road kill.

   The boy’s body falls to the ground while the couple who were trying to help him fall to the ground in convulsive spasms. Robbie, who realized what was happening, drops his DVD player and runs downstairs.

   Robbie’s dad and mom were talking in normal voices when he reached the kitchen.


   “Dad, Dad, Dad. We got to go now! We have to head to the clubhouse right NOW!”


   “Robbie, slow down. What’s going on?”


   “It’s time. It’s happening right now. You and mom get the gear and we are out of here.”

   Puzzled, the parents looked at each other. Before they could say anything, Robbie disappeared back upstairs to his room. Robbie, shaking but filled with enthusiasm drops to his knees and looks under his bed. He pulls out a bag. The bag has a piece of duct tape on it. The bag is black in color and has red trim. Robbie tosses the bag on his bed and goes to his closet. He throws open the door and pulls out his aluminum baseball bat. He stands in the middle of his room and takes a couple of good hard swings. He looks over to his bag and out loud reads the words written on the duct tape.



   “Zombie Emergency Kit! And they thought I was being silly.”

   Robbie grabs his bag and with the bat on his shoulder he heads back to the kitchen.

   His parents were still standing there when comes back into the kitchen. Robbie carrying his bag and bat looked at his parents. Suddenly the blood curdling screams explode and penetrate the walls of the house. Robbie’s dad runs to the window. Before anyone could do anything else, Robbie’s dad grabs his keys on the counter and looks at Robbie and nods his head. Robbie heads for the garage and Robbie’s dad grabs his wife and pulls her into the garage.

Robbie’s Dad

   “Mandy, get the hell in. We’ve got to get the hell out of here. There’s no time to explain. We’re heading for the cabin up in the hills.”

Robbie’s mom

   “Johnny, what’s the hurry?”


   “Just get the hell in the car and let’s get the fuck out of here. Something’s happening and we have no time to worry about anything but getting out of here.”

   As they all three get into the car, screams are heard outside the garage door. Johnny fires the motor up and as the garage door opens, Johnny drops the car into reverse and hits the gas. As the tires spin and scream and catch traction, the car flies backwards off the driveway and into the street, the three runners finally get their first look outside the house.

   People are running around, blood on some faces, blood soaked clothes, people in the middle of their yards being attacked by others in the neighborhood and fire. All sorts of mayhem is happening outside the car. As Johnny slams the car into drive, several neighbors beat on their windows screaming for help. But instead of trying to help them they drive off. Sudden a large truck barrels through their yard and takes out the gas meter in front of Johnny and Mandy’s perfect little house. The spark of metal on metal ignites the natural gas line which explodes and launches the truck into the air. The truck spins and burns as it land in the yard across the street from Johnny and Mandy’s old house. Other explosions begin to go off as Johnny and his family make their way out of their little suburban world. Johnny darts left, jags right, stomps the gas, pulls the emergency brake, slides left and drives over curbs and across lawns in order to escape their new found hell. As they reach the highway that connects their little community to the outside world, Johnny loses control and the car spins out of control into the middle of the highway.

   Trying to regain control, Johnny fights the steering. Robbie and Mandy are screaming because of the uncontrollable spin. The car slams into the guard rails on the other side of the highway and stops. Johnny looks around and surveys the area. Robbie gives his dad the thumbs up and starts laughing. Mandy is sitting in her seat shaking and crying. But she flips her thumb up. Johnny looks at the car and realizing they aren’t far enough away decides to take their wrecked vehicle and get the hell out of dodge. He drops the car back into drive and guns the gas.

   Jessie and Maddy quickly duck inside the house and slam the door. Maddy leans up against the door frame that leads into the rest of the house. Just then, Jessie shoves her to the floor and the explosion from his pistol rings throughout the house.


   “What the fuck man? Damn. You could have said duck or something. Shit!”


   “Look, if you want to stay alive, your ass better start using the eyes and ears that god gave your ass. I’m not going to be saving your ass all the damn time. Start listening and looking before you get to relaxed. Hell that sonsabitch right there would have been eating your ass if I hadn’t spotted it out of the corner of my eye.”


   “Sorry damn. I’m sort of new to this shit. Hell man, I don’t even know what the hell is going on.”


   “Look, we secure the place first, and then we’ll rest. What part of stay alive don’t you understand?”


   “Hey, I’ve never had to deal with this shit. All I had to do was go to work, pay my bills and live as I saw fit. I never had to look at life as live or die. Give me a damn break.”

   Jessie walks from the living room and into the kitchen. He flips on the light and nothing. He walks from the kitchen to the dining room. Turns on the light, nothing. He walks into the hallway and finds a closed door.

He raises his pistol and slowly turns the knob. As the door creeks open, a dark figure barrels towards the light in the hallway. Slashing and growling, the shadowy figure jumps on Jessie. Jessie’s pistol slams to the floor and fires. The bullet barely missing Maddy as she stands there in awe. Jessie doing all he can to keep from being bitten or scratched by this mystery figure. As he pushes the shadowy figures head up, a shot rings out through the house. The figure goes limp and Jessie rolls to his side. Jessie looks towards Maddy. Standing there shacking with the smoking pistol in her hands, Maddy lets the gun spin on her finger. Jessie pushes his attacker off and walks over to Maddy.


   “Good shot. Thanks.”

Maddy with a shaky voice

   “You’re welcome.”

   Jessie grabs the arm of the figure and drags it into the light of the kitchen. It’s one of those monsters from outside. He keeps pulling the monster to the back door in the kitchen. He goes in and grabs the other one he killed earlier and drags it into the kitchen. He leaves the bodies by the door and walks back to Maddy.

   Feeling that his shock and awe campaign didn’t work on getting her up to speed on surviving, he knew he had to switch tactics in order to get her on board with what is going on. But for now, he had to keep his guard up and keep it all going.


   “Look, it’s time to make sure the house is empty of anymore of these things and finish securing the house.  Then we can rest. But for now, I need you to just relax and take a minute to gather yourself together. I’ll finish looking around. While I’m upstairs, I need you to go through each room down here and turn off each light. So far I think these things are attracted to light. So get all the lights off immediately.”

   Maddy looks at the dark outline of Jessie’s face and nods. Jessie heads up the small staircase, while Maddy turns off the lights in the kitchen, the dining room and closes the door to the little bathroom. She goes back into the kitchen and sits at the table and puts her head in her hands. And puts them on the table.

   Meanwhile, Jessie reaches the first door. It’s locked from the other side. Jessie gets down on the floor and tries to look under the door. But the darkness from inside the room isn’t allowing him the sight he was hoping for. So he moves on to the next room and the door opens easy. Jessie flips on the light and quickly flips it back off. He didn’t see much, but knew it was a bathroom from spotting the toilet.

   He moves on to the next room. That door is locked. He knew he wouldn’t be able to see under the door so he thought to himself, I could break the door down and make sure, but if the room has two or three of those things inside, I’d be a dead man before Maddy could even help. So he moves on to the third door. It was locked also. Jessie walks to the window at the end of the hallway. The window is closed but there is no view. As Jessie looks closer, he finds that there’s a chute covering the window.


   “Looks like they were remodeling up here. Damn trash chute. Be an easy way to get out if we have to use it. Just hate to see what’s at the bottom though. Hate to end up a damn pin cushion.”

   Jessie walks back to the stairs and looks back. Remembering he has some paracord in his pack, he pulls it from his shoulders and fishes through it. He pulls the paracord from the pack and walks back to the two rooms at the end of the hallway. He ties one end to the door knob of one room and walks over to the other door. He pulls the cord as tight as he could and ties it around the second door knob. Then proceeds to do the same thing with the last locked door. He knows it wouldn’t hold long, but it could hold long enough if something is one the other side of those doors for him and Maddy to either set up a defense or get the hell out.

   After finishing his task, he returns down stairs. He finds Maddy in the kitchen with her head in her hands and her hands on the table. He says nothing, he just listens and as the soft sounds of sleep enter his ears, he slowly slips his hands around her shoulders and slowly lifts. Her body response to this and rises from the table. Jessie slowly and gently walks her into the living room and places her on the couch. Maddy’s body slowly falls onto the couch and soon she is laying on the couch on her side.

   Jessie walks over to the door and looks out the peek hole. Those that were chasing them have now started wondering off in other directions. Feeling that they had a small tactical advantage over these things, Jessie relaxes just a little. He walks over to the chair that is sitting across from the couch and takes a seat. Before he realizes it, he drifts off to sleep.

   Johnny, Mandy and Robbie were just a few miles from being out of the city when their car finally gave up the ghost.

nice. very nice. lol

Johnny, Mandy and Robbie were just a few miles from being out of the city when their car finally gave up the ghost. Beating on the steering wheel, Johnny frustrated and worried, kicks open the car door and gets out. Robbie who was in the back seat looks around before he exits the car. Mandy follows. Johnny raises the hood and black smoke billows from the rush of cool air to the motor. Johnny waves his arms back and forth to try to clear the smoke. A slight breeze blows through which helps clear the remaining smoke from around the motor.

   Robbie is the first to see the problem. Johnny just looks at the motor like he was puzzled by why the car has quit. Johnny does his best to see what the problem was but looks back at Robbie. Robbie points to a blown hose. The split was around 4 inches long and ran along the seam of the hose. It was something that could be fixed for a little while, but without replacing it, it wouldn’t last very long.

   Robbie looks at his dad and his dad smiles.


   “Hey, you got any ideas on how to fix this just long enough for us to get the hell out of here?”


   “Well, let me see what’s in my bag.”

   Robbie goes back, opens his door and pulls out his bag. He opens it and begins to go through it.

   Ever since Robbie saw his first horror, he wanted to be prepared for anything from mutant monsters created from a chemical spill to even alien vampires from outer space. Inside his bag were small wooden stakes, s sharp lock blade knife, a sling shot and a few other makeshift weapons for every monster that could ever walk this earth. He also had a small first aid kit and a little duct tape in which he had swiped from his dad’s garage when the tape got low.

   Robbie pulls the duct tape from his bag and hurries back to his dad. Just then the window from the house they were in front of begins to make noise. Mandy looks from the blown hose and stares at the large plate glass window of the house.

   As Mandy stares into the window, a hand appears. With a hard but slow motion the hand hits the window. Again the sound of the glass reverberates throughout the air and the chills from the deep, thunderous bang rolls up the three’s spine. As they all stood there in shock, the glass cracks. As if someone has taken a cattle prod and stuck it to his back, Johnny snaps back. He grabs the duct tape from Robbie and begins frantically wrapping it around the hose.


   “I don’t think we have much time before the glass breaks. We need to get the car back running. Robbie, grab the water can from the back and Mandy you start filling the radiator. I’m almost done here.”

   Robbie breaks for the rear of the car and throws open the back hatch. He grabs the water jug from the back and runs back to where Mandy is standing, still watching the hand behind the glass. Robbie bumps his mom and she shakes her head. She takes the jug of water and starts twisting cap off the radiator. She pours the water in just as Johnny finishes wrapping the hose.

   Just then the glass shatters and from the darkness inside the house and figure rises. It moves towards the newly broken glass and as it steps through the torn pants of the figure catches a shard still lodged inside the window frame. It falls through the window and the shard tears through the figures leg. No scream of pain or even a whimper is heard as the jagged glass rips through the flesh of the figure. Held in place by the shard of glass, the figure gurgles as its head raises and spots the family of three on the road.

   Panicked, Johnny runs and jumps in the car. Mandy and Robbie stand there shocked at what is happening right in front of then. Mandy pulls Robbie close to her as Johnny fires up the car. They step from in front of the car and take two steps towards the passenger doors and Johnny spins the tires and takes off.

   Mandy and Robbie stunned at what has happened, stand there frozen. Robbie, who becomes aware of what is going on, grabs his mom’s hand and pulls her into the woods that were on the other side of the road. Mandy still frozen in spot resists for a couple of seconds. Her gaze still fixed on the thing struggling to free its leg from the glass.

   Finally jerking his mom’s arm almost out of socket, Robbie finally gets his mom to come back to reality.


   “Mom, we got to go!”

   Mandy turns and takes hold of Robbie’s hand and they run into the woods. The figure pulls against its captor as its prey disappear into the tree line. The glass shard holds firm and the flesh and muscles in the prisoner’s leg begin to rip and tear against the sharp edges of the busted glass. As the shard splits the leg into two large pieces of mutilated meat, it connects where the leg bones connect to the ankle. The figure pushes up with its arms and lunges forward. The shard holds firm and the bone and the foot are torn, cut or ripped into two useless pieces of mutilated carnage.

   Running through the woods, Robbie and Mandy have no clue where in the hell they are running to, all they know is to stay alive they have to run. After about 30 minutes of running, Mandy and Robbie slow. Their legs burning and every breath they take in bringing pain from the quickness and the heaviness of their breathing. They both collapse on a large rock. Mandy is trying hard to slow her breathing down, something that she always did after a good 20 minute workout, but with this being a life and death situation, she’s finding it extremely hard to take back control of her breathing. As for Robbie, he’s just lying on the rock watching as the night sky begins to take over the heavens. After a few minutes their hearts slow down and their breathing returns to normal.


   “I can’t believe that fucking idiot left us here.”


   “Looks like we’re on our own. I knew he would worry about himself then anyone else.”


   “Now what do we do?”


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Jessie W. Garrett III

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Going through a lot


   Well, wanted to juststop in and check on things...Been a long time since I have stopped by...Well things are not going as well as I would have hoped, but, you know, that's life...

   Some good things are my son, has turned 18 and has also graduated high school...I'm very proud of him...He has plans of going back to school after the getting a job and saving money for the school with the music production studies he wants to do...So I am very proud of…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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