Wicked Zombies



so while researching for my zombie hunter con costume i fell in love with post apocalyptic cosplay. everything from fallout props to original works. it's just such a cool look and you can do anything with it. it requires little money if you know how to scavenge and helps prepare all of us for what it's gonna be like after they rise. i felt wickedzombies was a good place to bring this to help expand the site. so with all that in mind I'm going to be posting cool stuff i make and design here. and if you catch the bug or maybe if you already have it then i welcome you to post your stuff here too.

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thanks i will but this stuff is for another costume though i may incorporate some element from the con costume.

Ok, I'm either showing my age or just dumb to this Cosplay concept...Someone please explain a little for my hillbilly ass...(LOL)  

it's okay its an Asian term i used. basically it's just dressing up in costumes mostly TV movies games and anime where it originated. you can chose to dress up like an existing thing like captain America of a brotherhood soldier from fall out. or do original like me. its just a name for dressing up outside of Halloween hope that helps.

That's cool...I got all sorts of satellite dishes, wonder if I can make something out of them??  (LOL) But I gotcha on the meaning...

a suit of armor would be cool, we would call you SATELLITE MAN!


i got enough old gear kicking around here that i might just give it a try at this. thats when i can get my damned car fixed and free up my time a bit that is. lol.

the good thing about this is it requires little to no money and only as much time as you deem necessary to spend on it. as long as its post apocalyptic that is.

i got enough to make it look just that. lol. an old Vietnam era gas mask. tons of tactical vests to choose from that are old. so i think i got it covered. lol

stitching together two halves pf different tack vest would be pretty cool. make a hybrid of sorts. then it's just weathering. leave everything out in the sun, bury them in the back yard, smear blood on them every time you get cut, take them to the range and shoot at them a few times. do this to all your gear and you'll look like you walked right of the wastes and into barter town.

when they had the last Walking Dead marathon. they were talking to some of the cast and crew. they had a woman who did all the wardrobe alterations and she had a knife she kept with her at all times. she would use it to scrape clothing to give it a tattered look to it. that is an approach that can be taken to. plus to save time on the waiting to get cut thing. i got some fake blood i bought during Halloween that can be used if i choose to. you have no idea what all i got that can be used for this kind of thing. stuff gotten in trade. stuff picked up along the way at gun shows all over the country. the list is endless. lol. so i know i am set. i just need to set aside some time now.

post pics when you do I'd love to see your work.

will do.


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