Wicked Zombies




Codex Attack on Vitamins


Share this information freely!

An international cartel is working with a special EU/WTO subsidiary, called "Codex," and plans to do the following in our country:

(1) Limit the number of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients which you can purchase.
(2) Of the few which will be permitted, the dosages will be so low as to render them useless.
(3) You will only be able to buy them through a physician’s prescription.
(4) You will only purchase them in a drugstore.
(5) Only synthetic vitamins will be available.
(6) Only approved drug companies will make them.
(7) You will pay very high prices for each tablet.
(8) It will become a crime to use any nutrients — even the permitted ones — in the treatment of any infirmity or disease. No one, including
physicians, will be able to use them to "prevent, treat, or cure any condition
or disease."

An immense German, U.S., and British drug cartel is behind this.

In addition, Codex is also working with some other groups:
(1) require that all animals be treated with antibiotics and hormones.
(2) only genetically modified crops irradiated
Truly "organic" foods will end.


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"All great truths begin as blasphemies."

The scary truth behind the New World Order plan to kill off billions of people.

this should be placed on Facebook!!!
The Power Elite Playbook, Promoting War

Part One

By Deanna Spingola

18 September 2007

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Ever since Lincoln’s “Civil War,” America has been “transformed from a limited, constitutional government to a highly centralized welfare-warfare state.”
[1] War is allegedly initiated for “national security” reasons – “newspeak” for resource seizure and/or control by multinational corporations/banks through their financial grip on governments. What! You think the United States would not participate in or condone plunder? The government plunders your pocket for interest payments (income tax) on their loans from the Federal Reserve to finance all war-like activities, whether subversive or public!


False pretenses for war include: civilize the uncivilized, spread democracy, save foreign citizens from their selectively despicable leaders (those resistant to U.S. interests), eradicate slavery, attack them before they attack us (media-induced fear), or fight Nazism, Communism, Fascism, terrorism, ___________ (just fill in the blank). If those justifications fail, “false flag” operations are used – frequently against U.S. citizens (The Maine, The Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Northwoods, Tonkin, 9/11). Corroborating “news,” stipulated via the daily memo, is combined with patriotic pro-war exuberance, contrived fear and subtle but unmistakable ethnic denunciation is disseminated by numerous so-called “conservative” talking heads – nothing but Murdoch mouthpieces – indistinguishable except for personal characteristics.


Unless deliberately distracted individuals ignore the pro-war monopoly media’s regurgitation of disinformation and misinformation and investigate the circumstances regarding U.S. invasions into other countries, they are enslaved by apathetic ignorance and at the mercy of the corporate-owned, government-sanctioned Ministry of Truth and their fabricated federal fairy tales designed to manipulate us into endless unconstitutional foreign “entanglements.”


In this subjective environment, anti-war sentiments are equivalent to treason. Alternative media voices are silenced by dismissals or show cancellations. A thorough review of historical specifics would either expose government officials who, ignorant of the Constitution, specialize in serial stupidity or verify their treacherous adherence to the banker’s globalist agenda. Power-driven members in the three branches of government either willingly acquiesce or act to prevent a media-blitzing exposure of some abominable character flaw or behavior by their well-informed, all knowing managers. Alternatives for elimination of the noble-acting, uncooperative include: assassinations, plane crashes, Watergating, or suicide by multiple gun shot wounds.


The arrogant interventionist attitude necessitates the demonization of entire ethnic and philosophical groups – why else would otherwise good people maim, rape or slaughter complete strangers – other humans? After World War II, many non Nazis were unaware of their government’s atrocities in neighboring countries. Americans, calculatingly shocked by graphic newsreel images, readily hated all Germans for the Nazi’s ethnic brutality. To incite our contemporary indignation, our monopoly media promptly revealed unearthed bodies accredited to Hussein’s regime. In contrast, that same monopoly media conceals the graphic images of returning body bags, slaughtered children, white phosphorous-toasted cadavers, and the murdered family of the fourteen year old girl who was gang raped, murdered and then burned and who knows what else. [2] Exposing these horrific images would detract from the globalist agenda of sustained warfare in the oil-rich Middle East.


Governments are artificial entities, financed by international bank loans; they target “enemies,” and whip up the populace, assisted by Stallone-style Hollywood flicks that glorify “good wars.” Well-placed patriotic posters and ads focusing on the “war on terror” target specific audiences. Some of those ads are financed by Freedom’s Watch, with communications expert, Ari Fleischer, a dual U.S.-Israel citizen and former Bush press secretary, as their spokesman. Currently his group is mounting a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign to urge congress and constituents to support the war and not “cut and run,” psychologically well-chosen words for a people who wish to radiate strength. [3] Who else sponsors ads – the banker-backed Carlyle Group, Blackwater, or Halliburton – groups that apparently value money over life? What motivates affluent groups like this who wield sufficient influence that citizens abandon all sensitivity to human life in favor of some well-marketed yet indefinite agenda?


Despite consenting signatures, the Geneva Conventions need to be reestablished after the latest horrors have been publicly exposed; they do little to curb future atrocities. The conference in 1949 prohibits reprisal killings, terrorizing entire populations, permanently displacing residents, plundering and pillaging, physical abuse or torture, murder, corporal punishments, mutilation and medical or scientific experiments, injuries against people due to race, nationality, religion or political opinion. Those prohibitions should have covered Korea, Việt Nam and our other post-war interventions. They didn’t! It took another post-Việt Nam Geneva Convention!


Who benefits? In order to engage in contemporary no-win wars, the government borrows money from the Federal Reserve resulting in increased profits for the bankers. Lengthy no-win wars sustain profits for the power elite. Winning terminates the money siphoning machine. Militaristic minions, reinforced by CIA-style bureaucratic agencies, prevent or inhibit competition for available resources, depopulate countries, destabilize economies, seize prime lands and resources, perpetuate government contracts to certain big business buddies, alter social structure and culture, perpetuate hostility, provoke civil war (divide and conquer – the people kill each other) with both sides financed and logistically supported, build permanent military bases in order to execute additional assaults in the area, relocate populations for covert political purposes, transfer power and emotionally decimate and destroy families, the most essential social unit. Violence is widespread – triggering forced migration. Iraqi families, who have been expelled from their homes, use refuse to erect makeshift shelters for protection against the intense heat of the Middle East. War-weary innocent children play amongst heaps of garbage and drink and eat whatever they can scavenge. [4] War is indiscriminate – everyone suffers.


Another function of foreign wars is chaotic national division and distraction. Citizens are currently contending on prospective presidential candidates by who will prolong or end the war(s). The best candidate is the one who will protect us from our own government! While thus distracted we fail to recognize that our government is, in fact, seizing our most fundamental liberties (Patriot Act) and combining our country with Mexico and Canada, a finalizing step to the one world government. Continuous wars, since the Civil War, catapult us towards the same goal.


Neither Việt Nam nor Iraq was a threat to our “national security.” The ongoing assault against the citizens of Iraq started long before March 2003 or even 1991. This last invasion was premeditated and planned long before 9/11. Likewise – “the invasion of Việt Nam was deliberate and calculated, as were policies and strategies that bordered on genocide and were designed to force millions of people to abandon their homes. Experimental weapons were used against civilians. Chemicals banned in the United States -- Agent Orange -- were used to change the genetic and environmental order in Việt Nam.” [5]


The French, led by Louis-Napoleon, motivated by greedy economic and military interests, first invaded the vulnerable Vietnamese in July 1857. They professed to have a “moral obligation,” as a “superior culture,” to civilize the “uncivilized,” a common Western justification for many hostile invasions. Without sufficient weapons and national unity to resist the French, Emperor Tu Duc signed the Treaty of Saigon, a “peace treaty,” in June 1862 giving into the French demands which included payment of a large indemnity to France for its losses in attacking Việt Nam.” [6] “Peace treaties” are habitually disingenuous, but standard procedure – the antagonistic, armed invaders conquer and subjugate the indigenous unarmed populace and belatedly proffer “peace,” while stripping them of their dignity and natural resources.


A few citizens, friendly and helpful to the invading French, were rewarded with the forcefully-vacated residences of fleeing families, a common practice. Valuables, personal or national, do not disappear – they merely change hands. Lands were also allotted to incoming French settlers, creating a “French-Vietnamese landholding class.” [7]


Other encroachments and more treaties established a French protectorate over Việt Nam by 1883, partitioned into three sectors, which formally ended Việt Nam's independence. [8] France pilfered the natural resources, silenced popular leaders and left a dispirited, impoverished Vietnamese population. [9] Under the French the Vietnamese required identity papers to travel out of their districts, freedom of speech and organization were restricted, land was confiscated by large landowners, citizens were imprisoned for minor offenses, poverty increased and education was neglected causing the literacy rate to fall.


Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), born Nguyen Sinh Cung in Kim Lien in Annam in central Việt Nam, was the son of an official who resigned in protest against the French “domination of his country.” In 1911, Ho left Việt Nam and worked as a cook on a French steamship traveling from Saigon to Marseilles. He went to London in 1914 for two years where he worked as a kitchen-hand at the Carlton Hotel. From 1919 until 1923, he lived in France, where he associated with French socialists. [10] During the Paris Peace Conference (victor’s formally carving up the spoils) he attempted to meet with President Woodrow Wilson to petition for Việt Nam’s freedom but, predictably, he was turned away. Despite Wilson’s deceptive rhetoric about “A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims,” Việt Nam was still under French rule. [11]


“When the Versailles Peace Conference started work, Ho Chi Minh drew up an eight-point program for their country's emancipation and forwarded is to the conference secretariat in January 1919. Today, this plan, inspired by President Wilson's 14 Points, sounds extremely moderate. It asked for permanent representation in the French parliament; freedom of the press; freedom to hold meetings and form associations; amnesty decree; equality of legal rights between French and Annamese. When Ho tried to argue their case with Wilson himself at Versailles he was unceremoniously shown the door.” - Jean Lacouture [12]


Ho Chi Minh was part of the group which founded the French Communist party, later banned after the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression pact in August 1939. “He was summoned to Moscow for training and, in late 1924 he was sent to Guangzhou, Canton, China, where he organized a revolutionary movement among Vietnamese exiles called the Việt Nam Thanh Nien Cach Menh Dong Chi Hoi (Revolutionary Youth League). He was forced to leave by local authorities who cracked down on Communist activities. He represented Communist International when he went to Hong Kong and founded the Indochinese Communist Party (ICP) on February 3, 1930 at a conference of the Thanh Nein. Party objectives include: overthrow the French, establish an independent Việt Nam, nationalization of the economy, cancellation of public debts, land reform, education for everyone, and the creation of an eight-hour work day. [13]


Hong Kong’s British police arrested him in June 1931 and incarcerated him until 1933. He then went to the Soviet Union and taught at the Lenin Institute until 1938 when he returned to China as an advisor to the “Chinese Communist armed forces.” [14]


Another organization, the revolutionary Việt Nam Quoc Dan Dang Party was secretly established on Christmas 1927 in Ha Noi. The party’s first assault against French brutality and injustice occurred on February 10, 1930. They lost – the 13 brave leaders were guillotined in the early morning of June 17, 1930.


The crash of the New York Stock Exchange on October 29, 1929 had caused a 50% decrease in Vietnamese salaries, unemployment increased to 33% and strikes broke out. Poverty-stricken demonstrators took over in some districts and made demands. The French sent in Foreign Legion troops and arrested 1,000 individuals. Four hundred people received lengthy prison terms and eighty individuals were executed, including some Communist Party members. By 1932, there were 10,000 political prisoners in Việt Nam. When America’s cash catastrophe occurs you may expect a military presence and martial law. Due to decades of Federal Reserve economic gymnastics and despite the official deceitful “all is well” canned rhetoric; a deliberate cash crash is inevitable. It will create a similar scenario: riots, arrests, incarcerations and executions for the very vocal.


Prior to the crash of 1929, U.S. bankers and officials claimed that the economy was good: On July 27, 1928, Herbert Hoover said in San Francisco: “Unemployment in the sense of distress is widely disappearing.... We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land.” [15] Do you recognize the familiar jargon?


In early 1941, Ho Chi Minh finally returned to Việt Nam after being absent for nearly thirty years. “On behalf of the Communist International” he presided over the Eighth Conference of the ICP. Following Comintern instructions, the party created the Viet Minh Front and put forward an essentially nationalist program. [16]  


After Hitler invaded Russia in June 1941, Japan moved into southern Indochina. Japan occupied Việt Nam in 1941 despite the efforts of Ho Chi Minh and his Communist Viet Minh (Việt Nam Independence League). During World War II, Ho Chi Minh's Viet Minh received military equipment and financial assistance from the United States in return for intelligence information on Japanese operations in Indochina. [17] The U.S. military intelligence agency Office of Strategic Services (OSS) teamed up “with Ho Chi Minh and his Viet Minh guerrillas to harass Japanese troops in the jungles.” [18]


The Japanese surrendered on August 14 (formally on September 2, 1945). After the American “shock and awe” demonstration of military muscle, don’t-ever-mess-with-us defeat of Japan that ended World War Two, Ho Chi Minh managed, with a guerrilla network, to gain control of much of the countryside in northern Việt Nam. France still dominated the cities in northern Việt Nam as well as the whole of southern Việt Nam. Together, the Nationalist and Communist Parties fought against France. They created a Declaration of Independence for the Democratic Republic of Việt Nam, dated September 2, 1945. Half a million people gathered in Hanoi to hear Ho Chi Minh read the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence which was allegedly based on the American Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.

The Power Elite Playbook, Việt Nam, a Prototype

Part Two

By Deanna Spingola

18 September 2007

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From October 1944 to May 1945, Hanoi and the surrounding area suffered a horrific famine that resulted in the starvation deaths of nearly two million people, out of a population of about ten million. There were many reasons for the famine, the first and foremost was war! Remember, the Japanese invaded and occupied Việt Nam beginning in 1941. The Americans were bombing Japanese occupiers as well as crucial infrastructure, like roads. This “collateral” damage affected the transportation of rice from the south of Việt Nam where the majority of rice, a daily staple, was grown. Another famine factor was the ongoing exploitation of natural resources. Fertile food-producing land used for generations was seized by the French for more exportable, non eatable, high profit-producing crops. Understandably, the deadly deficiencies further provoked peasant revolts against both the Japanese and the French colonial society. Hungry people are desperate people! Hunger rules the world!



In 1945, there were two groups who were involved in clandestine activities with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in Indochina. One represented Western Oil interests – the GBT or the Gordon Group. The other group was the Viet Minh (a popular movement of Catholics, Buddhists, small businessmen, communists and farmers). [1] By 1945, the American OSS, dedicated to supporting guerrilla warfare and resistance organization, and the Office of War Information (OWI), which disseminated US propaganda, were developing independent contacts inside northern Indochina. As a result, the OSS increasingly endorsed the one truly effective resistance movement: Ho Chi Minh's Viet Minh coalition.” [2]


On August 17, 1945, Ho Chi Minh appealed to the people to rise up in revolution for their independence. It had been under French control and was one undivided country which had been exploited by the French for decades. The Viet Minh took control of Hanoi that same day.


Ho Chi Minh feared that China and France would cut a deal to remove him, destroy the Viet Minh and return Việt Nam to the French. However, the OSS had a statement from Chiang Kai-shek, dated August 24, 1945 indicating that China had no interest in getting “mired” in Indochina. Chiang had expressed this attitude to Roosevelt in Cairo in November 1943. It was his contention that the Vietnamese were not Chinese, could not be assimilated into Chinese society and that China had no territorial interest in Indochina. Perhaps China merely intended to deal with France regarding their interests without even considering the viability of the Vietnamese independence movement. [3]


Saigon fell on August 25, 1945. Then on August 28, 1945 the Viet Minh announced the formation of the provisional government of the Democratic Republic of Việt Nam (DRV).


Independence Day for Việt Nam was scheduled for September 2, 1945. The atmosphere in Hanoi, after decades of foreign subjection, was festive. Residents were cleaning storefronts and hanging red garlands of flowers. Streamers proclaimed “Liberty for Việt Nam” and “Independence.” The allies, especially Americans, were welcome. British troops arrived about the ninth of September. The Vietnamese anticipated a new government headed by the person who had struggled for their independence for so long – Ho Chi Minh of the Viet Minh. The people wanted change and independence from all foreign domination. Ninety percent of the inhabitants of Việt Nam lived off the land and they had been subjected to an evil system of feudalism which reduced them to mere slaves. [4]


The French, resistant to losing their foreign treasure trove, created an environment of fear among the French civilian community in Hanoi by telling them they were in “mortal danger” from the “Vietnamese Communists.” They labeled the Viet Minh “Communist” to discredit them. Ho’s provisional government had assured the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) hierarchy that violence against the French “would be avoided at all costs.” The Viet Minh, despite “French provocations” had given no indication for alarm. The French appeared to be attempting to turn the tables and condemn the Vietnamese for the poor “oppressed French.” [5] In addition, the French parachuted agents into strategic locations in an effort to occupy all public offices and buildings in an attempt to reestablish control.


America, once an ally, would shortly withdraw support from Ho Chi Minh due to his Communist affiliation. However, American analysts could not determine any correlation between Ho Chi Minh and Moscow. Ho Chi Minh did not appear to be following any instructions or policies from Moscow. There was communist influence in the Viet Minh – such as the right arm salute. They had borrowed posters and banners from Western leftist art. The Viet Minh also embraced American influence by incorporating policies and techniques of a democratic government. According to Arthur Hale of the U.S. Information Agency in 1945, the Viet Minh leadership used communist methods to appeal and arouse the masses to support the establishment of an independent democracy (declassified in 1972). [6]


The French stereotyped the revolutionaries as “ungrateful.” Quite justifiably, the Vietnamese failed to recognize reasons why they should be grateful for decades of French-inflicted misery. The French did contribute some things: more jails than schools, more prison camps than hospitals, more army barracks than houses, fine schools for a few privileged Vietnamese – to serve the French colonial needs. Ho Chi Minh wanted to look to the future, not replay the injustices of the past. His aim was to rid Việt Nam of all foreign control: “French, Japanese, Chinese, or whatever.” He felt that the Vietnamese had a right to govern themselves. “Ho wanted American technical experts to help establish those few industries that Việt Nam was capable of supporting.” He was also concerned about the residual affects of the malnutrition suffered by the “calamitous famine of 1944.” [7]


Despite the fact that Ho Chi Minh looked to the future he defined some of the French abuses inflicted on the Vietnamese in his speech on September 2, 1945. He was introduced to the huge crowd as the “liberator and savior of the nation.” He said that for more than eighty years the French colonialists had violated and oppressed the citizens. He accused them of the following: imposing inhuman laws, dividing the country into three distinct political regimes to destroy national unity, [8] killed our patriots, drowned their uprisings in “rivers of blood,” silenced public opinion, “fostered political obscurantism,” weakened the race by encouraging the use of opium and alcohol, devastated and exploited the land, robbed the people of their rice fields, mines, forests and raw materials, “monopolized the issuance of banknotes and export trade,” invented hundreds of unjustifiable taxes to reduce the peasantry and small businessman to a state of extreme poverty and mercilessly exploited the workers. [9] Worldwide, tyrants use the same tactics.


In addition, Ho accused the “Japanese fascists” of violating Indochina’s territory by “establishing new bases for their fight against the Allies.” The complicit French basically handed the country over to the Japanese which added to the suffering of the citizens. Việt Nam ceased to be a French colony in the autumn of 1940 and became occupied by the Japanese. Ho declared: “the French have fled, the Japanese have capitulated, Emperor Bao Dai has abdicated. Our people have broken the chains which for nearly a century have fettered them and have won independence for our nation. For these reasons, we, members of the Provisional Government, representing the whole of the Vietnamese people, declare that from now on we break off all relations of a colonial character with France; we repeal all international obligations that France has so far subscribed to on our behalf; and we abolish all the special rights the French have unlawfully acquired in our territory. We are convinced that the Allied nations which at Tehran and San Francisco acknowledged the principles of self determination and equality of nations, will not refuse to acknowledge the independence of Việt Nam. For these reasons, we, members of the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Việt Nam, solemnly declare to the world that Việt Nam has the right to be a free and independent country – and in fact it is so already. The entire Vietnamese people are determined to mobilize all their spiritual and material forces, to sacrifice their lives and property, in order to safeguard their right to liberty and independence.” [10]


When Ho Chi Minh proclaimed that Việt Nam was finally free there was a small assembly of agents from the OSS in the crowd of four hundred thousand Vietnamese who had gathered to hear Ho’s address. The OSS hierarchy had urged him to create an independent Việt Nam. These agents had worked closely with him and other Vietnamese insurgents prior to the end of World War II. Ho and his group had rescued downed American pilots and gathered intelligence on the Japanese for the American OSS.


Ho Chi Minh idealistically thought that his country was free. He was not aware that Harry S. Truman, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin had already decided the post-war fate of Southeast Asia, “with or without their consent,” at the nefarious Potsdam Conference, held at Potsdam, Germany, from July 17 to August 2, 1945. Never mind that the indigenous peoples had lived there for hundreds of years and assumed that their land belonged to them. [11] The country was to be divided into two sections with the northern half under the control of China, not Chiang Kai-shek, and the southern half under the British. China was Việt Nam’s ancient enemy. Ho Chi Minh, in 1945, understood how difficult it would be for his nation to escape domination by China or for that matter, the Soviet Union if used as a counterforce. He had hoped that the U.S. would play a peaceful, stabilizing role in his country’s development. [12] Ho Chi Minh had written numerous letters to U.S. officials years before World War II requesting help – they went unanswered.


On September 23, the Saigon population rebelled against the foreigners and surrounded them in the center of the city without access to supplies. In October, the fighting French managed to re-establish control. This was followed by months of negotiations and international political maneuvers which gave Indochina back to France. The Viet Minh negotiation strategy of independence failed despite Ho Chi Minh’s trip to France. In March, 1946, Ho stood before a crowd in Hanoi, and sadly proclaimed, “I swear, I have not sold you out!” [13]


During the pandemic turbulence in Saigon, the first American, Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officer Lt. Col. A. Peter Dewey, was killed on September 26, 1945 by Viet Minh guerillas who mistook him for a French officer. Prior to his death, Dewey “had filed a report on the deepening crisis in Việt Nam, stating his opinion that the U.S. ‘ought to clear out of Southeast Asia.’” [14] Apparently, no one took his report seriously. The poor man was out of the Power Elite loop!


Truman disbanded the OSS on October 1, 1945. On January 22, 1946, Truman issued a directive creating a new Central Intelligence Group (CIG) to be jointly staffed and funded by the Departments of State, War and Navy.  


“Actually the U.S. involvement in what later became known as the Việt Nam War began on the very day of the Japanese surrender, September 2, 1945.” [15] On that day, the representative of the Emperor of Japan signed the surrender papers laid before him by General Douglas MacArthur on the deck of the battleship Missouri in Tokyo.


Before their disbandment in 1945, OSS units organized huge shipments of arms to Syngman Rhee in Korea and Ho Chi Minh in Việt Nam. Both of these countries had been devastated by the Japanese during the war. Those arms shipments went to the two countries where two devastating “Cold War” conflicts were imminent. Those wars were deliberately “Cold War style” – no military objective and no victorious conclusion. Other foreign interventions ensued using the same no-win, civilian-consuming blueprint. [16]


President Roosevelt, whose early family finances were greatly enhanced by China trade, thought that Indochina (Laos, Cambodia, and Việt Nam) should be turned over to a trusteeship rather than returned to France. Roosevelt had discussed this proposal with the Allies at the Cairo, Teheran, and Yalta Conferences and received the endorsement of Chiang Kai-shek and Joseph Stalin; Prime Minister Churchill demurred. However, Chiang Kai-shek did not want control over Indochina or responsibility for a trusteeship. This may have led to his waning support from the U.S. or whoever makes those “national security” decisions on behalf of American taxpayers. Apparently, Roosevelt, who thought that Britain “would take land anywhere in the world even if it were only a rock or a sandbar,” offended Churchill’s super imperialistic tendencies for which he never forgot or forgave Roosevelt. The British Empire, freely changing boundaries and merging peoples in conquered or controlled nations, had benefited greatly from the Far East (since 1600) with their monarchy-established British East India Company. [17]


Roosevelt unexpectedly died at age 63 on April 12, 1945, less than two months after the Yalta conference. There are claims that he was poisoned. Truman, his vice president, assumed the otherwise prestigious role of taking orders from the Power Elite.


Plans had been made for an American land invasion into Japan in the late fall of 1945 using the island of Okinawa as a launching site when it became available. Air raids against Okinawa started in October 1944. The invasion preparations included sufficient equipment to supply 500,000 men. Japanese resistance on Okinawa ended on June 22, 1945. Supplies and equipment began to be stacked up, fifteen to twenty feet high, all over the island. Japan surrendered earlier than expected which curtailed the massive invasion. Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty was at Naha Harbor, Okinawa when U.S. Navy Transport vessels began to show up. He relates that the war materials were loaded onto those ships. He asked the Harbormaster “if all of that new material was being returned to the States.” According to Prouty, the Harbormaster responded: “Hell No! They ain't never goin' to see it again. One half of this stuff, enough to equip and support at least 150,000 men, is going to Korea and the other half is going to Indochina.’” [18]


“In 1945, none of us had any idea that the first battles of the Cold War were going to be fought by U.S. Military units in those two regions beginning in 1950 and 1965, yet that is precisely what had been planned and it is precisely what happened. Who made that decision back in 1943-1945?” [19]


That military material was loaded during September 1945 and shipped to Haiphong the port of Hanoi, the capital of Việt Nam. There were sufficient arms to supply any army for battle. “Once in Haiphong Harbor this enormous shipment of arms was transferred under the direction of U.S. Army Major General Gallagher, who was supporting the OSS and his associate Ho Chi Minh. Gallagher had come from China to mop up the remnants of the defeated Japanese army. Ho's military commander Colonel Giap quickly moved this equipment into hiding until the day when it would be needed. By 1954, that time had come.” [20]

“The fact that the presentational arguments of the population-reduction lobby can change so fundamentally over time, while the core belief in ‘too many people’ remains the same, really shows that this is a political outlook in search of a social or scientific justification. It is an already-existing prejudice, held by certain kinds of people, which looks around for the latest trendy or respectable ideas to clothe itself in.”

“The habit of presenting fixable social problems as demographic disasters is one of the most backward trends in contemporary public debate. And this is the fatal distraction of Malthusianism: it diverts people’s attention away from arguments and visions for overhauling society and towards the supposed catch-all solution of reducing human numbers.”

“Yet human beings are not simply the burping, biological users of resources; they are also the discoverers of resources, the creators of resources, the makers of communities, cities, history. A human being is not only a mouth that must be filled but a brain that can think and a pair of hands that can work. Today’s Malthusians have the temerity to present their own finite faith in people as something scientific, despite the fact that their ‘facts’ don’t add up: Malthus was wrong when he said people would starve to death as a result of population growth running ahead of food production; so were the 1970s population-controllers who said massive famines would sweep the populous Third World and wipe out millions.”
Brendon O'neil

H1N1 vaccine linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages


By Ethan A. Huff|Natural News

Image result for H1N1 vaccine linked to 700 percent increase in miscarriages

Recent data presented to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Children’s Vaccines has revealed some shocking information about the effects of the H1N1 / swine flu vaccine on pregnant women. According to the report, the rate of miscarriage among pregnant women during the 2009 H1N1 / swine flu pandemic soared by over 700 percent compared to previous years, pointing directly to the vaccine as the culprit — but the CDC denies the truth and continues to insist nobody has been harmed.

According to the CDC, nearly 50 percent of all pregnant women were vaccinated with the H1N1 vaccine during the 2009 / 2010 influenza season. Those whose physicians instructed them to get a seasonal flu shot were three times more likely to get it, while those instructed specifically to get the H1N1 shot were ten times more likely to get it. And the numbers clearly show that along with the rise in vaccinations due to the H1N1 scare came the sharp increase in miscarriages, including a slew of actual reported adverse events.

But the CDC does not seem to care about the facts, as numerous reports indicate the agency has failed to report any of this vital information to vaccine suppliers. In fact, when presented with the data for the third time, Dr. Marie McCormick, chair of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Vaccine Risk and Assessment Working Group, actually had the audacity to claim that there were no vaccine-related adverse events in pregnant women caused by the vaccine.


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