Wicked Zombies


Hey there, all. I want to know one fact about you that makes you stand out from everyone else! Whether it be gun expertise, a lay of the land, how funny you are, an awesome thing about your personality, anything! ^^

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Im an excellent poker player!
I have a great sense of direction.
I have a ridiculously long tongue. Gene Simmons long. lol I cut it when I was a kid and now I can stick it out down past my chin. It's a great party trick. ;) Everyone shrieks and yells, "KISS tongue!"


Okay Gene lol..that's awesome. Chris thinks I'm weird because I can lick my chin. Long tongues club!

I always hear, "You should split it! You should get that surgery!" Yeah, that's what I need. lol
wait you cut your toungue as a kid so now its long? what does that mean?


I cut my "frenulum of the tongue". That flap of skin that connects your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. I had a Happy Meal from McD's in the car and we hit a bump. The straw of my drink went up under my tongue and cut the frenulum.


At the time, I was tongue tied. I couldn't open my mouth very far. The inside of my mouth is irregularly small, so I had a bad speech impediment. I was going to have to have surgery anyway, but I took care of it myself with a Happy Meal drink. haha

ohhh...k, so that made it grow long?  weird...thats cool tho, glad I learned somethin today!
lol No, it didn't make it grow, it just released the tension that was created by the frenulum.

scat a happy man


lmao nice. i was wondering how long it would take to hear that.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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