Wicked Zombies


ok guys this just came up in muy mind while Dead Winds is saving on my computer, where do you think is the safest place to be in the zombie apocalypse?

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oh that's right! You live in New Orleans!

That's really cool. You know rhino, how you were talking about domesticating zombies and I was like "do that on the mainland!" A hotel sounds like a cool place to do that. They have courtyards and stuff too so you can have all kinds of zombie games, though, I don't think that's too good of an idea in the city. Noise would probably attract. but at least we have our ship! and a temporary solution if need be.  

sorry its way down there, for some reason i cant reply or edit.
Aubrey, are talking about me living in New Orleans? I live on the other side of the state, by Texas. And the hotel would be pretty cozy, to help my case.
Ah. landlocked. Well, going from a city to the coast is no easy feat. I think a hotel on that journey is a good idea. Whatdaya think guys?

maybe to lay low in. but NOT to set up house. i will go for the boat. lol.

Yeah, my sentiment exactly.

I would bomb the bridge, walk on the beach, sleep in a hotel, take out the heavy Z population from my sniper balcony before jumping on a riverboat with my buddies to escape the hungry remainder. Repeat at the next hotel, killing anyone who won't cooperate and taking their food, sheltering anyone who will cooperate and take their food, not leaving our hotel house until we have to. Sounds like a survivors paradise, right? And the hotel I have in mind is right by the I-10 bridge- busiest bridge in calcasieu. Walk up, kill zombies trapped in their cars, take supplies in cars, blow up bridge- now were only defending from 1 side.

Hm. I can dig it. Go to hotel to hotel on the way to the ship. I don't know about taking the supplies of others and murdering them in cold blood but I do see how that swiftly eliminates any possible threats. Not my cup of tea but I also wouldn't interfere if it was yours. Sounds like a solid course of action to me.

of course you wouldnt interfere, you know what I do if you do.

I don't, actually. What you choose to do is your own business. I'm not your friend. I'm not your associate. I'm not your partner. You're not anything to me. I'm not anything to you. What you choose to do is on you. *shrug*


I don't interefere with anyone's decisions or actions. and if you wanna commit suicide than I won't stop you.

Your perception of weakness is off. as well as your understanding of survival tactics and dynamics.

I didn't like you from the moment you signed up. Something was off and I snuffed you out and if you're going to do anything it's prove my point to Fennek. So again, murdering people in cold blood is not my cup of tea. In the right set of circumstances? He requires I pull the trigger. The threat was marked a long time ago.


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