Wicked Zombies


movies that would have been great with zombies in them

mary popins...just thinking of the part where she starts singing "a tea spoon of sugar..." just as the zombie brats tear her apart!


i would so love to see that....

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Fast times at ridgemont high the zombies get to eat all teachers

Braveheart the zombies would have been used in battle

all of the road warrior movies they all needed zombies in them ( just would have made them so much more rockin')

The Notebook it could have been a love story for zombies

Wizard of Oz just think of dorthy's face when the wizard tries to eat her
instead of yelling freedom dude would yell "BRAINS!!!"

wallace's death scenc would go on for ever!!!
Mean Girls - Instead of Lindsay Lohan fighting off mean girls, she could be fighting off vicious teenage zombie girls. Much more interesting.

Big - Instead of making that wish and snapping into an awesome grown up life, the kid is now way older and there are zombies everywhere.
any movie that stars jean claude van damme just so you can stay awake to finish it
my stepmother is an alien would have been improved like 100 times it if was my stepmother is an alien zombie

Delta Farce (and Delta force also)
reds last words before scarlette eats his face-"frankly my dear i don't giv---AAAGGGHHH!!!!"

"i don't know nothing about killing no zombies!"
Terminator Salvation. It woulda been fun to see John Conner fighting off both the Terminators and zombies simultaneously

Van Helsing. Just add some zombies, an R rating minus the fake CGI Werewolves and we woulda had a kick ass horror flick.

The Hills Have Eyes remake. It just seems to make sense. Lol
gump would have been great...

"run forrest...there is a freaking zombie behind ya...run!"


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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