Wicked Zombies


Microsoft’s CaptionBot Tries to Analyze Horror Icons and Fails Miserably


Okay my lovely readers, today I’ve got something rather amusing (at least in my opinion) for you! Microsoft created a program they’ve called CaptionBot, a site where you can upload photos and the algorithm will try to understand what’s going on in the picture and then give it a fitting and descriptive caption. Seems easy enough, right?

CaptionBot makes the following claim: “I can understand the content of any image and I’ll try to describe it as well as any human.

So I decided to put Microsoft’s creation to the test to see if it can actually tell us about some of our favorite horror icons. Does it succeed? Or is it another case of AI showing its limits? Let’s find out with some of horror’s most recognized icons!


“I am not really confident, but I think it’s a man wearing a hat talking on a cell phone.”



“I am not really confident, but I think it’s a man holding a baseball bat.



“I am not really confident, but I think it’s a close up of a person standing in a dark room.”



“I am not really confident, but I think it’s a cat is wearing a hat and he seems 😁.”



“I am not really confident, but I think it’s a man wearing a tie and he seems 😐.”



“I am not really confident, but I think it’s a bird that is sitting in the dark.”



“I am not really confident, but I think it’s a man sitting on a elephant.”



“I am not really confident, but I think it’s a close up of a mug.”



“I am not really confident, but I think it’s a close up of a statue.”



“I am not really confident, but I think it’s a black motorcycle.”


“I am not really confident, but I think it’s an image of a bird feeder.”


“I am not really confident, but I think it’s a man making a face and he seems 😐. I am 98% sure that’s Anthony Hopkins”

YAY CaptionBot! You got one!!!

Alright folks, if you want to give CaptionBot a try of your own, head on over here to upload your own images!

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with AI like this i don't think we'll have to worry about sky net anytime soon.

Microsoft needs to stop...Most likely Sony will come up with Skynet...(LOL) Damn that's really bad...

did you hear about the chat bot Microsoft let post on tweeter that basically became Hitler. really doesnt boad well for intelligent machines.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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