Wicked Zombies


When we are in the apocalyptic world and we have a traitor who has been with the Komradz for a long time and has been great at it.I believe that they should deserve an honorable exaction than just being put into the pit or tourchered.
I have a list of honorable exactions that I want all Komradz to vote on and have a honorable exaction for the Komrad that desevers it.
1: A bushido style exaction,a Japanese Samurai exaction where they are stabbed in the gut and then have the head cut off.
2: Firing Squad,we all know what that is.
3: Old school decapitation, they are forced to bend down and extend their neck as the exactioner take a sword or machete and cuts off there head.

last one

4: They choose themselves,personally I believe this is the most honorable way(but not my fav.) because the will choose how they will be exacted and die the way they want to.

Remember you can only vote once.

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for me. it just dont make sence to give a choice on their end when an act of treason could end it all for all of us. if it is a uniform punishment all the way around. then it will make a person think twice on treason be they komrad or civilian. if i thought for one minute that i was going to be strung up by my testicles and dangled by them over a pit of undead no matter who i may be, i for one would definately think twice about treason. but that seems to be just my opinion.
if you cut the achilles tendon, the person won't be able to walk only crawl
but why do that when you can have so much fun watching them run zigzagging through the zombies? lol.
ah, i got an idea a MEAT SUIT!
that sounds good. lol.
thi's one i've heard of but never seen or done, put a small amount of gun powder in a bag not enough to kill the offender so with a fuse onto the offende and light it, when it goes bang it should leave a hole and the person alive
yeah. i heard of it to. but i heard they used the equivalant to an M80 or something of the like. they used this type of punishment in ancient china. they would set off the explosive in the stomach area. then let the traitor run for a bit. after they felt the traitor had a good running distance. they would then turn loose hungry dogs they denied food to for a few days to hunt down and kill the bleeding condemned man. Greusome indeed! lol. i like your train of thought.
there's also white phosphorus, that stuff can burn through skin and that stuff is nasty
a traitor deserve no honorable death. A bullet to the back of the head when they aren't expecting it. Death for a traitor would come with a smile as a friend....like this!

I defenetly disagree,you have to think of the person they because lest say that one traitor was a well respected guy and then one day he just snapped.

well my love for everything Japanese makes me go for the bushido. although i doubt you find anyone willing to do it. more then likely in a moment of frenzy they would use the knife to attack anyone near by. so i would say a clean shot tot he back of the head is probably the best way to execute someone. 


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