Wicked Zombies


With the population of the living dwindling,any reasonable survivor must agree that the likeliness of killing off each and every one of the infected is nearly impossible. If we kould train and domesticate the undead to ignore the urges that kauses them to attack kould we eliminate the threat?

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Dr. Logan is the doctor in the original Day of the Dead by George A. Romero. he had the theory that a zombie can be domesticated like dogs or cats but the key is reward. where he screwed the pooch was instead of using raw beef (which i admit they didnt have). he used fresh human flesh instead. his theory was sound. his reward needed to be amended.

I couldnt see this working, how can you domesticate a virus? A parasite? In theory, humans and zombies living together in peace and harmony is a novel idea, realistically though...

apparently fire goes harder than anything on the planet so...congrats! Wayne's specialty > zombie virus. but yeah I'm with you on the not coexisting thing. I want the threat absolutely eliminated.

...swagger? are you doubting yourself or are you trying to have a smart mouth? i cant really tell i think you just have a straight forward way of talking (thats equal measure of insulting yet curious and genuinely asking for guidance) but the island idea was exceptionally on point. im retired. and i have no idea what im talking about. but if i were person who thought about this stuff having an island would be the final solution and/or step to a billion dollar idea. i mean, if you wanna renig thats cool, but i thought it was rather cool of you.

because youre smart. so it would be insulting to anyone who didnt think so.

can i give you a suggestion?

hm? yes? celebrities often build islands off the coasts of vacation spots. look into what it would take to build a home on one or perhaps have one manufactured, specifically for what you were talking about above. and change your name to srgt. sleeper. goodnight love. <3

why not use one already built? like Alcatraz. it would be crude as far as living goes. but that would be the most feasible training island for training stinkers to kill their own kind. that way if something went wrong. just bomb the building.

I thought about alcatraz right off the top of my head and then I thought about Sleeper's instinct and decided he's better off making something like that for himself, without a prison. I like the idea of having something fortified on an island; I don't like the idea of him thinking about a prison. minor tweak.

i still think it would be good measure to domesticate only 10 of them. then freeze them when done. yes. it would be a bad idea to have them like pets in the movie FIDO. but to keep a few as a weapon on ice is sound if you ask me.

yeah, I can dig it.

if you look at as we're trying to clean up the world and rebuild....we go into a city with millions of zombies. you send in the domesticated ones to clear it out. but just 10. on ice. otherwise it's a little too hectic for me. they'd have to be REALLY well trained. extermination squad for areas humans can't go into.

lol. i would take a bunch of woman bashing thugs...

if we're talking a place to train zombies than yeah a place like alcatraz. but im not living in a prison. so if there were an island for survivors to go to it would be strictly for survivors...but if you wanna train zombies than do it somewhere else with a prison like structure. its like one of those "dont bring the dog in the house" kind of things. have a seperate structure for that.


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