Wicked Zombies


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thats all pretty basic...funny but true!
i will have to read this over before i comment or post. catch ya in a few.
I will read it today as well thanks for the info Komrad.

i to have to admit after reviewing it. that this is just a short bridge version of the guide Max Brooks wrote. and also not well researched. the last place i would want to hole up at is someplace as big a target as a Walmart store. everyone including their sisters cousins brother will head there first and foremost for supplies. if you want a good recommendation on survival read these to books and combine the know how they have. you cant lose.







while one tells you what you need gear wise to survive (The Zombie Survival Guide). the other gives you combat techniques to survive (The Zombie Combat Manual).

actually Rhino, it said that a Walmart etc. was actually not a very good choice...

shit speaking of which, my profile still says Id go to Walmart during the outbreak, lol...gotta change that after much consideration (CRUISE SHIP ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!)
good point. but i will always feel that if a person combines then knowledge of The Zombie Survival Guide and The Zombie Combat Manual, then one will have all the needed info to survive.

How to Survive a Zombie Attack
First things first, you have to know your enemy. Zombies come in two flavors:
fast and slow. Fast are definitely cool, but you'll need more than a baseball bat
and a pair of running sneakers to survive that zombie attack. Slow zombies - well
why the heck would anyone die from a slow zombie? If you can't get away from a
slow zombie, you earned dismemberment.
Let's suppose that you made it through the first 10 minutes of the zombie-fest,
and while most of your town are looking for live flesh to feast on, you're
wondering how to hot-wire a car and get out of town. You need a plan of action...


Interesting in Zombie survival Tips. Living in NYC I need all the help I can get .

Alot of survival is merely common sense, and determination...I mean there are no set rules that guarantee survival in any situation... but each individual has to use theyre head and what they know, what theyre capable of, some will make it and some wont, those of us who prepare will be ready, and when the time comes were already ahead of the game...
glad to know the key to surviving the zombie apocalypse that will ravage 98% of earth's population is available in convenient PDF format.


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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