Wicked Zombies


I had an odd dream and well where else could I share it and not to judged too quicky.

I woke up in a space station in orbit over aplanet that had once been a minnning resource base, saddly I also looked like bill paxton (a young bill I should add). Me a and small group of space marines go down to the planet to investigate (yesitsaliens2) as we search we find thousands of dead bodies human and some monsterious other kind, and then all hell breaks loose. As the sun starts to set we notice some of the bodies are missing and not just the humans. We decide to head back to the main landing station and that's when we are met by a vast horde of zombies alien and human andthey all want the same thing to feast upon us.

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almost sounds like restless limb sundrome but there are other conditions out there that causes that too
Yeah, it's not RLS. It's definitely something else. It's rather interesting though. He really laughed when he saw himself doing it on video.
The best nightmares come when you have a fever. When I was young I had kind of a halucination/dream(but I could swear I was awake) while running a good and high fever. I dont know if anyone ever saw Dont Be Afraid of the Dark(made for tv movie from the 70's), which had hairy little creatures that had wrinkled faces. Well anyway, I saw one in my room, jumping off my night table onto my bed and I screamed like a bitch. That was my alltime favorite nightmare.
I also had a nightmare that Knightrider(yes the car) was chasing me and finally cornered me against a wall and crushed my legs. This was when the show first came out. I was young but I guess its still a little gay if you ask me. Dreams are pretty bugged out.
that is not gay sounds like KIT went all Khristine on you if i had had that dream i would have been freaked out watching knightrider!
Being chased by anything in a dream is freaky. Especially if you're young.

Here's another one. I would have this dream that I would walk through my grandmothers house at night and it was always really dark and lightning. But there were naked Barbies scattered everywhere. Their heads would lift up and bang on the ground over and over. I would always try to walk around the Barbies without touching them. It scared the hell outta me. Now that is silly.
I used to have this reoccurring dream where I was running down the road in a panic looking for people and there weren't any. Everything would be empty. Empty cars. Empty houses. Everyone was gone. It was always on the road that led to my grandma's old, old house. I Am Legend sort of reminded me of that dream. It's weird the dreams stopped suddenly when I was a teen and then in the last couple of years they've become quite vivid again. I seem to be the one in the family who remembers my dreams the most.
One of the worst dreams I ever had was a never ending nightmare.I can't remember all the scenarios,but everytime the nightmare was getting worse I'd realise it was a dream & wake up,except I never did!
It was all part of the nightmare I never actually woke up,I was dreaming that I had.
I like up sweating the next day & my bed was a right mess.
like a music cd set to repeat but each time worse then the next. i have had a few of those.
That's right.
Just as it all gets really awful I'd sit bolt upright & think "Thank god it was only a dream" except I'd only dreampt I'd done it & so it went on for 8 hours till my alarm went off.
There is nothing worse during sleeping than waking up covered in sweat. It happens to me every time I have a bad dream.


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