Wicked Zombies


I had an odd dream and well where else could I share it and not to judged too quicky.

I woke up in a space station in orbit over aplanet that had once been a minnning resource base, saddly I also looked like bill paxton (a young bill I should add). Me a and small group of space marines go down to the planet to investigate (yesitsaliens2) as we search we find thousands of dead bodies human and some monsterious other kind, and then all hell breaks loose. As the sun starts to set we notice some of the bodies are missing and not just the humans. We decide to head back to the main landing station and that's when we are met by a vast horde of zombies alien and human andthey all want the same thing to feast upon us.

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Diagnosis - too much zombie media and purple nurpling.

I use to have a dream that John Stamos as Uncle Jesse was single handedly trying to take over the world with a gigantic ball of goo. I had that dream weekly for YEARS. It was terrifying. I watched too much Full House. Toooooo much.

I'm sadly not kidding.
I think uncle jesse almost beats the raccoons and their bouncing balls....almost
I've realized I'm far more fucked up than I thought I was in the last 12 hours. Thanks Wicked Zombies! lol

Nothing beats the bouncing balls. You have to watch the movie to get it.

I had to edit out my last sentence. I've had too much wine to keep talking about balls.
i can understand a dream like this brother. i have a dream every now and then that the zombie apocolypse happens while i visit my sister and she lives in government housing. so while i am there, i cant carry my pistol by law (major fucked up place to be). i still get that dream every now and then. lol.
I've had a lot of fucked up dreams lately and I'm typically battling/running from something. A lot of them have been about missing plane flights. Typically flights that are so important someone might die if I don't get on it. It's damn weird.

In one of them, I had a dream that the Kardashian sisters were my cousins and they were keeping me from my flight. I wanted to hurt them. I wish zombies had been there to bite their faces off.
Were you a sleepwalker as a child? I was. I would do really weird stuff in my sleep. Sometimes my parents would wake up and I'd be standing at the end of their bed with my teeth chattering. Talk about creepy. One time my mom found me in the kitchen sitting on the counter with a cereal bowl on my head. Sleepwalkers can do some weird
stuff. My stepmom can say the ABCs in her sleep. She's a big sleep talker. I've grown out of sleepwalking, now I have insomnia. Lately it's really amazing if I'm asleep before 6AM. It's not healthy. The dreams have been more intense too. Maybe they're putting something in the water. You know, them... ;)
Sounds like you have some serious night terrors there buddy. Probably shouldn't take Ambien. That shit will make you really do weird stuff in your sleep if you have that problem.
Seriously, I just admitted to being found with a cereal bowl on my head in the middle of the night. Night terrors are a real issue that lots of people deal with. I know for a fact that I have had trouble sleeping my entire life and it really is awful. There are lots of strange things I remember from sleepwalking that are hard to know if they were real or not. At least I never fell down the stairs and hurt myself. My rooms were always upstairs.

It also makes me wonder if my daughter will have the issue. She sleeps pretty crappy too and I never, ever want her to go through what I went through. It was so bad as a kid I really feared bedtime. It's interesting how much of an effect it's had on me as an adult. It's probably why I will stay up so late. That and waiting for Scatoma to get off.
"So I go smoke for a couple hours than back to bed, lmao" Awesome cure! #1
i've only had one sleepwalking event... i mostly talk in my sleep now days
I do some talking in my sleep. Much less these days. I did it a lot as a teenager. Someone was talking about fevers and weird dreams. I remember having awful dreams while sick.

When we ladies are pregnant we have insane dreams too. Some of the weirdest dreams I've had were when I was pregnant and on bed rest. They were highly vivid. I've forgotten them all though. A few were absolutely horrifying. Sometimes the nightmares were about distorted babies. No fun.
I absolutely LOVE hardcore nightmares. I have weird sleeping habits though, but I will let kasumalley explain better.
Ooo I can't believe I get to tell this one.

He falls asleep. Kicks his right leg. Then kicks his left leg 2-3 times. Then lifts his right arm. Then lifts his left arm. Then raises his left hand to his face. Then he hits himself in the face over and over and sleeps through it. Sometimes I get whacked. We're trying to figure out what the issue is. It's actually a condition. Some twitchy muscle thing and we're both epileptic. But it's in that order every single time. I have video footage of it that I lost. Damn it. lol

In all fairness I kick, steal covers/pillows, smack him to check that he's still there and often wake up in a panic telling him someone has broke in. We're quite a pair.


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