Wicked Zombies



Brain parasites, genetic transformation in the human rabies virus, neurogenesis, nanobots, rage virus, space radiation; a few of the many ways the undead could come to exist. As technology advances and new trials of experimental drugs begin the chances of a zombie outbreak become more and more likely. The naive believe that the mere existence of zombies is impossible. Good, the prepared will have time to make a getaway as the unprepared are feasted upon by the undead. The small fraction of those who do believe that zombies will soon rise are either A. unprepared or B. think that they’ll hold up with there firearm(s). Guns run out of bullets, need to be reloaded, jam, misfire, and their loudness attract undead. They are by all means, unreliable weapons. The only reliable weapon you’ll have in your arsenal against the undead is your own body. Now I’m not suggesting you try to kill a zombie with your bare hands; but you can use your muscles to swing, throw, and push objects that can be used to kill zombies.

The strenuous activities you will be completing while fighting and escaping the undead are not for the faint of heart. Even those who are already in great shape most likely do not have the ‘go muscle’ required to survive a zombie outbreak. Those looking to develop the ‘go muscle’, well they turn to Fit Zombie.

Fit Zombie is an intense program that was designed to get you into the best possible shape in the least amount of time. There are over 45 workouts that are specially designed to transform you into the ultimate version of yourself. The workouts encompass all levels of fitness from the beginners to the elite. Whether you are working out for the first time in years, or are a fitness guru – you’ll find a level that works for you. As you get into the program you will “level up” and complete more intense workouts to keep yourself challenged and NEVER plateau.

These workouts develop your strength, power, agility, speed, vertical leap, explosive movement, flexibility, balance, hand-eye coordination, endurance — and develop skills like combat and parkour. I probably don’t have to tell you why these skills are necessary to survive a zombie apocalypse, but I will anyways. Strength, combat, power, explosive movement, and hand-eye coordination are required to kill zombies as well as barricading doors, windows, and other entrances. The rest of the athletic abilities are necessary for escaping undead and preventing injury.

You won’t always have this opportunity — the first zombie outbreak can happen at anytime. Join the rest of the survivors TODAY and become a part of the elite fitness group Fit Zombie.

If Survival Alone Isn’t Enough to Motivate You, Maybe This Will…

Being one of the few survivors in the zombie apocalypse sounds appealing, but there are more reasons to try this program than just that. Just take a look at a FEW of the many benefits that anyone who tries this program will receive.

Shred fat and pack on muscle. This program has proven time and time again to annihilate fat and add pounds of muscle. Most fitness and diet programs promise pounds of weight loss, but what they don’t tell you is that most of this weight loss is water weight and sometimes even precious muscle tissue. Fit Zombie is perfect for shredding fat while maintaining muscle mass and increasing strength. If you’ve ever wanted a six pack, Fit Zombie will help you obtain it faster than any other program.

Increased ability to compete in virtually any sport. Did you read all of the physical attributes you’ll be training in this program? If you did you’ve probably already realized that this program will give you a HUGE advantage during sports. Rest assured that none of the other players will have the advantage you do. Plus we’ve included specialized sports training workouts for football, soccer, and wrestling.

Workout without leaving your home! Many people lack the time or money to go to the gym. Well that excuse flies right out the window with Fit Zombie because there is absolutely no expensive gym equipment required! When the zombie outbreak does happen and you’ve secured an area you’ll still be able to complete these workouts and stay fit.

Control and prevent illnesses and diseases. It’s a widely known fact that exercising regularly helps combat certain diseases and illnesses as well as manage existing diseases and illnesses. Regular exercise can also add years to your life and studies have shown that those who exercise are 45% less likely to die an early death.

More energy, stamina, endurance, and confidence. If you have kids, a job that keeps you on your feet, or are just always busy, you’ll benefit from the increased energy, stamina, and endurance. Not to mention you’ll be a beast in the bedroom.

Never spend another penny on fitness or diet products ever again. Fit Zombie is the only fitness product you’ll ever need to get in amazing shape, and stay that way. You will never need to buy expensive gym equipment, supplements, diet plans, or fad products ever again.

Enjoy the challenge. Though you may not realize it now – when you start working out you will LOVE the challenge that these workouts present. You might want to curse us out while you’re completing the workouts, but when you’re done you will feel AWESOME.

How Fit Zombie Works

Fit Zombie is like no other fitness program ever created. Each workout is designed to pound certain muscle groups using over one hundred different bodyweight exercises. The different variations of bodyweight exercises challenge your body in a way that mimics the strains of everyday living in a zombie apocalyptic world.

There are 8 categories of workouts to train different skills — long distance running, sprinting, vertical leap and explosive movement, combat, core training, full body strength, and the optional specialized sports and parkour workouts. Rest assured that your body will be combat-ready, flight-ready, warrior-ready, and most importantly, zombie-ready.

Most of the workouts are anywhere from 15-45 minutes long, but you’ll be exercising at such an intense level that you’ll be getting more out of these workouts than elite athletes get from 2-3 hour workouts. Why did we make the workouts shorter (but more effective)? Because we know you don’t have time to piss around, and if you’re living in a zombie wasteland then you really don’t have time to piss around.

If you were looking for a fitness program filled with long and boring cardio workouts that get little to no results, you’re in the wrong place. The workouts in this program are so unique and challenging that when you’re done, you’ll be sweating and wanting more. The workouts will never get old, because as your fitness level advances you’ll be completing new and more challenging workouts.

There are 5 levels of workouts — Beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert, and elite. The program was designed this way so it would be accessible to those who are overweight, live a sedentary lifestyle, or just aren’t use to the physical demands of bodyweight exercises. Even those who start at the beginning level will eventually move on up to the elite workouts, where even the most elite athletes will find a challenge. How long it takes to get there solely depends on your commitment to this program.

Each workout practices injury prevention by including specialized warm up stretches and exercises to get you warmed up and to help increase flexibility.

This Program Works — But it’s NOT for Everyone

Yes, this program WILL work for you — but you have to have determination. I don’t want you going into this program without fitness deeply implanted into your mind.

If you have the heart to really commit to Fit Zombie, then there is no question that you’ll see results – and you’ll love them.

Now if this program isn’t for you, it is most certainly not for any of these reasons…

You are too old

You are too young

You are overweight

You are a couch potato

You don’t care about zombies; you just want a hot body

You haven’t worked out in years

You are a woman

The list goes on…

All of these reasons are just scapegoats for those who are too lazy to change their life. If any of these reasons apply to you then you’ve found the biggest reason(s) to get into this program, right NOW.

Fit Zombie – The Complete Package

This is your secret weapon against the undead. This program will help you develop the jaw-dropping physique you’ve always wanted and your performance levels will be off the charts. Rest assured that this is the only fitness program you’ll ever need. Remember that this program won’t be around forever. So stop wasting the little time you have left before the first zombie outbreak and get this program TODAY.


The Complete 6-Component
Fit Zombie Fitness Training System:

Component 1: Fit Zombie Workout Program (Value: $297)
This is it, your key to fitness mastery. This instantly downloadable 126-page manual is the exact material that people all over the world are using RIGHT NOW to prepare for the oncoming zombie apocalypse, to obtain a ripped physique, and to reach an elite athletic level. Are you disciplined enough to take THE CHALLENGE?

Every effective fitness secret was used to create the 40+ workouts in this manual. These super-charged workouts will ignite fat loss and pack on a ton of ‘go muscle’; the functional muscle you need to be ready anytime, anywhere. You can start getting into zombie ass-kicking shape in just MINUTES using this manual. So what are you waiting for?

Component 2: Fit Zombie Nutrition Plan (Value:$97)
This diet plan was specially designed for the Fit Zombie workout program and for those who don’t have time to piss around making 2 hour recipes. With almost 100 food items on the menu it’s as easy as shopping for the right foods, eating at the right time, and eating the correct portions.
The nutrition plan features two diets; the fat loss diet, and the muscle growth diet. The fat loss diet will help you shred pounds of fat while the muscle growth diet with help you gain tons of ‘go-muscle’.

Component 3: A to Zombie Exercise Guide (Value: $97)
This is a key component to your success with this program. The exercise guide details over 100 exercises that you’ll encounter during the workout program. Even if you’re completely new to exercising you’ll be able to pick up these exercises in just a few steps.
The exercise guide encompasses exercises of all difficulties; from the lunge, to the 1-leg squat, from the knee pushup, to the handstand pushup. This exercise guide is crucial as many of the exercises in this guide are not easily available to watch or read about online.

Component 4: Fit Zombie Parkour Workout (Value: $27)
This is the ultimate parkour workout. Parkour is a discipline based on swift and efficient movement throughout the environment. That means getting over, under, and through any obstacles that one may encounter. I don’t have to tell you how crucial this skill is for anyone who wants to survive the zombie apocalypse.

In this guide you’ll find our specially designed parkour workout that will build the kind of functional strength and mobility you’ll need if you ever want to practice parkour. Not only that, but we’ve included instructions on how to start practicing parkour. Learn the basics like landing and rolling, then learn how to do more advanced moves like wall jumping and vaults.

Component 5: Fit Zombie Dumbbell Workouts (Value: $27)Dumbbell workouts were included in this program for those who enjoy traditional weightlifting. If you prefer dumbbells over bodyweight exercises then you can replace the strength workouts in the fitness program with our specially designed dumbbell workouts.
There are three workouts in this guide designed to hit every major and small muscle group. If you want an extra challenge you can rotate these workouts with the bodyweight workouts that are already in the program. These workouts are completely optional so don’t worry if you don’t have access to dumbbells.

Component 6: Fit Zombie Lifetime Membership (Value: $97)
This membership card gives you INSTANT access to all future updates and bonuses. That means you can try the revolutionary new material before anyone else. Some bonuses may only be available to those who have the program as they’re released, so get it TODAY before you miss out. Projects in the workshop: Fit Zombie Survival Guide, Fit Zombie Weekend Warriors Guide, and Fit Zombie Weapon Handling Workouts.

And because you’re visiting the site during our 52% off LAUNCH SPECIAL, you have the opportunity to get the full 6-component package valued at $642 for the special discounted investment of:
$97 $47

After the initial introductory stage the price will rise to $97 — So get it while it’s discounted!

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Replies to This Discussion

This looks like a workout that will keep us Komradz fit. 

i want to know more about this. sounds cool.

seems similar to the Insanity workouts I did last year, these types of programs are great but they reqire some serious serious work...cool find Komrad


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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