Wicked Zombies


okay so we pretty mukh so far have kovered the 70's up to the 00's with all of our top ten ( or more) pikks for good horror films. Which all the lists are great i've seen several movies that I had forgotten about. With this list I want to hear about your favorite horror series even if it's some khessey blokk of movies like the Ginger Snaps films. Hell even if there were only two movies made in the running of the series

Mine in no real order

The Sleep Away Camp series
Maniac Cop
Puppet Master
American Werewolf in london/paris
Resident Evil
House (all but part 2)

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Hell Raiser
Resident Evil
The Prophecy
28 Days/Weeks
Night/Day Watch
I forgot Jeepers Creepers
Romero's Dead series
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Nightmare On Elmstreet
Evil Dead trilogy
Aliens movies
Resident Evil trilogy
Starship Troopers (the book as well)
Return of Living Dead
Subspecies (most full moon films really)
Toxic Avenger
Twilight (just kidding) (never seen it)
You told me you seen Twilight 4 times in the movies.
Actually I took my 11 and 13 year old daughters to see New Moon in the theater and here is my question:

Having never seen the first movie or read a word of that retard shit can somebody tell me why the fuck these two bad ass monsters are fighting over this bipolar hag. In real life she would be fucking wolf food. Please explain.
I could explain but then i would have to defend myself as to how I know and why i was telling you and then.... oh crap nevermind
i wanted to also add

the final destinations

the rush hour series

the whole alien/predator series (which they now sell a complete box set of YAY!!)
Ginger Snaps was dope!
Here goes:
Romero's Dead films
Texas Chainsaw massacre
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm Street
Evil Dead
Return of the Living Dead
Resident Evil
The Howling(love the first, sequels sucked, but I guess its still a series)
Hellraiser(the first four rocked, the last four..awful, but i'd still buy part 9 when it comes out)
shit there is 8!!!!!!!! I have seen like 5 maybe.
after part 4, your not missing anything brother. part 5 on down the line, Pinhead is seldom ever seen and he makes the Hellraiser series.

Rob Zombie movies


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Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on June 26, 2023 at 1:00am

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